Unworthy thee, if ever, henceforth, thou As thou art tender to't. Even here undone! I was not much afeard: for once, or twice, [TO FLORIZEL. I told you what would come of this. 'Beseech you, But milk my ewes, and weep. Speak ere thou diest. Why, how now, father! I cannot speak, nor think, Nor dare to know that which I know. O, sir, [TO FLORIZEL. You have undone a man of fourscore three, [TO PERDITA. That knew'st this was the prince, and wouldst adven ture To mingle faith with him.---Undone! undone! If I might die within this hour, I have lived To die when I desire. Flo. [Exit. Why look you so upon me? I am but sorry, not afeard! delayed, But nothing altered! What I was, I am ; 1 The old copy reads hope. 2 Before the reform of the burial service, by Edward VI., it was the custom for the priest to throw earth on the body in the form of a cross, and then sprinkle le it with holy water. ! More straining on, for plucking back; not following My leash unwillingly. Cam. Gracious my lord, You know your father's temper. At this time Will he endure your sight as yet, I fear. Then, till the fury of his highness settle, Come not before him. Flo. I think, Camillo. I not purpose it. Even he, my lord. Per. How often have I told you 'twould be thus! How often said, my dignity would last But till 'twere known! Flo. It cannot fail, but by The violation of my faith; and then Let nature crush the sides o' the earth together, And mar the seeds within!-Lift up thy looks : From my succession wipe me, father! I Am heir to my affection. Cam. Be advised. Flo. I am; and by my fancy:1 if my reason Will thereto be obedient, I have reason; If not, my senses, better pleased with madness, Cam. This is desperate, sir. Flo. So call it; but it does fulfil my vow; I needs must think it honesty. Camillo, Not for Bohemia, nor the pomp that may Be thereat gleaned; for all the sun sees, or The close earth wombs, or the profound seas hide In unknown fathoms, will I break my oath To this my fair beloved. Therefore, I pray you, As you have e'er been my father's honored friend, When he shall miss me, (as, in faith, I mean not To see him any more,) cast your good counsels Upon his passion. Let myself and fortune 1 Fancy here means love, as in other places already pointed out. WINTER'S TALE. 79 This you may know, Tug for the time to come. And so deliver.-I am put to sea With her whom here I cannot hold on shore ; And, most opportune to our1 need, I have A vessel rides fast by, but not prepared For this design. What course I mean to hold Concern me the reporting. Cam. O, my lord, I would your spirit were easier for advice, Flo. Hark, Perdita. [Takes her aside. I'll hear you by-and-by. Cam. [TO CAMILLO. He's irremovable; Resolved for flight. Now were I happy, if I so much thirst to see. Flo. Now, good Camillo, I am so fraught with curious business, that I leave out ceremony. Cam. Sir, I think You have heard of my poor services, i' the love Flo. [Going. Have you deserved. It is my father's music Cam. If you may please to think I love the king; 1 "Our need." The old copy reads her. The emendation is The obald's. : As shall become your highness; where you may And bring him up to liking. Flo. How, Camillo, May this, almost a miracle, be done? And, after that, trust to thee. Cam. A place, whereto you'll go? Have you thought on Not any yet. But as the unthought-on accident1 is guilty To what we wildly do, so we profess Ourselves to be the slaves of chance, and flies Of every wind that blows. Cam. Then list to me. This follows, if you will not change your purpose, And there present yourself, and your fair princess, The partner of your bed. Methinks I see Faster than thought, or time. Flo. Worthy Camillo, What color for my visitation shall I 1 This unthought-on accident is the unexpected discovery made by 2 Guilty to, though it sound harsh to our ears, was the phraseology of Polixenes. Shakspeare. 3 The old copy reads, "thee there son." The correction was made in the third folio. WINTER'S TALE. 81 Cam. To greet him, and to give him comforts. Sir, Sent by the king your father And speak his very heart. Flo. There is some sap in this. Cam. I am bound to you. A course more promising Than a wild dedication of yourselves To unpathed waters, undreamed shores; most certain, To miseries enough; no hope to help you; But as you shake off one, to take another: Affliction alters. Per. I think affliction may subdue the cheek, One of these is true. But not take in the mind. Cam. Yea, say you so? There shall not, at your father's house, these seven years, Be born another such. My good Camillo, She is as forward of her breeding, as She is i' the rear of birth. Cam. I cannot say, 'tis pity She lacks instructions; for she seems a mistress To most that teach. Per. Your pardon, sir, for this; I'll blush you thanks. 1 The council-days were called sittings, in Shakspeare's time. |