The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies ...L. White, 1793 |
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८८ acres affembly alſo anſwer APPEN aſſembly Barbadoes beſt BOOK Britain Britiſh cauſe CHAP Charaibes circumſtance colony Columbus commiffion commiſſion confiderable confifting conſent conſtitution council crown defire diſcovered diſtance Dominica Eaft Earl of Carlifle Eaſt England Engliſh eſq eſtabliſhed Europe H faid fame fent fettlement fettlers fince firſt fome foon French fuch fufficient governor Grenada Hifpaniola Hiſtory honour houſe Indians inhabitants inſtructions intereſt iſland iſſue Jamaica king land laſt laws leſs Lord lordſhips majesty majesty's meaſure ment moſt neceſſary negroes obſerved occafion pariſh paſs paſſed perſons plantations planters pleaſed preſent purpoſe queſtion raiſed reaſon reſpect revenue Rochefort ſaid ſame ſays ſecurity ſeems ſent ſervice ſeveral ſhall ſhips ſhould Sir Charles Lyttelton ſituation ſmall ſome Spaniards Spaniſh ſpecies ſtate ſterling ſtill ſubjects ſuch ſupport ſuppoſed ſyſtem themſelves theſe theſe iſlands Thomas Modyford thoſe tion unto uſe veſſels Wallen West Indies whoſe
Petikan popular
Halaman 344 - ... all persons inhabiting in, or resorting to, our said colonies, may confide in our royal protection for the enjoyment of the benefit of the laws of our realm of England...
Halaman 90 - The night js their chief time of proceeding; but if it rains by day, they do not fail to profit by the occasion; and they continue to move forward in their slow uniform manner.
Halaman 118 - These chains are all the treasures I have ; and they shall be buried with me if I chance to have a coffin or grave ; for I would have the remembrance of .so unjust an action perish with me, and, for the glory of the Spanish name, be eternally forgotten.
Halaman 13 - Sun, and woods of perennial verdure ; of a growth unknown to the frigid clime and lei's vigorous foil of Europe ; for what is the oak compared to the cedar or mahogany, of each of which the trunk frequently meafures from eighty to ninety feet from the bafe to the limbs ? What European...
Halaman 246 - WHEREAS there was this day read at the Board a Report from the Right Honourable the Lords, of the Committee of Council for Plantation Affairs dated the first of last month in the words following Viz.
Halaman 159 - That all Children of any of Our Natural born Subjects of England to be born in Jamaica, shall from their respective Births be reputed to be, and shall be free Denizens of England, and shall have the same Priviledges to all Intents and Purposes as Our Free-born Subjects of England...
Halaman 174 - When I first approached this side of the island by sea, and beheld, from afar, such of the stupendous and soaring ridges of the blue mountains, as the clouds here and there disclosed, the imagination (forming an indistinct but awful idea of what was concealed, By what was thus partially displayed) was filled with admiration and
Halaman 89 - These animals live not only in a kind of orderly society in their retreats in the mountains, but regularly once a year march down to the sea-side in a body of some millions at a time. As they multiply in great numbers, they...
Halaman 335 - Ann from twelve hundred to two thoufand pounds per annum, the whole of which is paid out of the exchequer, and charged to the account of the four and a half per cent. duty. The form of the government of this...
Halaman 4 - The tempeBOOK rature of the air varies indeed considerably acs^v^, cording to the elevation of the land; but, with this exception, the medium degree of heat is much the same in all the countries of this part of the globe.