| Robert Nelson - 1757 - 686 halaman
...Ormond-Street. -K.OB. .NELSON. Rules Rules to know when the Mvoeabk Feafts and Holy-Days begin. Es4fter-Day, on which the reft depend, is always the firft Sunday after the firft Full Moon, which happens next after the One and Twentieth Day of March. And if the Full Moon... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1871 - 670 halaman
...true time, more especially as the precept for finding Easter, namely, that it " is always the first Sunday after the full moon which happens upon or next after the twenty-first day of March, and if the full moon happens on a Sunday, Easter Day is the Sunday after,"... | |
| Great Britain - 1765 - 462 halaman
...Failing and Abitinence, Rules to ¿now -when the Moveable Feaßs and Holy-days begin. £ Aßer-day (on which the reft depend) is always the Firft Sunday...the Full Moon, which happens upon, or next after the Twenty-firft Day of March. And if the Full Moon happens upon a Sunday, Eaßer 'ay is the Sunday after.... | |
| 1765 - 410 halaman
...Failing or Abftinence, through the whole YearT* '. UL ES to know ivken the Mmeabl* Feajts and Holy-daft begin, ^After-day, on which the reft depend, is always...Sunday after the Full Moon, which happens upon, or next fter the Twenty- firft Day of March ; and if the Full Moon appensupon a Sunday, Eaftcr-day is the Sunday... | |
| Robert Nelson - 1791 - 614 halaman
...fecuring his own. AH »«. , ,703. R NELSON. Ormond-Strcct. RULES Fcajls and Holy-Days begin. -Dav, on which the reft depend, is always the firft Sunday after the iirft full Moon, which happens next after the One and Twentieth Day of Afartfb. And if the Full Moon... | |
| Charles Wheatly - 1802 - 572 halaman
...is always the Jtrß Sunday after the fall Moon, •which happens upon or next after the twcnty-ßrß Day of March ; and if the full Moon happens upon a Sunday, Eaßerday is tbe Sunday after. Upon what §. 3. To fliew upon what occafion the rule was framed, occaiion Jt js... | |
| Episcopal Church - 1806 - 684 halaman
...Abftinence through the whole Year. RULES, to know when the Moveable Feafts and Holydays begin. EASTER-DAY, on which the reft depend, is always the Firft Sunday...the Twenty-firfl Day of March ; and if the Full Moon happen upon a Sunday, Eafter-day is the Sunday after. Advent Sunday is always the neareft Sunday to... | |
| Henry Kett - 1806 - 600 halaman
...nature* nature, for it is ordered by that Act, that Eafter Sunday, on which the reft of the Feafts depend, is always the firft Sunday after the full moon, which happens upon, or next after the 21 ft of March; and if the full moon happens on a Sunday, Ealterday is the Sunday after9. • * This... | |
| Charles Wheatly - 1810 - 570 halaman
...finding of Common-Prayer printed in or fince the year 1752 : after> Eqfter-day is always the jirft Sunday after the full Moon, which happens upon or next after the twenty '-fir/I day of March ; and if the full Moon happens upon a Sunday, Eqfter-day is the Sunday... | |
| 1811 - 770 halaman
...is as follows; " Easter- day, ou which the rest depend,"(theMoveabie Feasts) " is always the first Sunday after the full moon, which happens upon or next after the twenty-first day of March; and if the full moon happens upon a Sunday, Easter-day is the Sunday after."... | |
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