| 1739 - 480 halaman
...oppofite Principle ; but in the Science of Man the Paffions overturn as faft as Reafon can build up. " Alas, what Wonder! Man's fuperior Part " Uncheck'd...Art ; " But when his own great Work is but begun, <c What Reafon weaves, by Paflion is undone. This is a plain Account of the Poet's fine Reafoning in... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1733 - 26 halaman
...roll, Defcribe, or fife, one Movement of the Soul? Who mark'd their Points, to rife, and to defcend, Explain his own Beginning, or his End ? Alas what wonder \- Man's fuperior Part Uncheck'd'may rife, and climb from Art to Art;/; But when his own great Work is but begun, What Reafon... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1736 - 64 halaman
...roll, 3 5 Defcribe, or fix one Movement of the Soul ? Who mark'd their Points, to rife, and to defcend, Explain his own Beginning, or his End ? Alas, what...Part Uncheck'd may rife, and climb from Art to Art ; 40 But when his own great Work is but begun, What Reafon waves, by Paffion is undone. Two Principles... | |
| William Warburton - 1742 - 220 halaman
...oppofite Principle ; but in the Science of Man, the Pajftons overturn, as faft as Reafon can build up. Alas, what Wonder! Man's fuperior Part Uncheck'd may rife, and climb from Art to Art; But Mr. POPE's ESSAY oN MAK. <?? But when his own great Work is but begun, What Reafon weaves, by Paffion... | |
| William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 432 halaman
...roll, Defcribe, or fix, one Movement of the Soul ? Who mark'd their Points, to rife, and to defceftd, Explain his own Beginning, or his End ? Alas what...but begun, What Reafon weaves, by Paffion is undone. ' ' ••*••'. * . . The Poet goes on to difcover his own Mind, and begins to point out to us... | |
| William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 426 halaman
...to rife, and to defcend, Explain his own Beginning, or his End ? Alas what Wonder ! Man's fuper k>r Part Uncheck'd may rife, and climb from Art to Art...but begun, What Reafon weaves, by Paffion is undone. The Poet goes on to difcover his own Mind, and begins to point out to us the Principles of Reafori... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 274 halaman
...bind, 35 Defcribe or fix one movement of his Mind ? Who faw it's fires here rife, and there defcend, Explain his own beginning, or his end ? Alas what...part Uncheck'd may rife, and climb from art to art ; 40 VARIATIO Ns. VER. 35. Ed. ift. Could he, who taught each Planet where to roll, Defcribe or fix... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 272 halaman
...bind, 35 Defcribe or fix one movement of his Mind ? Who faw it's fires here rife, and there defcend, Explain his own beginning, or his end ? Alas what...part Uncheck'd may rife, and climb from art to art ; 4$ VARIATIO Ns. VER. 35. Ed. ift. Could he, who taught each Planet where to roll, Defcribe or fix... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1752 - 376 halaman
...cxiftence, they both wanted. 37. Who Jaiu its fires hen rife, &c.] Sir Ifaac NcWEp. II. ESSAYONMA N. 47 Alas what wonder ! Man's fuperior part Uncheck'd may rife, and climb from art to art j \9 But when his own great work is but begun, What Reafon weaves, by Paffion is undone. Trace Science... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1754 - 236 halaman
...his end > ' Alas what wonder ! Man's fuperior part Uncheck'd may rife, and climb from art to art; 40 But when his own great work is but begun, What Reafon...guide ; Firft ftrip off all her equipage of Pride; Deduft what is but Vanity, or Drefs, 4; Or Learning's Luxury, or Idlenefs; it defcribes, when it becomes... | |
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