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Containing the Titles of all such Acts as are extant in print, from the Twenty Third to the Twenty Fifth Year of King GEORGE II. inclusive.



Anno 23 Georgii II.



OR reducing the several annuities, which carry an interest after the rate of four pounds per centum per annum, to the several rates of interest therein mentioned.

Cap. 2. For granting an aid to his Majesty by a land tax, to be raised in Great Britain, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty.

Cap. 3. For continuing and granting to his Majesty certain duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry, for the service of the year one thousand feven hundred and fifty.

Cap. 4. For punishing mutiny and desertion; and for the better payment of the army and their quar


Cap. 5. For enlarging the term and
powers granted by an act passed in
the fifth year of the reign of his
present Majesty, for repairing and
amending the roads leading from
the town of Manchester in the coun-
ty of Lancaster, through the town of
Ashton under Line, and parith of
Mottram Longdendale, and from:
thence to Salters Brook in the coun-
ty palatine of Chefter.

Cap. 6. For repairing, improving
and maintaining the haven and
piers of Great Yarmouth; and for
depthning, and making more na-
vigable the feveral rivers emptying
themselves into the said haven; and
also for preferving ships, wintering
therein, from accidents by fire.

Cap. 7. For enlarging the term and powers granted and continued by two former acts of parliament, for repairing, widening and amending the roads from Wigan to Preston in the county palatine of Lancaster; and for making the said acts more effectual.

Cap. 8. For enlarging the term and
powers granted and continued by
two acts of parliament, for amend-
ing the highways leading from
Brampton Bridge, to Welford Bridge
in the county of Northampton, and
the great post road from Morter
Pitt Hill to Chain Bridge, leading
into Market Harborough in the
county of Leicester; and for ex-
plaining and making more effectual
the said acts; and also for repair-
ing the roads leading from Morter
Pitt Hill and Brampton Bridge to
the town of Northampton.
Cap. 9. For repealing the duties now
payable upon China raw filk, and
for granting other duties in lieu

Cap. 10. For enlarging the term and
powers granted by an act passed in
the fourth year of the reign of his
present Majesty, For repairing the
road leading from the town of Fulham
in the county of Middlesex, through
Fulham fields, to the great road
near the pound at Hammersmith, in
the faid county.

Cap. 11. To render profecutions for
perjury, and fubornation of per-
jury, more easy and effectual.
Cap. 12. For improving the naviga-

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tion of the river Loyne, otherwise called Lune; and for building a quay or wharf, near the town of Lancaster, in the county palatine of Lancaster.

Cap. 13. For the effectual punishing of perfons convicted of feducing artificers in the manufactures of Great Britain or Ireland, out of the dominions of the crown of Great Britain; and to prevent the exportation of utenfils made use of in the woollen and silk manufactures from Great Britain or Ireland, into foreign parts; and for the more easy and speedy determination of appeals, allowed in certain cafes, by an act made in the last fession of parliament, relating to persons employed in the several manufactures therein mentioned.

Cap. 14. For affigning a place proper for holding the market in the city of Westminster, in lieu of the ancient market place called the Round Woolstaple; and for regulating the faid market.

Cap. 15. For taking down several buildings, and inlarging the streets and market places in the city of Gloucester.

Cap. 16. For granting to his Majefty the fum of one million to be raised by annuities at three pounds per centum per annum, and charged on the finking fund, transferrable at the bank of England.

Cap. 17. For repairing the roads leading from Dunglas Bridge to the town of Haddington; and from thence to Ravenshaughburn in the county of Haddington.

Cap. 18. For enlightning the open places, streets, lanes, passages and courts; and for the better regulating the nightly watch, within the parith of Saint John Southwark in the county of Surrey.

Cap. 19. For making more effectual several acts of parliament passed for cleansing and making navigable

the channel from the Hithe at Colchester to Wivenhoe in the county of Effex; and for repairing and cleanfing the streets and lanes of the town of Colchester.

Cap. 20. For encouraging the growth

and culture of raw filk in his Majesty's colonies or plantations in America.

Cap. 21. For granting to his Majesty the sum of nine hundred thousand pounds out of the finking fund, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty; and for applying certain furplus monies remaining in the exchequer, as part of the fupply of the faid year; and for the application of certain savings in the hands of the paymaster general; and for obviating a doubt in an act of the fifth year of King George the First, in respect to the payment of certain annuities thereby granted for the improvement of fisheries and manufactures in Scotland; and for the further appropriating the supplies granted this session of parliament; and for giving further time for the payment of duties omitted to be paid for the indentures or contracts of clerks and apprentices; and for transferring the bounties now payable upon the exportation of British fail cloth, to the customs; and for enforcing the laws against the clan Jeftine importation of soap, candles, and starch, into this kingdom.

Cap. 22. For giving further time to the proprietors of annuities, after the rate of four pounds per centum per annum, to subscribe the same in the manner and upon the terms therein mentioned; and for redeeming such of the said annuities, as shall not be so subscribed; and for impowering the East India company to raise certain sums by transferrable annuities.

Cap. 23. To continue several laws for

for preventing the spreading of the diftemper which now rages amongst the horned cattle, and for impowering his Majesty to prohibit the killing of cow calves.

Cap. 24. For the encouragement of the British white herring fishery. Cap. 25. For making good a deficiency upon the revenue of the office of keeper or clerk of the hanaper, and for preventing any future deficiency therein, to answer the publick services provided for out of the same; and for augmenting the income of the office of master or keeper of the rolls.

Cap. 26. To continue feveral laws for the better regulating of pilots, for the conducting of ships and vessels from Dover, Deal, and Isle of Thanet, up the rivers of Thames and Medway; and for permitting rum or spirits of the British sugar plantations to be landed before the duties of excise are paid thereon; and to continue and amend an act for preventing frauds in the admeasurement of coals within the city and liberty of Westminster, and several parishes near thereunto; and to continue several laws for preventing exactions of occupiers of locks and wears upon the river Thames westward, and for afcertaining the rates of water carriage upon the faid river; and for the better regulation and government of feamen in the merchants fervice; and also to amend so much of an act made in the first year of the reign of King George the First, as relates to the better preservation of falmon in the river Ribble; and to regulate fees in trials at affizes, and Nifi Prius, upon records iffuing out of the office of pleas of the court of exchequer; and for the apprehending of perfons in any county or place, upon warrants granted by justices of the peace in any other county or place; and to

repeal so much of an act made in the twelfth year of the reign of King Charles the Second, as relates to the time during which the office of excife is to be kept open each day, and to appoint for how long time the same shall be kept open upon each day for the future; and to prevent the stealing or destroying of turnips; and to amend an act made in the second year of his present Majesty, for better regulation of attornies and folicitors.

Cap. 27. For the more easy and speedy recovery of small debts within the city and liberty of Westminster, and that part of the dutchy of Lancafter which adjoineth thereto. Cap. 28. To explain part of an act paffed in the thirteenth and fourteenth years of the reign of King Charles the Second, for the uniformity of publick prayers, and administration of facraments; and also part of an act passed in the thirteenth year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth for the ministers of the church to be of found religion. Cap. 29. To encourage the importation of pig and bar iron from his Majesty's colonies in America; and to prevent the erection of any mill or other engine for flitting or rolling of iron, or any plateing forge to work with a tilt hammer, or any furnace for making steel, in any of the faid colonies.

Cap. 30. For the more easy and speedy recovery of small debts within the Tower Hamlets.

Cap. 31. For extending and improv

ing the trade to Africa. Cap. 32. For granting to his Majesty certain duties upon such species of fail cloth as are therein mentioned, which shall be imported from Ireland into Great Britain, during the time therein limited.

Cap. 33. For preventing delays and expences in the proceedings in the county court of Middlesex; and

for the more easy and speedy recovery of small debts in the said county court.

Cap. 34. For permitting raw filk of the growth or produce of Perfia, purchased in Ruffia, to be imported into this kingdom, from any port or place belonging to the empire of Ruffia.

Cap. 35. For making a better and more effectual provision for the relief of the poor, for the cleanting the streets, and for keeping a nightly watch, within the parish of Saint Martin in the Fields, within the


5. An act for vesting in trustees certain leases and estates therein mentioned, of and in the manors of Spalding and Holbeck, and of several lands, tenements and hereditaments to the same belonging, in the county of Lincoln, which were forfeited by James late duke of Monmouth, put in exigent upon an indictment of high treason, to the intent that the lofs of the record of such indictment, and of the Capias and exigent thereon, may be fupplied for the purposes therein mentioned.

liberties of the city of Westminster. 6. An act to impower the committees

Cap. 36. For fettling a stipend or maintenance upon the rector of the

parish of Saint George the Martyr, in the borough of Southwark, in the county of Surrey, and his fucceffors, in lieu of tythes.

Cap. 37. For building a bridge cross the river of Thames, from Hampton Court in the county of Middlesex, to Eaft Moulfey in the county of Surrey.

of Thomas earl of Bradford, a lunatick, to lay out part of his personal estate in the purchase of lands and estates of inheritance for the purposes therein mentioned.

Cap. 38. For repairing the road from the city of York over Skipbridge, to Boroughbridge in the county of York.

Cap. 39. For the more effectual repairing and preferving the piers and 8. An act to enable Roger Mortlock,

7. An act to enable his Majesty to grant the inheritance of the manor of Garstang in the county of Lancaster, and of a messuage or tenement in Newbigginge in Lonsdale, in the county of Westmoreland, to trustees, in trust for the honourable Edward Walpole esquire, and his heirs, upon a full and valuable confideration to be paid for the fame.

harbour of Whitby in the county of


Cap. 40. For repairing and widening

doctor in divinity, now called Roger Pettiward, and the heirs of his body, to take and use the furname and arms of Pettiward.

the roads leading from Egremont to Dudden Bridge, Santon Bridge, and 9. An act to enable Beckford Kendall

Salthouse, in the county of Cumberland.

Private Acts.

Anno 23 Georgii II.

1. An act for naturalizing Thomas Abrabam Ogier, Peter Henry Gauvain, and others.

2. An act for naturalizing Charles Lindegren,

3. An act for naturalizing Henry Foly.

+ An act for naturalizing Germain Lavie.


esquire, now called Beckford Kendall Cater, and his issue male, to take and use the surname and arms of Cater.

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