336 FOREIGN AFFAIRS. of 200 French who escorted them. The Count de Vaux having advanced with the greateft part of his army by Roftino, there poffeffed himself of fome heights, from whence he played his artillery. On this, General Paoli making a feint of retiring, the French came down with great impetuofity, which brought on a moft furious engagement, the illue of which was not at all favourable to the French. General Paoli had even cut off their communication with Baftia and San Fiorenzo, and they were in danger of being forced to furrender. It is added, that in this difagreeable fituation, the Count de Vaux had dispatched a felucca to Bastia to demand fuccour. The French, who were pofted at Ajaccio, having marched out from thence, advanced as far as Mezzana. But their enterprize, according to the accounts, has turned out very unfuccessfully, they having been beaten and obliged to re-enter Ajaccio. Thofe at Calbi, who, pursuant to the plan of operations, had fet themselves in motion on the fame day, had met with the like fate.-It is, however, but too true that the French have at last fucceeded in their attempts against that ifland. Dif- fured him he fhould have all the reparation it was poffible to procure. A few hours after the vifir fent the imperial minifter a rich present of jewels for his lady, and a bag, which was found to contain the heads of the three principal rioters. The Capigs, a pretty formidable people in Afia, taking advantage of the prefent fituation of affairs, have just pretended to recollect, that before the erection of the corps of Janiffaries, they formed the bodyguard of the grand feignor, in which quality they now reclaim the ftandard of Mahomet; and to give the more weight to their demand, they have prefented themfelves before the city of Techat, and laid fiege to it. The fultan, to appease them, has already offered them feveral puries; but they infift on the fatisfaction which they lay claim to, fo that nothing but force is likely to fubdue them. A Pacha, who was marching at the head of 40,000 men towards Moldavia, is recalled to ftife this rebellion.-A circumftance favourable to the Ruffians. ANSWERS to, and SENTIMENTS of, COE RESPONDENTS. WE are obliged to the anonymous author who continues the ftory of Infelic a, though we cannot, out of justice to the writer of the first part, give bis favour a place. The fo writer may perhaps bonour us with a fegusi, and that fequel may poffibly bave a very diferent catastrophe. The letter to the Benevolent Society from Oxford shall be properly attended to in our next. The letter to a Clergyman about the gift of a fhilling to an old friend, is improper for publica tion. The extracts from Dr. S-'s fermons are na confiderable enough for a place. A. E. C. fays a general reformation is wanted in the Canons, Articles, Liturgy, Homilies, and Difcipline of the Church, and blames the dignified clergy for their inattention to these important objects. J. A's letters are too long in themselves, and upon fubje&ts too abfiruse to be generally agreea ble to our readers. Clericus's well-meant letter on a reformation in the church would be readily inferted, if it was likely to produce any falutary effects-but as we think this utterly improbable, we are obliged to omit it, to make room for matters that may be more entertaining, if not more useful to our readers. H. C. adwifes the authors of the three lettert on the Afcenfion, in the laft Magazine, to conjul 1 John iii. 2. and not to trouble the pub with letters of their conceiving-and prelom ing-on a subject which they feem to know mos thing of. Several other correfpondents are received, wbfe favours are under confideration. 345 The Hiftory of Anabaptifm, including an Account of the extraordinary Commotions excited by the Anabaptifts at Munfter, in Germany 348 Confiderations on the Elafticity and Gravity of the Air, concluded 352 On the Afcenfion Body of Chrift An Experiment for preventing the Waite of Honey, and preserving the Lives of Bees during the Winter 356 A philofopical Converfation, &c. 357 Method of raifing Turkies to Advantage 358 A Batchelor's fruitless Purfuit of a Wife 359 363 Junius to the D. of G. 372 An Impartial Review of New Pub. 375 ibid. 379 Mr. Wilkes's Letter to Mr. Jonn 382 Mr. Onflow's Juftification of himself from a Charge of receiving a Bribe A Reply to Mr. Onflow 383 384 Petition of the Livery of London 386 386 387 Mr. Ald. Beckford's Letter Junius to Dr. Blackstone 389 390 THE MONTHLY CHRONOLOGER 393 395 399 400 ibid. Promotions Civil and Military Propofals for preventing a Want of Fresh Water, and a Scarcity of Provifions at Sea; by Dr. Lind 361 Proceedings of the Benevolent Society 366 Abstract of the Charges of his Majefty's Civil Government for 1765 371 With the CITY CARRIERS, a humourous political Print; and a View of Walton Bridge, Venus's Temple, &c. in the Gardens of the Lord Le Defpencer at Weft-Wicomb, Bucks. LONDON: Printed for R. BALDWIN, at No. 47, in Pater-nofter-Row; Of whom may be had, compleat Sets, from the Year 1732, to this Time, neatly bound or ftitched, or any fingle Month to complete Sets. India Stock Stock Ann. 165 PRICES OF STOCKS, &c. in Sou. Sea. Old S.S 'New S S Stock 87 confol. Præm. Ann Ticket 99 35 0 14 13 6 at Deal S. W. 874 884 99 33 0. 14 1 6 N. fair 20 166 88 4 €9 330 14 13 6N. N. E. cloudy 876 88 99 30 $8 38 0 30 0 14 13 W.N.W. cold 14 12 6 E. fair A Sunday 99 N. W. fair 166 86 88 99 14 12 6 E. fair warm 88 99 15 N. E. hot 166 88 99 14 15 6 N. 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