The constitution of England; or, An account of the English government

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G. Robinson, ... and J. Murray, 1784 - 325 halaman

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Halaman 86 - Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of God, the true profession of the gospel, and the protestant reformed religion established by law ? And will you preserve unto the bishops and clergy of this realm, and to the churches committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain unto them, or any of them? — King or queen. All this I promise to do.
Halaman 86 - Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of this kingdom of England, and the dominions thereto belonging, according to the statutes in parliament agreed on, and the laws and customs of the same? — The king or queen shall say, I solemnly promise so to do.
Halaman 87 - The things which I have here before promised " I will perform and keep : so help me God : and then shall
Halaman 57 - The basis of the English constitution, the capital principle on which all others depend, is, that the legislative power belongs to parliament alone : that is to say, the power of establishing laws, and of abrogating, changing, or explaining them. The constituent parts of parliament are, the king, the house of lords, and the house of commons.
Halaman 368 - But the queen (to the amazement of that despotic court) directed her secretary to inform him, "that she could inflict no punishment upon any, the meanest, of her subjects, unless warranted by the law of the land; and therefore was persuaded that he would not insist upon impossibilities.
Halaman 184 - That officers and keepers neglecting to make due returns, or not delivering to the prisoner or his agent within six hours after demand a copy of the warrant of commitment, or shifting the custody of...
Halaman 92 - That if any member accepts an office under the crown, except an officer in the army or navy accepting a new commission, his seat is void ; but such member is capable of being re-elected.
Halaman 11 - ... all danger was at an end, and of course their union also. After dividing among themselves what lands they thought proper to occupy, they separated; and though their tenure was at first only precarious, yet, in this particular, they depended not on the king, but on the general assembly of the nation.* Under the kings of the first race, the fiefs, by the mutual connivance of the leaders, at first became annual; afterwards, held for life. Under the descendants of Charlemagne they became...
Halaman 308 - ... unlawful authority, it is a sufficient provocation to all people, out of compassion, much more so when it is done under colour of justice; and when the liberty of the subject is invaded, it is a provocation to all the subjects of England. A man ought to be concerned for Magna Charta and the laws ; and if any one against law imprison a man, he is an offender against Magna Charta.
Halaman 49 - ... establish liberty in a great nation, by making the people interfere in the common business of government, is, of all attempts, the most chimerical : that the authority of all, with which men are amused, is, in reality no more than the authority of a few powerful individuals, who divide the republic among...

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