Each No., on the average, will contain ten or twelve Pamphlets; thus reducing the price of each pamphlet to about sixpence.
The peculiar advantage of this plan is, that it forms an imperishable Record of the most valuable Pamphlets, and will also offer, through the means of Clubs and Institutions, a very extensive circulation. It is also intended to record such Pamphlets as will be useful, not only at the present time, but at future periods.
Old Pamphlets will occasionally be inserted, if very valuable
French and German Pamphlets will be translated and occasionally inserted.
Communications to be sent to Red Lion Court, for the Editor, [Post-paid.]
Complete Sets may be had bound, or in Numbers 6s. 6d. each.
In No. xxx. is published a complete and classed Index of all Pamphlets contained in the first 30 Nos., which will give a correct idea of the nature and value of the Work.
The best PAMPHLETS of the following noble and distinguished Authors are recorded: