GB/T 18043-2013 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT 18043-2013, GB/T18043-2013, GBT18043-2013): Jewellery - Determination of precious metal content - Method using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 8 Dis 2014 - 22 halaman This Standard specifies the methods and requirements for applying X-ray fluorescence spectrometry to determine the precious metal content in jewellery. This Standard applies to qualitative analysis for jewellery and other art-wares. And it also applies to the screening test of precious metal content (gold, silver, platinum, and palladium) in jewellery and other art-wares. |
Istilah dan frasa biasa
according to Formula Annex arbitration method calculated according calibrated Combined uncertainty correction curve uc crucible C.3.6 curve For serial customer agrees determination of precious draw the correction element’s content Expanded uncertainty Figure B.1 Formula B.2 Formula B.3 GB/T Inconformity inconsistency of sample induction furnace Jewellery linear correction curve Linear uncertainty Link section low limit Main body surface measurement of reference measurement results Measuring Measuring position Measured multiple instrument-measurements nominal value non-uniformity For measurement Number of measurement precious metal content Products Quality Supervision reference materials ub Relative standard deviation Repeatability of measurement result calculation results Measuring position Sample mass sample non-uniformity shown in Table standard value Supervision and Testing Table B.6 test in accordance total uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty caused Uncertainty of Class uncertainty of correction Uncertainty of linear Uncertainty of reference uncertainty ua Uncertainty ud caused uncertainty Uncertainty components value and measured value Corrected value value of sample X-ray fluorescence spectrometry