receiving, or taking to pawn any of the materials in the faid act mentioned, shall think himself or herself aggrieved by the judgment of the justice or justices before whom he or she shall have been convicted, fuch perfon shall have liberty to appeal to the justices at the next general or quarter feffions of the peace which shall be held for the county, riding, divifion, city, liberty, town, or place where juch judgment shall have been given; which justices, in the faid general or quarter sessions, are to hear and finally determine the matter of the said appeal: but whereas great delays and inconveniencies have arifen and may arise in the bearing and determining of such appeals, inasmuch as no provifion is made by the faid act in relation to the form or manner in which fuch convictions shall be drawn up; therefore, for preventing such delays and inconveniencies for the future, be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the justice or justices of the peace before whom any person shall be convicted, in manner prescribthe recited act. ed by the said act, of buying, receiving, or taking to pawn any of the materials or wares therein mentioned, shall cause such conviction to be drawn up in the form and words following; (that is to say) A form of conviction on Not liable to be removed by Certiorari; tions. Middlesex, BE it remembered, That on the to wit, day of year of his Majesty's reign A. B. was convicted before me [or us] of bis Majesty's justices of the peace for the faid county of [or for the riding [or divifion] of the faid I or for the city, liberty, or town of (as the cafe shall be) of buying, receiving, or taking to pawn (as the county of in the faid county of case shall happen to be) (specifying the ma pawn) the property of C. D. of in the county of to be manufactured. terials or wares so bought, received, or taken to and by him [or her] delivered to Given under my band and feal [or our hands and feals] the day and year aforesaid. Which faid form and conviction shall not be liable to be removed by Certiorari into his Majesty's court of King's Bench; and the faid justice or justices before whom such conviction shall be had shall cause the same, drawn up in the form aforesaid, to be fair ly written upon parchment, and tranfmitted to the next general and tranfmitt- or quarter sessions of the peace to be held for the county, riding, ed to the fef- division, city, town, or liberty, wherein such conviction was had, to be filed and kept amongst the records of the faid general or quarter sessions; and in cafe the person or perfons so convicted shall appeal from the judgment of the said hear appeals. justice or justices to the faid general or quarter feffions, the justices in fuch general or quarter sessions are hereby required, upon receiving the said conviction drawn up in the form aforefaid, to proceed to the hearing and determination of the matter Justices to of of the faid appeal, according to the directions of the said act; any law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding. CA P. XIV. An act for affigning a place proper for holding a market in the city of Westminster, in lieu of the ancient market place. called the Round Woolstaple; and for regulating the faid market. W from ancient times, been held from or HEREAS the market for the city of Westminster, bath, under the dean and chapter of the collegiate church of Saint Peter, Westminster, by their leffee, of the office of keeper and sweeper of the faid market, in a place called the Round Woolstaple, in the parish of Saint Margaret, in the faid city of Westminster; which market place hath been lately purchased by the commissioners constituted and appointed by divers ftatutes for building a bridge cross the river Thames, from the Woolftaple, or thereabouts, in the parish of Saint Margaret, Westminster, to the opposite shore in the county of Surry, for the fum of eight hundred and forty pounds; and the faid ground hath been converted by the faid commiffioners to the publick use of widening the ftreets leading to and from the faid bridge, according to the directions of the faid statutes: and whereas it is necessary for the accommodation of the inhabitants of the faid city of Westminster, that the faid market should be held in some other convenient place; and the most convenient place for that purpose is within the bounds and limits hereafter described; that is to say, between the place called the Broad Sanctuary, in the parish of Saint Margaret in the faid city of Westminster, and Bow Street in the faid parish: and whereas the ground and foil within the faid limits, or the greatest part thereof, is the freehold of the faid dean and chapter, and by them leafed out for terms of years to their tenants; and that the faid dean and chapter would be willing and defirous, for the accommodation of the inhabitants of the faid city, that the faid fum of eight hundred and forty pounds should be applied in buying in fuch leafes or terms of years as are out-standing, and in purchasing fuch other estates as might be necessary for holding the faid market within the faid limits, in cafe such application of the faid money was not restrained by the faid acts of parliament made for the building the faid bridge, whereby the faid money is directed to be laid out in the purchase of estates in fee fimple: and whereas other difficulties may arife in the purchase of fuch ground as may be necessary for holding the faid market, within the limits aforesaid, by reason of legal difabilities which the owners or occupiers of fuch ground may be under to difpose of the fame to the faid dean and chapter for the purposes aforesaid; which difficulties cannot be removed but by authority of parliament; be it therefore enacted, &. The commiffioners may extend the limits of the new market within the open space of the Broad Sanctuary, fo far as a line from the gateway of Green's Alley, to the front of the house on the east of the way from the Broad Sanctuary into the Little Sanctuary, will admit. The commiffioners are to let out the ground; and the dean and chapter to purchase the fame; and to have the right of holding the market, and the rents and pro C2 fits : fits thereof. No provisions to be fold within 100 feet of the bounds of the market, without licence, under penalty of sl. Justices may mitigate the penalties. Persons aggrieved may appeal to the quarter seffions. Proceedings not to be removed by Certiorari. If any person refuse to treat, the commiffioners are to issue out a warrant to the high bailiff to return a jury, to view the places in question, and to affess upon oath the recompence. Commissioners to give judgement thereon. 20 days notice to be given to the parties interested, before fueh affefsment. The verdicts, &c. to be entered in the register's office of the county of Middlesex, &c. Upon payment or tender of the purchase-money, the dean and chapter may enter on the premisses, and convert the fame into a market. No leases to be for less than the rents heretofore paid for the market in the Round Woolftaple, &c. CAP. XV. An alt for taking down several buildings, and inlarging the Streets and market places in the city of Gloucester. W HEREAS the trade and inhabitants of the city of Gloucefter have of late years greatly increased: and whereas, in the four chief treets of the faid city, commonly called Eastgate Street, Westgate Street, Northgate Street, and Southgate Street, and where the markets are usually kept, there are several old houses or tenements, stalls, and buildings, fome of which stand in the middle of the faid ftreets, and the rest of them jet out, project, and are extending irregularly beyond the range or fides of the faid streets, towards the middle thereof respectively; whereby the area of, or places used for the markets of the faid town are greatly ftraitened and confined, and the passage of carriages, horses, cattle, and persons, in and through the fame, is very much obstructed, and rendered difficult and dangerous; and whereas by taking down the feveral houses or tenements, ftalls, and buildings aforesaid, the faid ftreets will be greatly opened, and rendered much more commodious for the passage of carriages and foot paflengers, and for the holding and keeping the fairs and markets, and carrying on the trade and business of the faid city; and the owners of fuch houses or tenements, stalls, and buildings, or the greatest part of them, are willing to fell and dispose of the same, in order that they may be taken down for the purposes aforesaid: but as feveral of the faid houses or tenements, stalls, and buildings, and the fite and foil of the same respectively, belong to, and are the estates and property of ecclefiaftical and other incorporated bodies, femes covert, infants, and others, who by law are disabled to make an abfolute fale and conveyance thereof in fee-fimple, the fame cannot be applied and disposed of for the purposes aforesaid without the aid and authority of parliament; May it therefore please your Majesty, that it may be enacted, . Commiffioners impowered to contract for the purchase of fuch houses and grounds as are described in the schedule. Persons interested, impowered to make fale thereof. If any refuse to treat, or if the fame be the pro. perty of infants not having guardians, the commissioners are to issue warrants to the sheriff, to return a jury, who shall inquire upon oath into the damages and recompence, and their verdicts to be binding to all parties. 3 days notice to be given of the commiffioners and jury's meeeting. The purchase-money of the estates of infants and femes covert, &c. to be paid to the mayor and burgesses of Gloucester. Upon payment or tender of the purchase-money, the commiffioners may cause the buildings to be taken down, and the ground to be uted as a highway. The purchase money of of the estates of infants and femes covert, to be laid out in other purchases to the fame uses, and till purchases can be made, the money is to be put out to interest, &c. CAP. XVI. An act for granting to his Majesty the sum of one million, to be raised by annuities at three pounds per Centum per Annum, and charged on the finking fund, transferrable at the bank of England. Moft gracious Sovereign, W The fum of E, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the commons of Great Britain in parliament assembled, being defirous to raise the necessary supplies which we have cheerfully granted to your Majesty, in the easiest manner we are able for the benefit of your subjects, have freely and voluntarily given and granted, and by this act do give and grant unto your 1,000,000l. Majesty the fum of one million, to be raised in such manner and granted to his form as is herein after directed; and to that end do most hum- Majesty. bly befeech your Majesty, that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the annuities which by this act shall be granted and made payable in respect of the faid principal sum of one million, until redemption thereof by parliament, in man- fpect thereof ner herein after-mentioned, shall, from and after the feast day to be charged of the annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which shall be on the finking in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty, fund. be charged and chargeable upon, and payable out of the monies which, from and after the said feast day, shall, from time to time, arife and be remaining in the receipt of his Majesty's exchequer, of or for the surplusses, excesses, or overplus monies of the fund, commonly called the finking fund; and the said furplusses, excesses, or overplus monies are hereby appropriated for that purpose accordingly. The annuities payable in re 1 the faid fum II. And for or towards raising the said sum or sums of mo- Natives or foney, not exceeding in the whole the faid sum of one million, reigners may for the purposes aforesaid, beit further enacted by the authority contribute to aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any person of 1,000,000l. or persons, natives or foreigners, bodies politick or corporate, to contribute, advance, and pay to the first or chief cashier or cashiers of the governor and company of the bank of England for the time being, at or before re the the respective days and times by this act limited in that behalf, any fum or sums of money, not for the purexceeding in the whole the said sum of one million, for the pur- chafe of anchase of any annuity or annuities, to commence from the faid nuities. feast of the annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary, in the said year one thousand seven hundred and fifty, and to be paid and payable to such contributor or contributors, or such as he, she, or they shall nominate, his, her, or their executors, adminiftrators, successors, or affigns respectively, until the fame shall Cashier of the bank to give security. Annuities to be at 3 per cent. be redeemed according to the tenor or true meaning of the proviso or condition herein after-mentioned in that behalf; so as fuch cashier or cashiers do first give security to the good liking of any three or more of the commiffioners of his Majesty's treafury now being, or of the high treasurer, or commitlioners of the treasury for the time being, for duly answering and paying into the receipt of his Majesty's exchequer, for the publick ufe, the money so to be advanced or contributed, and to account duly for the fame; which annuities before-mentioned shall be computed at the rate of three pounds per centum per annum for every one hundred pounds, and proportionably for any greater fum so to be advanced or paid; and the purchase money for every such annuity, at the rate aforesaid, is hereby appointed to be paid to the faid cashier or cashiers, as aforesaid, at or before the respective days or times herein after limited; that is to say, ten pounds per centum, part thereof, on or before the twenTimes of pay-tieth day of April, which shall be in the year of our Lord one contribution thousand seven hundred and fifty; fifteen pounds per centum, other money. ment of Annuities not to exceed 30,000l. and to commence 25 March, 1750, and to be paid half yearly. part thereof, on or before the twentieth day of June then next ensuing; twenty five pounds per centum, other part thereof, on or before the eighteenth day of August then next enfuing; twenty five pounds per centum, other part thereof on or before the eighteenth day of October then next ensuing; and theremaining twenty five pounds per centum, on or before the eighteenth day of December then next following: all which annuities so to be purchased, shall not exceed in the whole the fum of thirty thousand pounds per annum, and shall commence from the feast day of the annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary, which shall be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty, and shall be paid and payable in the manner, and at the respective feast days herein after-mentioned; that is to say, the first payment thereupon shall be made for the three quarters of a year, which will be due thereupon, computed from the feast of the annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary, in the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty, to the feast of the birth of our Lord Christ then next ensuing, and the subsequent payments half-yearly, at the feasts of the nativity of Saint John the Baptist, and the birth of our Lord Chrift, or within fix days after every of the faid feast days; and that the first of the said half-yearly payments shall be paid at the feast of Saint John the Baptist, which shall be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty one, or within fix days after the faid feast day; nevertheless the faid annuities shall be redeemable according to the purport and true Cashier to give meaning of a proviso or condition herein after contained in that contributors behalf, and not otherwise: and the faid cashier or cashiers of receipts, the said governor and company for the time being, is hereby authorized and required, upon the advancing and paying to him or them any suin or fums of money, as aforesaid, forthwith to give a receipt in writing signed by himself or themselves, for each which shall be payment, to the contributor or payer thereof; which receipts affignable; thall be affignable by indorsement thereupon made, at any time before the eighteenth day of December, one thousand feven hundred |