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NOTWITHSTANDING the diffidence expressed in the foregoing Preface, no fooner was the work completed, but many of its positions were vehemently attacked by zealots of all (even oppofite) denominations, religious as well as civil; by Some with a greater, by others with a lefs degree of acrimony. To fuch of these animadverters as have fallen within the author's notice (for he doubts not but fome have escaped it) he owes at least this obligation; that they have occafioned him from time to time to revise his work, in respect to the particulars objected to; to retract or expunge from it what appeared to be really erroneous ; to amend or fupply it when inaccurate or defective; to illustrate and explain it when obfcure. But, where he thought the objections ill-founded, he hath left and shall leave the book to defend itself: being fully of opinion, that if his principles be falfe and his doctrines unwarrantable, no apology from himSelf can make them right; if founded in truth and rectitude, no cenfure from others can make them wrong.




concerning the ninth edition.

THE editor judges it indispensible to preserve

the author's text intire. The alterations which will be found therein, since the publication of the last edition, were made by the author himself, as may appear from a corrected copy in his own handwriting*. What the editor hath chiefly attended to is, to note the alterations made by subsequent acts of parliament. These, together with fome few other neceffary observations, in order to prevent confufion, are inferted separate and distinct at the bottom of the page.

July 20, 1783.


To be feen at Mr. Cadell's in the Strand.


concerning this eleventh edition.

IN this edition, as in the last, the author's text is preserved intire. The editor hath added not only the alterations made by acts of parliament subsequent to the publication of the last edition, but also references to the Term Reports, which have been fince published. Some manuscript cases in the editor's possession are also noticed in this edition, wherein the authority of fome passages in these commentaries hath been denied. These, together with fome notes and observations of his own, the editor hath inferted separate and distinct at the bottom of the page. The notes added in the tenth edition, are enclosed in brackets, thus [ ), and marked with Italic references; and those added to the present edition, thus ( ).

Temple, Jan. 12, 1791.

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