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Books Buku
" One of the greatest blessings we enjoy, one of the greatest blessings a people, my lords, can enjoy, is liberty ; but every good, in this life, has its alloy of evil. Licentiousness is the alloy of liberty : it is an ebullition, an excrescence : it is... "
The History and Proceedings of the House of Lords from the Restoration in ... - Halaman 209
oleh Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords - 1742
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The British Plutarch: Containing the Lives of the Most Eminent ..., Jilid 6

1791 - 316 halaman
...I 6 of . of Liberty. One of the greareft bleffings we enjoy, one of the greattft bleffings a people can enjoy, is liberty, — but every good in this life has its alloy of evil. Licentioufnefs is the' alloy of liberty ; it is an ebullition, an excrefcence ; it is...
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The Genuine Trial of Thomas Paine, for a Libel Contained in the Second Part ...

Thomas Paine, Edward Hodgson - 1792 - 140 halaman
...culty of (liftinguifhing between liberty and licen" tioufiiefs ; one of the greateft bleffings people can " enjoy is liberty ; but every good in this life has " its alloy." Lord Kenyan. I believe the writer of the life of Dr. Johafoa fpeaks of that very fpeech, and...
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The History of England: From the Revolution to the Death of George the Second. 4

Tobias George Smollett - 1793 - 376 halaman
...hands of liberty. One of the greateft bleflings we enjoy, one " of the greateft bleflings a people can enjoy , is " liberty. But every good in this life has its allay c HA f . " of evil. Licentioufnefs is the allay of liberty. It v. " is an ebullition, an excrefcence;...
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The Manual of Liberty, Or, Testimonies in Behalf of the Rights of Mankind ...

1795 - 432 halaman
...No. 32, and vol. ii. ONE of the greatest blessings we enjoy, ons of the greatest blessings a people can enjoy, is liberty; but every good in this life has its alloy of evil; licentiousness is the alloy of liberty; it is an ebullition, and excrescence ; it is...
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Memoirs of the Life of Charles Macklin, Esq: Principally Compiled from His ...

James Thomas Kirkman - 1799 - 510 halaman
...updn thte hands of liberty— one of the greatefb bfeffings; we enjoy, one of the greateff bieffings a people, my Lords, can enjoy, is liberty. But every good in' this life has its allay of evil : licentioufneis is the allay ofliberty; it is an ebullition, an excrefcence — it is a fpeck upon...
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The History of England: From the Revolution in 1688 to the Death of George ...

Tobias Smollett - 1800 - 594 halaman
...liberty. One of the ^ . " greateft bleffings we enjoy, one of the greateft J " .JJ " bleffings a people can enjoy, is liberty. But ^ " every good in this life has its allay of evil. Li- ^ ' " centioufhefs is the allay of liberty. It is an ebul- .C ^ " lition, an excrefcence ; it is...
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The Port Folio, Jilid 4

1810 - 700 halaman
...and one of the greatest blessings we enjoy, one of the greatest blessings, my lords, which a people can enjoy is liberty. But, every good in this life has its allay of evil. Licentiousness is the allay of liberty. It is an ebullition, an excrescence ; it is a speck upon the...
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Select Speeches, Forensick and Parliamentary: With Prefatory Remarks, Jilid 4

Nathaniel Chapman - 1807 - 486 halaman
...then says : " One of the greatest blessings we enjoy, one of the greatest blessings a people, my lord, can enjoy is liberty; but every good in this life has its alloy of evil : licentiousness is the alloy of liberty : it is an ebullition, an excrescence ; it is...
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Select Speeches, Forensick and Parliamentary: With Prefatory Remarks, Jilid 4

Nathaniel Chapman - 1807 - 494 halaman
...then says : " One of the greatest blessings we enjoy, one of the greatest blessings a people, my lord, can 'enjoy is liberty ; but every good in this life has its alloy of evil : licentiousness is the alloy of liberty : it is an ebullition, an excrescence ; it is...
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Select Speeches, Forensick and Parliamentary: With Prefatory Remarks, Jilid 1

Nathaniel Chapman - 1808 - 512 halaman
...shackle upon the hands, of liberty. One of the greatest blessings we enjoy, one of the greatest blessings a people, my lords, can enjoy, is liberty ; but every good, in this life, has its alloy of evil. Licentiousness is the alloy of liberty : it is an ebullition, an excrescence : it is...
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