Niemeyers Zeitschrift für internationales Recht, Jilid 32Gedruckt bei Schmidt & Klaunig, 1924 |
Dari dalam buku
Hasil carian 1-5 daripada 20
Halaman 148
... League of Nations on February 3rd , 1923 , adopted the following Resolution : The Council of the League of Nations having been apprised of certain questions regarding the following facts : ( a ) a number of colonists who were formerly ...
... League of Nations on February 3rd , 1923 , adopted the following Resolution : The Council of the League of Nations having been apprised of certain questions regarding the following facts : ( a ) a number of colonists who were formerly ...
Halaman 149
... League of Nations as defined in that Treaty ? ( 2 ) Should the first question be answered in the affirmative , the ... League , by virtue of this Resolution , sent to the Permanent Court of International Justice the following ...
... League of Nations as defined in that Treaty ? ( 2 ) Should the first question be answered in the affirmative , the ... League , by virtue of this Resolution , sent to the Permanent Court of International Justice the following ...
Halaman 150
... League of Nations in the matter . 2. Note by the Secretary - General of the League of Nations to the Members of the Council , dated November 9th , 1921 . Appendix : Telegram from the „ Deutschtumsbund " to the League of Nations , dated ...
... League of Nations in the matter . 2. Note by the Secretary - General of the League of Nations to the Members of the Council , dated November 9th , 1921 . Appendix : Telegram from the „ Deutschtumsbund " to the League of Nations , dated ...
Halaman 151
... League of Nations to the Director of the Minorities Section . 9. Note by the Secretary - General of the League of Nations to the Members of the Council , dated February 13th , 1922 . Appendix : Letter from the Polish Delegate to the League ...
... League of Nations to the Director of the Minorities Section . 9. Note by the Secretary - General of the League of Nations to the Members of the Council , dated February 13th , 1922 . Appendix : Letter from the Polish Delegate to the League ...
Halaman 152
... League of Nations , September 9th , 1922 . 22. Report by M. da Gama and Resolution adopted by the Council of the League of Nations , September 30th , 1922 . 23. Extract from the Minutes of the 16th Sitting of the 21st Session of the ...
... League of Nations , September 9th , 1922 . 22. Report by M. da Gama and Resolution adopted by the Council of the League of Nations , September 30th , 1922 . 23. Extract from the Minutes of the 16th Sitting of the 21st Session of the ...
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Abkommen betr allemands Annex Article Artt ausländischen autres belges Belgique Bestimmungen Bulgarie chemins de fer Commission concerne conditions Conseil contrats Convention Council Cour Court d'une délai Détroits Deutsches Reich Deutschland deux dispositions domicile douane droit international Ehegatten Etats été être fait Frage Frankreich französischen Friedensvertrag frontière Gebiete gemäß général Gericht Gesetz Gouvernement Grund Grundsatz guerre Handelsvertrag inländischen juillet juristische Person Kalterherberg Kollektivverträge Krieg Kriegführenden l'Allemagne l'article land läßt League of Nations mesures Minderheitenvertrages minorités mise en vigueur muß nationalité navigation nécessaires Niemeyers ottoman paix pays Poland Polen Polish polnische Regierung polnische Staatsangehörigkeit Pologne polonais Portugal présent Traité Promulgation Puissances question Raeren Ratifikation Ratifikationsurkunden Recht rechtlichen Rentengutsverträge ressortissants RGBI RGBl Rußland Scheidung sera seront Société des Nations sous territoire Text Treaty Tribunal Tschechoslowakei Turquie Urteil Vereinigte Staaten Versailler Vertrages Vertrages von Versailles vigueur du présent visées Völkerbundes Völkerrechts Wohnsitz Zuständigkeit Zwangsvollstreckung