I like it very well ; but in respect 15 that it is private, it is a very vile life. Now, in respect it is in the fields, it pleaseth me well ; but in respect it is not in the court, it is tedious. As You Like it: A Comedy - Halaman 37oleh William Shakespeare - 1810 - 72 halamanPaparan penuh - Perihal buku ini
 | William Shakespeare - 1920 - 172 halaman
...carve on every tree The fair, the chaste, and unexpressive she. 10 [Exit. Enter CORIN and TOUCHSTONE. Cor. And how like you this shepherd's life, Master...but in respect that it is a shepherd's life, it is SCENE //.... paper] As Capell; Scena Secunda. 2. thrice-crowned] Theobald; without hyphen Ff. Ur. Ff... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1785 - 400 halaman
...[Exit. Enter CORIN, and Clown. Cor. And how like you this shepherd's life, master Touchstone? go Clo. Truly, shepherd, in respect of itself, it is a good life ; but in respeft that it is a shepherd's life, it is naught. In repeft that it is solitary, I like it very well... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1805 - 320 halaman
...and solemn quire, " With unexpressive notes to heaven's new-born heir." x Enter CORIN and TOUCHsTONE. Cor. And how like you this shepherd's life, master...it very well; but in respect that it is private, it isi a very vile life. Now in respect it is in the fields, it pleaseth me well ; but in respect it is... | |
 | William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - 578 halaman
...[Erit. Enter Corin rind Clown. Cor. And how like you this shepherd's life, raster Touchstone ? Cio. Truly, shepherd, in respect of itself, it is a good life; 'but in respect that it is a shepherd's "ife, it is naught. In respect that it is sol.Uiry, I ike it very well; but in respect that it is private,... | |
 | Mrs. Inchbald - 1808 - 434 halaman
...on every tree, The fair, the chaste, and unexpressive she. [Exit. Enter CORIN and TOUCHSTONE. Corin. And how like you this shepherd's life, master Touchstone...is a shepherd's life, it is naught. In respect that is it solitary, I like it very •well; but in respect that it is private, it is a very vile life.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1811 - 452 halaman
...[Exit. Enter Corin and Tonchstone. Cor. And how like you this shepherd's life, master Tonchstone ? Touch. Truly, shepherd, in respect of itself, it is a good life; hut in respect that it is a shepherd's life, it is nanght. In respect that it is solitary, I like it... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1813 - 942 halaman
...Touclistone ? Touch. Truly, shepherd, in respect of itself it is я good life; but in respect that it ua shepherd's life, it is naught. In respect that it...it very well ; but in respect that it is private, h is m very vile life. Now in respect it it in the fields, it pleaseth rae well ; but in respect it... | |
 | William Hazlitt - 1818 - 340 halaman
...determination of the question. " Corin. And how like you this shepherd's life, Mr. Touchstone ? Clonn. Truly, shepherd, in respect of itself, it is a good...life, it is naught. In respect that it is solitary, 1 like it very well ; but in respect that it is private, it is a very vile life. Now in respect it... | |
 | William Hazlitt - 1818 - 328 halaman
...determination of the question. " Corin. And how like you thii ihepherd's life, Mr. TouchItone ? Clamn. Truly, shepherd, in respect of itself, it is a good life; but in respect that it it a shepherd's life, it is naught. In respect that it is solitary, I like it very well ; but in respect... | |
 | 1880 - 822 halaman
...theory? What connection with our certain hopes, our dnep desires, our craving and infinite thought? " In respect of itself, it is a good life; but in respect it is a shepherd's life, it is naught." The soul ties its shoe; the mind washes its hands in a basin.... | |
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