Heart of Oak, the British Bulwark: Shewing, I. Reasons for Paying Greater Attention to the Propagation of Oak Timber ... II. The Insufficiency of the Present Laws ... III. The Testimony of Some of the Most Eminent Timber Merchants, Shipwrights, &c. ... IV. That the Neglect of Planting ... V. The Author's Opinion what Methods Would be Most Effectual ... : Humbly Offered to His Majesty and the Parliament, as Well as to All Proprietors of Land in Great-Britain

Kulit Depan
J. Johnson, 1763 - 97 halaman

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Halaman 18 - Pasture, by and with the Assent of the major Part in Number and Value of the Owners and Occupiers of Tenements to which the said Right of Common of Pasture doth belong, and to and for the major Part in Number...
Halaman 21 - And be it further enacted by the authority. aforefaid, that it mail and may be lawful to and. for...
Halaman 23 - July, 1756, fhall unlawfully cut, deflroy, break, thrOW down, bark, Pluck up, burn, deface, fpoil, or carry away any tree growing in any...
Halaman 16 - An Act to amend an Act made in the Third and Fourth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled An Act to alter and amend the Laws relating to the Temporalities of the Church of Ireland.
Halaman 17 - ... for the growth and prefervation of timber, have not been put in execution. And whereas, for want of a proper fupply of the timber of the growth of this kingdom, a great quantity of foreign timber is neceflarily ufed for building...
Halaman 20 - ... meeting to be held for that purpofe, publick notice being firft given of fuch intended veftry or meeting, in the church or chapel belonging to fuch parifh or townfhip, on three Sundays at the...
Halaman 22 - ... and recompence of and from the inhabitants of the parifhes, towns, hamlets, villages, or places adjoining to fuch...
Halaman 17 - And whereas many tradls of wafte land, unfit for tillage or pafture, but capable of producing different kinds of trees, may conveniently be inclofed for the growth of timber and underwood, to the advantage both of the owners of Proprietors of waltcs, ^ ° &c.
Halaman 18 - ... to the benefit of the owners and occupiers of tenements, to which the right of common, in...
Halaman 18 - Pnn' and value of the owners and occupiers of te-> derwood. nements, to which the faid right of common of pafture doth belong, and to and for the major part, in number...

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