Select Letters Taken from Fog's Weekly Journal ...Printed; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1732 |
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Abuſes Adminiſtration Affairs affert againft almoſt alſo Anſwer Author becauſe beſt betwixt Buſineſs call'd Cauſe Conftitution Conſequence conſider Corruption Country Courſe Cuſtom Damn'd Deſign Diſaffected eaſy Emperor England eſpecially Eſteem Expence fafe faid fame Favour fince firſt fome France fuch fure gain'd give himſelf Honour Houſe infinuate Inſtances Intereſt itſelf juſt King laſt leaft leſs Liberty Maſter Meaſures Minifters moſt muſt Nation neceſſary never Number obſerv'd Obſervation Occaſion Oppoſition Parliament paſs Penſions Perſons pleaſed Power preſent Prince publick Purpoſe Queſtion rais'd raiſe Reaſon Repreſentatives Reſpect ſaid ſame SATURDAY ſay ſee ſeems ſeen Senſe ſent ſet ſeveral ſhall ſhe ſhew ſhort ſhould ſince ſmall ſome ſometimes Spain ſpeaking ſtand ſtill ſtrange ſuch tell themſelves theſe theſe Gentlemen theſe Things thoſe thouſand Treaty Treaty of Hanover Treaty of Seville Treaty of Vienna Troops Ulrick uſed Walfingham whoſe wife and able World wou'd Writings
Petikan popular
Halaman 59 - Would he were fatter! but I fear him not: Yet if my name were liable to fear, I do not know the man I should avoid So soon as that spare Cassius.
Halaman 39 - Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That...
Halaman 276 - I'll readily give you Damn'd ignorant prelates, and counsellors privy. Then let us no longer by parsons be flamm'd, For we know by these marks the place of the damn'd: And HELL to be sure is at Paris or Rome. How happy for us that it is not at home!
Halaman 276 - Privy, Then let us no longer by Parfons be flamm'd, For We know by thefe Marks, the Place of the Damn'd : And HELL to be fure is at Paris or Rome, How happy for Us, that it is not at Home ! APOLLO: Or, a PROBLEM fohed.
Halaman 39 - Being for difabling Perfons from being chofen Members of, or fitting or voting in the Houfe of Commons, who have any Penfion during Pleafure, or for any Number of Years, or any Offices holden in Truft for them...
Halaman 40 - And by every fuch member of the houfe of commons, at the table in the middle of the faid houfe, and...
Halaman 40 - Houfe, as aforefaid, fuch Member fhall be, and is hereby adjudged and declared to be guilty of wilful and corrupt Perjury, and being thereof convicted by due Courfe of Law, fhall incur and fuffer the Pains and Penalties, which, by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, are...
Halaman 39 - ... sworn and declared, that they had not directly, nor indirectly, any pension during pleasure, or for any number of years, or any office in part, or in the whole, held for them, or for their benefit, by any persons whatsoever; and that they would not accept any such pensions or offices, without signifying the same to the house within fourteen days after they should be received or accepted.
Halaman 40 - Number of Years, or any Office from the Crown, in Part, or in the Whole, held in Truft for him, or...
Halaman 37 - People ; for,, firit, altho' this Influence appears to be that of the Crown, it may become virtually • that of the Minifter, and be applied to...