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Books Buku
" ... sworn and declared, that they had not directly, nor indirectly, any pension during pleasure, or for any number of years, or any office in part, or in the whole, held for them, or for their benefit, by any persons whatsoever; and that they would not... "
Select Letters Taken from Fog's Weekly Journal ... - Halaman 39
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The Historical Register: Containing an Impartial Relation of All ..., Jilid 15

1730 - 396 halaman fohmnty and jincerely fwear, that I have not direftly or indireftly, any fenfion during Plea/ure, or for any Number of Years, or any Office in Part, or in the ip>anle, from the Crown, held for Wi or f0r my Benefit, by 'any Per fun whatfoever ; and I do fokmnly...
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The Continuation of Mr. Rapin's History of England: From the ..., Jilid 8

Nicolas Tindal - 1759 - 674 halaman
...parliament, viz. '* I do folemnly and fincerely fwear, that I have not, directly or indirectly, any penfion during pleafure, or for any number of years, or any office, in part, or in the whole, from the crown, held for me, or for my benefit, by any perfon whatfoever ; and I do folemnly and fincerely...
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A Complete History of England: From the Descent of Julius Caesar ..., Jilid 10

Tobias Smollett - 1759 - 478 halaman
...they muft have folemnly fworn and declared, that they had not directly nor indirectly, any penfion during pleafure, or for any number of years, .or any office in part, or in the whole, held for them or for their benefit, by any perfons whatfoever • and, that they would not accept any...
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The British Chronologist: Comprehending Every Material Occurrence ..., Jilid 2

1775 - 484 halaman
...ri* . " I AB do fnlcmnly and finccrely, that I have not direflly or indireflljr any penfion during pleafure, or for any number of years, or any office in parlor in the •-. hole from the crown held for me, or for my benefit, by any perfon whatfc ever:...
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The History of England: From the Revolution in 1688 to the Death of George ...

Tobias Smollett - 1800 - 594 halaman
...they mult have iblemnly fworn and, declared, that they had not directly, nor indirectly, any penfion during pleafure, or for any number of years, or any office in parr, or in the w.hole, held for them, or for their -benefit, by any perfons whatfoever ; and that...
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The History of England: From the Revolution to the Death of George the ...

Tobias Smollett - 1810 - 590 halaman
...solemply sworn and declared, that they had not directly, nor indirectly, any pension during pleasure, or for any number of years, or any' office in part, or in the whole, held for them, or for their benefit, by any persons whatsoever ; and that they would not accept any...
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The History of England: From the Revolution to the Death of George the ...

Tobias Smollett - 1810 - 580 halaman
...solemnly sworn and declared, that they had not directly, nor indirectly, any pension during pleasure, or for any number of years, or any office in part, or in the whole, held for thv;m, or for their benefit, by any persons whatsoever ; and that they would not accept any...
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The History of England: From the Invasion of Julius Cæsar, to the ..., Jilid 9

David Hume - 1810 - 582 halaman
...solemnly -sworn and declared, that they had not directly, nor indirectly, any pension during pleasure, or for any number of years, or any office in part, or in the whole, held for them, or for their benefit, by any persons whatsoever ; and that they would not accept any...
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The History of England: From the Revolution in 1688, to the Death of George ...

Tobias Smollett - 1822 - 512 halaman
...solemnly sworn and declared, that they had not directly, nor indirectly, any pension during pleasure, or for any number of years, or any office in part, or in the whole, held for them, or for their benefit, by any persons whatsoever; and that they would not accept any...
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The Chronology of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: Comprehending ...

Henry Boyle - 1826 - 704 halaman
...~ "I, AB, do solemnly swear, that I have not directly, or indirectly, any pension during pleasure, or for any number of years, or any office, in part, or in the whole, from tlie crown held for me, or for my benefit by any person whatsoever ; and I do solemnly and sincerely...
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