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" Being for difabling Perfons from being chofen Members of, or fitting or voting in the Houfe of Commons, who have any Penfion during Pleafure, or for any Number of Years, or any Offices holden in Truft for them... "
Select Letters Taken from Fog's Weekly Journal ... - Halaman 39
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Historical Register

1732 - 392 halaman
...difabling Perftms from being chofen, Members of, or fitting or voting in the Houfe of Commons, who have any Penfion during Pleafure, or for any Number of Years, or any Offices held in Truft for them ; which was received and read a firft Time, and ordered to be read a...
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The Political State of Great Britain, Jilid 45,Bhgn 2

1733 - 396 halaman
...difabling Perfons from being chofen Members of, or fitting or voting in the Houfe of Commons, who have any Penfion during Pleafure, or for any Number of Years, or any Offices held in Truft for them ; which was agreed to without any Oppofition ; and Mr. Sandys and Sir...
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The Historical Register: Containing an Impartial Relation of All ..., Jilid 15

1730 - 396 halaman
...fokmnly and fincerely prowife andf-wear, that I will not receive, accept or take, diretlly or indireftly, during the Time of my being a Member of this Parliament, any Penfan during Pleafi>re, or for any Number of Years, or any other Gratuity or Reward -inhatfatver,...
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The History and Proceedings of the House of Lords, from the Restoration in ...

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords - 1742 - 516 halaman
...and fticerefy fromiie and faiear. that I will not receive, ac^'pt or take, diretlly or indireflly, during the Time of my being a Member of this Parliament, any Ptnfiou daring Pleafure, nr for any Number of Tears, or any other Gratuity cr .Reti,ur.J •whatfoever,...
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A compleat collection of all the protests made in the House of lords from ...

Parliament lords, proc - 1747 - 520 halaman
...difabling Perfons from being chofen Members oft:er fitting or > voting in the Houle of Comment, who have any Penfion during Pleafure, or for any Number of Years, or any Offices holden in Truft for them, by -obliging all Perfons hereafter to be chofen toferve for the Commons...
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A Genuine and Complete Collection of All the Protests Made in the ..., Jilid 2

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords - 1748 - 264 halaman
...difablingPerfons from being ehofen Members of, of fitting orv' voting in theHoufe.of Caramons, who have any Penfion during Pleafure, or for any Number of Years, or any; Offices holden in Truft for them, by obliging all Perfons hereafter to be ehofen to ferve for the Commons...
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A genuine and complete collection of all the protests made in the ..., Jilid 2

Parliament lords, proc - 1748 - 244 halaman
...difabling Perfons from being chofen Members of, or fitting or voting in the Houfe of Commons, who have any Penfion during Pleafure, or for any Number of Years, or any Offices held in Truft for them. Afcer Debate, propofed to reject the Bill. Moved to order, That the...
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The Continuation of Mr. Rapin's History of England: From the ..., Jilid 8

Nicolas Tindal - 1759 - 674 halaman
...of parliament, viz. '* I do folemnly and fincerely fwear, that I have not, directly or indirectly, any penfion during pleafure, or for any number of years, or any office, in part, or in the whole, from the crown, held for me, or for my benefit, by any perfon whatfoever...
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A Complete History of England: From the Descent of Julius Caesar ..., Jilid 10

Tobias Smollett - 1759 - 478 halaman
...houfe, by which they muft have folemnly fworn and declared, that they had not directly nor indirectly, any penfion during pleafure, or for any number of years, .or any office in part, or in the whole, held for them or for their benefit, by any perfons whatfoever •...
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A Complete Collection of the Lords' Protests,: From the First Upon ..., Jilid 2

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords - 1767 - 446 halaman
...difabling Perfons from being chofen Members of, or fitting or voting in the Houfe of Commons, who have any Penfion during Pleafure, or for any Number of Years, or any Offices holden in Truft for them, by obliging all Perfons hereafter to be chofen to fcrve for the Commons...
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