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" Under the shade of melancholy boughs, Lose and neglect the creeping hours of time; If ever you have look'd on better days; If ever been where bells have knoll'd to church ; If ever sat at any good man's feast ; If ever from your eyelids wip'da tear, And... "
As You Like it: A Comedy - Halaman 33
oleh William Shakespeare - 1810 - 72 halaman
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Midsummer night's dream ; Merchant of Venice ; As you like it ; Taming of ...

William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 560 halaman
...inacceflible, Under the fhade of melancholy Boughs, Lofe and neglect the creeping Hours of Time; If ever you have look'd on better Days; If ever been where Bells have knoll'd to Church; If ever fate at any good Man's Feaft ; If ever from your Eye-lids wip'da Tear, And know what 'tis to pity,...
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The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes. Collated with ..., Bhgn 9,Jilid 2

William Shakespeare - 1740 - 454 halaman
...inacceflible, Under the fhade of melancholy boughs, Lofe and neglecl the creeping hours of time ; If ever you have look'd on better days ; If ever been where bells have knoli'd to church ; If ever fate at any goojj man's feaft ; If ever from your eyelids wip'da tear,...
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Much ado about nothing. The marchant of Venice. Love's labour lost. As you ...

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 498 halaman
...imcceflible, Under the fhade of melancholy boughs, s Lofe and neglect the creeping hours of time ; If ever you have look'd on better days ; If ever been where bells have knoll'd to church; If ever fate at any good man's feaft ; If ever from your eyelids wip'da tear, And know what 'tis to pity, and...
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The Works of Shakespeare ..., Jilid 3

William Shakespeare - 1920 - 172 halaman
...inaccessible, Under the shade of melancholy boughs 1 10 Lose and neglect the creeping hours of time ; If ever you have look'd on better days, If ever any good man's feast, If ever from your eyelids wiped a tear 115 And know what 'tis to pity and be pitied, Let gentleness my strong eniorcement be...
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The Works of Shakespeare, Jilid 2

William Shakespeare - 1752 - 452 halaman
...inacceffibie, Under the made of melancholy boughs, Lofe and neglect the creeping hours of time ; If ever you have look'd on better days ; If ever been where bells have knoll'd to church; If ever fate at any good man's feaft ; If erer from your eyelids wip'da tear, And know what 'tis to pity, and...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Eight Volumes: With the ..., Jilid 2

William Shakespeare - 1765 - 586 halaman
...inacceffible, Under the {hade of melancholy boughs, Lofe and negleft the creeping hours of time; If ever you have look'd on better days ; ' ; ^ If ever been where bells have knoll'd to church j If ever fate at any good man's feaft ; If ever from your eyelids wip'da tear, And known what 'tis...
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The plays of William Shakespeare, with the corrections and illustr ..., Jilid 2

William Shakespeare - 1768 - 572 halaman
...inacceflible, Under the (hade of melancholy boughs, Lofe and negledt the creeping hours of time ; If ever you have look'd on better days ; If ever been where bells have knoll'd to church ; If ever fate at any good man's feaft } If ever from your eyelids wip'da tear, And know what 'tis to pity and...
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The Works of Shakespear: As you like it. The taming of the shrew. All's well ...

William Shakespeare - 1768 - 366 halaman
...table. Orla. Speak you fo gently? pardon me, I pray you; Lofe and negleft the creeping hours of time; If ever you have look'd on better days; If ever been where bells have knoll'd to church; If ever fate at any good man's feaft; If ever from your eye-lids wip'da tear, And know what 'tis to pity, and...
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The works of Shakespear [ed. by H. Blair], in which the beauties ..., Jilid 2

William Shakespeare - 1769 - 374 halaman
...inacceffiblc, ' Under the fhade of melancholy boughs, ' Lofe and negleft the creeping hours of time; > If ever you have look'd on better days ; ' If ever been where bells have knoll'd to church; * If. ever fat at .any good man's feaft ; ' If ever from your eye-lids wip'da tear, ' And know what 'tis to pity,...
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The Dramatic Censor: Or, Critical Companion ...

Francis Gentleman - 1770 - 504 halaman
...inaccejjible, Under the fhade of melancholy boughs, Lofe and neglefl the creeping hours of time. If ever you have look'd on better days, If ever been where bells have knolled to church, If ever fat at any good man's feaft, If ever from your eye-lids wiped a tear, And...
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