From the 11th May to the 17th June 1867; FREDERICTON: G. E. FENETY, PRINTER TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. 1867. [L.S.] By His Excellency The Honorable ARTHUR HAMILTON GORDON, C. M. G., Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick, &c. &c. &c. ARTHUR H. GORDON. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the General Assembly of this Province stands prorogued to Tuesday the fourteenth instant, I have thought fit further to prorogue the said General Assembly, and the same is hereby prorogued accordingly to Thursday the twenty seventh day of September next. Given under my Hand and Seal at Fredericton, the fourth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty six, and in the thirtieth year of Her Majesty's Reign. By His Excellency's Command. R. FULTON, Ass't Sec'y. [L.S.] By His Excellency The Honorable ARTHUR HAMILTON GORDON, C. M. G., Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick, &c. &c. &c. ARTHUR II. GORDON. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the General Assembly of this Province stands prorogued to Thursday the twenty seventh instant, I have thought fit further to prorogue the said General Assembly, and the same is hereby prorogued accordingly to Thursday the eighth day of November next. Given under my Hand and Seal at Fredericton, the nineteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty six, and in the thirtieth year of Her Majesty's Reign. By His Excellency's Command. R. FULTON, Ass't Sec'y. €35367 [L.S.] By His Excellency Major General CHARLES HASTINGS DOYLE, Administrator of the Government and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick, &c. &c. &c. HASTINGS DOYLE. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the General Assembly of this Province stands prorogued to Thursday the eighth instant, I have thought fit further to prorogue the said General Assembly, and the same is hereby prorogued accordingly to Thursday the twentieth day of December next. Given under my Hand and Seal at Fredericton, the third day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty six, and in the thirtieth year of Iler Majesty's Reign. By His Excellency's Command. R. FULTON. [L.S.] By His Excellency Major General CHARLES HASTINGS DOYLE, Administrator of the Government and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick, &c. &c. &c. HASTINGS DOYLE. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the General Assembly of this Province stands prorogued to Thursday the twentieth day of December instant, I have thought fit further to prorogue the said General Assembly, and the same is hereby prorogued accordingly to Thursday the thirty first day of January next. Given under my Hand and Seal at Fredericton, the seventeenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty six, and in the thirtieth year of Her Majesty's Reign. By Ilis Excellency's Command. R. FULTON. [L.S.] By His Excellency Major General CHARLES HASTINGS DOYLE, Administrator of the Government and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick, &c. &c. &c. HASTINGS DOYLE. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the General Assembly of this Province stands prorogued to Thursday the thirty first day of January instant, I have thought fit further to prorogue the said General Assembly, and the same is hereby prorogued accordingly to Thursday the twenty eighth day of February next. Given under my Hand and Seal at Fredericton, the thirtieth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven, and in the thirtieth year of Her Majesty's Reign. By His Excellency's Command. R. FULTON. [L.S.] By His Excellency Major General CHARLES HASTINGS DOYLE, Administrator of the Government and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick, &c. &c. &c. HASTINGS DOYLE. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the General Assembly of this Province stands prorogued to Thursday the twenty eighth instant, I have thought fit further to prorogue the said General Assembly, and the same is hereby prorogued accordingly to Thursday the twenty eighth day of March next. Given under my Hand and Seal at Fredericton, the twenty fifth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven, and in the thirtieth year of Her Majesty's Reign. By His Excellency's Command. R. FULTON. |