Niemeyers Zeitschrift für internationales Recht, Jilid 29Gedruckt bei Schmidt & Klaunig, 1921 |
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abgabepflichtig Abkommen aéronefs alien Aliens Act allemand Anmeldung Anspruch Article Artikel Ausgleichsamt Ausländer Berlin besonders Bestimmungen biens British subject case certificate of naturalization Commission Deutsche Reich deutschen Reichsangehörigen Deutschland droit international Eigentum Elsaß-Lothringer England englischen Entscheidung erst États contractants être Fall Frage français Frankreich französische Staatsangehörigkeit Friedens Friedensvertrages Friedensvertrages von Versailles Gebiete gemäß Gemischten Schiedsgerichtshof Gericht German Gesetz Gouvernement Grund Grundsatz heißt Inland Institut intérêts International Law Jahre juristischen Krieges l'article l'Office land läßt lichen Liquidation London made Mannheimer Akte muß nationals nichtig Niemeyer Order Partie person Polen Politik polnischen Privatrechts property provisions purpose Rechte und Interessen rechtlich Regierung Reichsfinanzhof Reichsministerium für Wiederaufbau Repressalie respect rights Rußland Schiedsgericht Schuld Schweiz Secretary of State section soll Staatsverträge Steuer Steuerpflicht Teil Traité Treaty Tribunal United Kingdom unserer Urteil Vereinigten Staaten Verfasser Vermögen Versailler Frieden Versailler Vertrag Vertrags von Versailles Völker Völkerbund Völkerrecht Vorkriegsverträge Weltkrieg Wissenschaft Wohnsitz
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Halaman 123 - 28. — 1. The enactments mentioned in the Third Schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent specified in the third column of that schedule. 2. This Act may be cited as the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1914. 3. This Act shall come into operation on the first day of January nineteen hundred and fifteen.
Halaman 342 - one of the principal allied and associated powers; or to which it is entitled by virtue of any Act or Acts of Congress; or otherwise. „See. 5. All property of the Imperial German Government, or its successor or successors, and of all German nationals, which was. on April 6, 1917, in or has since that date come into the
Halaman 138 - 1. If any person acts in contravention of, or fails to comply with, any provisions of this Order, or any order or rules made or conditions imposed or directions given thereunder, he shall be guilty of an offence against this Order.
Halaman 128 - Kingdom in contravention of this Act, the master of the ship or the pilot or commander of the aircraft from which he lands shall, unless he proves to the contrary, be deemed to have aided and abetted the offence. 4. A person who is guilty of an offence against this Act shall be liable on summary conviction to
Halaman 418 - 5. The present Treaty shall be ratified by the two High Contracting Parties in the manner prescribed by their national constitutions, and the ratifications shall be exchanged as soon as possible. The Treaty shall take effect immediately after the exchange of ratifications, and shall continue in force for a period of five years, and it shall thereafter remain in
Halaman 117 - 3. Where a certificate of naturalization is revoked the former holder thereof shall be regarded as an alien and as a subject of the state to which he belonged at the time the certificate was granted. 8. — 1. The Government of any British Possession shall have the same power to grant
Halaman 399 - authorised by their respective Governments, have signed the present Agreement and have affixed thereto their seals. Done in duplicate at London, in English and German texts, the 31st day of December, 1920.
Halaman 128 - 2. If any person aids or abets any person in any contravention of this Act or knowingly harbours any person whom he knows or has reasonable ground for believing to have acted in contravention of this Act, he shall be guilty of an offence against this Act. 3. Where a person lands in
Halaman 346 - with respect to any act or election on the part of the United States, from the date of the coming into force of the present Treaty, Article III. The present Treaty shall be ratified in accordance with the constitutional forms of the High Contracting Parties and shall take effect immediately on the
Halaman 114 - In the case of a woman who was a British subject previously to her marriage to an alien, and whose husband has died or whose marriage has been dissolved, the requirements of this section as to residence shall not apply and the Secretary of State may in any other special case, if he