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leases of his real estate during his minority.

14. An act to enable Hugh earl of Northumberland, and Elizabeth countess of Northumberland and baroness Percy, his wife, and their children, progeny, and issue, to take and use the name of Percy, and bear and quarter the arms of the Percies earls of Northumberland. 15. An act for sale of part of the fettled estate of Sir Thomas Moystyn baronet, in the county of Anglesey, for payment of debts, and for providing a recompence to his eldest fon and issue in lieu thereof.

16. An act for establishing a partition made between dame Mary Latre, and others, of divers estates in the parishes of West Thorock and Stifford, in the county of Effex, in pursuance of several orders of the high court of Chancery.

17. An act for impowering trustees to cut down and fell timber upon the eftate late of John Trevor efquire, in the counties of Denbigh and Flint, for discharging his debts, and alfo to make leases of mines in the faid counties.

18. An act for investing part of the personal estate of Charles Churchill esquire, deceased, in the purchase of lands to be settled, pursuant to an agreement in the fettlement made on the marriage of Charles Churchill junior efquire, with the lady Maria Walpole.

19. An act for sale of the manor of Mursley, and other eftates in the county of Bucks, lately belonging to Hugh Barker the younger esquire, deceased, pursuant to an agreement made with him for that purpose. 20. An act for making effectual an agreement for fale of a messuage at Farley Hill in the county of Berks, with the appurtenances, late the estate of colonel Charles Lanoe, deceased, to Alexander Walker esquire.

21. An act for fale of the estates de

vised by the will of John Hilton esquire, deceased, and for applying the money arifing thereby in the payment of his debts and legacies. 22. An act for explaining and amending several powers contained in the settlements made in the marriage of Henry Walters gentleman, and Anne his wife, for rendering the fame more effectual for the purposes thereby intended.

23. An act to impower the executors and trustees of Samuel Shepheard efquire, deceased, to fell his houses at Exning in Suffolk, and in Cavendish Square, and the plate and furniture thereto belonging, and to apply the money produced by fuch fale, as the court of Chancery shall direct or appoint.

24. An act for fale of part of the eftates of John Needham esquire, and Anne his wife; John Leche esquire, and Mary his wife; and Elizabeth Hurleston, for discharging incumbrances affecting the fame, and other purposes therein mentioned.

25. An act to enable William Cowper esquire, to settle a jointure upon his present wife, and to make leases of certain estates in the county of Hertford.

26. An ast for impowering trustees to raise money out of the fettled eftate of Robert Dolman esquire, for discharging several debts and fums of money contracted and borrowed by him.

27. An act for vesting the estates of Richard Stanley efquire, a lunatick, lying in the counties of Kent and Middlesex, in trustees, to be fold for the payment of several debts and incumbrances thereon, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 28. An act to fell part of the fettled estate of Thomas Sergison esquire, and to lay out the money arifing thereby, in the purchase of lands and hereditaments to be settled in lieu thereof. a 3 29. An

29. An act to enable William Nisbet of Dirleton esquire, and the heirs of intail for the time being, to make leafes of lands in the county of Haddington, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

30. An act for raising money by fale or mortgage of the estate of Garton Orme esquire, in the county of Suffex, for the payment of his debts, and the portion of Charlote Orme his daughter, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

31. An act for inclofing and dividing certain common fields and common grounds, called Nether Heyford Common Fields, lying and being in the parishes of Nether Heyford, Stow with nine Churches, and Bugbrooke, in the county of Northampton, and for extinguishing all right of common in certain meadows, pastures, and inclosed grounds in the faid parishes, and providing a recompence to the rectors of the faid parishes, in lieu of tythes.

32, An act for confirming articles of agreement for inclosing and dividing the commens and waste grounds within the manor of Culcheth in the county of Lancaster.

33. An act for securing the fole property, benefit and advantage of an engine invented by Ifrael Pownoll, deceased, for raising ballast, fullage, and fand, and for removing banks, shelves and shoals, in rivers and harbours, to the children of the faid Ifrael Pownoll, for a certain term of years.

34. An act for naturalizing Jacob Van Wylick.

Anno 24 Georgii II.

Cap. 1. For continuing and granting to his Majesty certain duties upon malt, mum, cyder and perry, for the service of the year one thoufand seven hundred and fifty one. Cap. 2. For granting to his Majesty

the sum of two millions one hundred thousand pounds, to be raised by annuities, and a lottery, and charged on the sinking fund, redeemable by parliament.

Cap. 3. For enlarging the term and powers granted by an act passed in the twelfth year of the reign of his present Majesty, for repairing the road between Stamford and Grantham in the county of Lincoln; and for making the fame more effectual.

Cap. 4. For enabling his Majesty to raise the several fums of money therein mentioned, by exchequer bills, to be charged on the sinking fund; and for impowering the commiffioners of the treasury to pay off the old and new unsubscribed South Seas annuities out of the supply granted to his Majesty for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty one; and for enabling the bank of England to hold general courts, and courts of directors, in the manner therein directed; and for giving certain persons liberty to subscribe bank and South Seas annuities omitted to be subscribed pursuant to two acts of the last session of parliament. Cap. 5. To indemnify persons who have omitted to qualify themselves for offices and employments within the time limited by law, and for allowing further time for that purpofe.

Cap. 6. For punishing mutiny and desertion; and for the better payment of the army and their quar


Cap. 7. For granting an aid to his Majesty by a land tax, to be raifed in Great Britain, for the service of the year one thousand feven hundred and fifty one.

Cap. 8. For the better carrying on, and regulating, the navigation of the river Thames and Ifis, from the city of London westward to the


[blocks in formation]

Cap. 9. For repairing the road leading from West-Lavington to the Devizes, and from the Devizes to Seend, in the county of Wilts.

Cap. 10. For enlarging the term and powers granted by two acts of parliament, for repairing the highways through the several parishes of Saint Michael, Saint Alban, Saint Peter, Shenley-Ridge, and SouthMims, in the counties of Hertford and Middlesex.

Cap. 11. For reducing the interest upon the capital stock of the South Sea company, from the time, and upon the terms, therein mentioned; and for preventing of frauds committed by the officers and fervants of_the said company.

Cap. 12. For appointing commissioners to put in execution an act made in the twenty second year of the reign of King Charles the Second, for making navigable the rivers commonly called Brandon and Waveney; so far as the fame relates to the navigation of the river commonly called the Leffer Ouze, from Thetford to Brandon, and from Brandon to a place called the White House, near Brandon Ferry, in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk.

Cap. 13. For repairing the road from Crosford Bridge, through the townships of Stretford and Hulme, to the town of Manchester, in the county palatine of Lancaster.

Cap. 14. For explaining and amending an act passed in the twenty first year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled, An att for the relief of the annuitants of the wardens and commonalty of the mystery of Mercers of the city of London, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Cap. 15. To enable the parishioners of the parish of Saint Mary, Islington, in the county of Middlesex,

[blocks in formation]

Cap. 17. For repairing the road leading from the east end of Brumpton High Lane in the county of York, to the town of Richmond, and from thence to and through the towns of Afkriggand Ingleton in the faid county, to the town of Lancaster in the county of Lancaster.

Cap. 18. For the better regulation of trials by jury; and for enlarging the time for trials by Nifi Prius in the county of Middlesex. Cap. 19. For making the river Nar navigable, from the town and port of King's Lynn, to Westacre, in the county of Norfolk.

Cap. 20. For repairing and widening the road from Preston to Lancaster, and from thence to a place called Heiring Syke, that divides the counties of Lancaster and Westmoreland. Cap. 21. For enlarging the term and powers granted by an act passed in the third year of the reign of his present Majesty, for repairing and amending the several roads leading from Woodstock through Kiddington and Enstone to Rollright Lane, and from Enflow Bridge to Kiddington aforefaid, in the county of Oxford; and for making the said act more effectual.

Cap. 22. For explaining and amending so much of an act passed in the fourteenth year of the reign of his present Majesty for the repairing and enlarging the roads from the town of Selby, in the west riding of the county of York, to the town of Leeds; and from thence in two several branches, one through Bradford and Horton, and the other a 4 through

through Bowling and Wibfey, to the town of Halifax in the fame riding, as relates to that part of the faid roads which lies between Selby and Leeds; and also for repairing the road from Tadcaster in the said west riding, over Brambam Moor thro' Kidhall Lane, over Win Moor, and through Seacroft, to a place called Halton Dyal, where it comes into the abovesaid road, between Selby and Leeds.

Cap. 23. For regulating the commencement of the year; and for correcting the calendar now in ufe. Cap. 24. To provide for the administration of the government, in cafe the crown should descend to any of the children of his late royal highness Frederick prince of Wales, being under the age of eighteen years; and for the care and guardianship, of their perfons.

Cap. 25. For laying out, making, and keeping in repair, a road proper for the passage of troops and carriages from the city of Carlisle,

to the town of Newcastle upon Tyne. Cap. 26. For cleansing and enlightening the open places, streets, and other passages, and regulating the nightly watch and bedels, in the parish of Saint Matthew, Bethnal Green, in the county of Middlesex.

Cap. 27. To enable the present and future proprietors and inhabitants of the houses in Golden Square, in the parish of Saint James, Westminster, in the county of Middlesex, to make and levy a rate on themfelves, for raising money fufficient for the better inclofing, paving, enlightening, and adorning of the faid square; and fupporting and keeping of the fame in repair for the future.

Cap. 28. For repairing the road from the top of Crickley Hill in the county of Gloucester, to Frogg-Mill, through the towns of Northleach, Burford, and Witney, and parithes

of Hanborough and Bladen, to Campsfield, in the parish of Kidlington, in the county of Oxford; and also the road from Witney, through Ensham, Cumner and Botley, to the city of Oxford.

Cap. 29. For repairing the road leading from the town of Ludlow in the county of Salop, through Wofferton and Little Hereford, to a place called Monk's Bridge, in the said county; and also from the faid town of Ludlow, to a place or house called the Maidenhead at Orleton in the county of Hereford.

Cap. 30. For repairing the high roads
leadingfrom Darlington in the coun-
ty of Darham, to West Auckland, and
feveral other roads in the faid coun-
ty therein mentioned.

Cap. 31. For explaining, amending,
and enforcing, an act passed in the
thirteenth year of his late Majesty's
reign, intituled, An alt for the bet-
ter regulation of the linen and hempen
manufactures in that part of Great
Britain called Scotland; and for
further regulating and encouraging
the faid manufactures.
Cap. 32. For enlarging the term and
powers granted by two acts of par-
liament for repairing the road from
Wendover, to the town of Bucking-
ham in the county of Bucks; and
also for repairing and widening the
road leading from the west end of
the faid town of Wendover, to the
end of a lane called Oak Lane, next
the great road called The Oxford
Road, lying between the town of
Beconsfield, in the faid county of
Bucks, and Uxbridge in the county
of Middlesex, and that part of
the faid great road which leads
from the west end of the said town
of Beconsfield, to the river Colne near
Uxbridge aforesaid.

Cap. 33. For enlarging the term and
powers granted by an act passed in
the fourth year of his present Ma-
jesty's reign, for repairing the roads

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leading from the most southern part of Butt Lane, in the parish of Lawton, in the county palatine of Chester, to Lawton; and from thence to Henshall's Smithy, upon Cranage Green in the faid county; and for making the said act more effectual.

Cap. 34. For the better preservation of the game in that part of Great Britain called Scotland.

Cap. 35. For repairing the high roads in the county of Edinburgh, to and from the city of Edinburgh; and from Crammond Bridge to the town of Queen's Ferry in the county of Linlithgow.

Cap. 36. For building a bridge over the river Ribble, between the townships of Preston and Penworsham, near a place called the Pish-house, in the county palatine of Lancaster. Cap. 37. For dividing the parish of Saint Philip and Jacob in the county of Gloucester, and in the city and county of Bristol; and for erecting a church in the new intended parish. Cap. 38. For levying a duty of two pennies Scots, or a fixth part of a penny sterling, on every Scots pint of ale and beer which shall be brewed for fale, brought into, tapped or fold, within the town of Greenock, and baronies of Easter and Wester Greenock, and Finnart, and liberties thereof, in the county of Renfrew, for repairing the harbour of the said town, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

Cap. 39. For the better regulating the navigation of the river Avon, running through the counties of Warwick, Worcester and Gloucester; and for afcertaining the rates of watercarriage upon the said river.

Cap. 40. For granting to his Majesty an additional duty upon spirituous liquors, and upon licences for retailing the fame; and for repealing the act of the twentieth year of his present Majesty's reign, intituled,

An act for granting a duty to his Majesty to be paid by distillers upon licences to be taken out by them for retailing spirituous liquors; and for the more effectually restraining the retailing of distilled spirituous liquors; and for allowing a drawback upon the exportation of British made spirits; and that the parish of Saint Mary le Bon, in the county of Middlesex, shall be under the inspection of the head office of excife.

Cap. 41. For the more effectual fecuring the duties upon tobacco. Cap. 42. To explain and amend an act passed in the last session of parliament, intituled, An alt for the more easy and speedy recovery of small debts within the city and liberty of Westminster, and that part of the dutchy of Lancaster, which adjoineth thereto; and for making the said act more effectual.

Cap. 43. For the more effectual preservation of the turnpike roads in that part of Great Britain called England; and for the disposition of penalties given by acts of parliament relating to the highways in that part of Great Britain called England, and for enforcing the recovery thereof; and for the more effectual preventing the mischiefs occafioned by the drivers riding upon carts, drays, carrs and waggons, in the city of London, and within ten miles thereof.

Cap. 44. For the rendering justices of the peace more fafe in the execution of their office; and for indemnifying constables, and others, acting in obedience to their war


Cap. 45. For the more effectual preventing of robberies and thefts upon any navigable rivers, ports of entry or discharge, wharfs and keys adjacent.

Cap. 46. For repealing the du

ties now payable upon foreign linen

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