The Political state of Great Britain, Jilid 11 |
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८ ८ Addreſs alſo Anſwer appointed Arms attend Bill Britain Cafe call'd Church Clemency Commiſſion Committee Confideration Country Court Crown defire Deſign Duke Duty Earl of Carnwath Earl of Derwentwater Earl of Wintoun Elections Enemies Eſcape Eſq faid fame Favour fent fince firſt fome fuch Gentlemen Government Grace guilty hath Honour Horſe Houſe House of Commons humbly Impeachment Justice King King's Kingdom laſt late leſs Lord High Steward Lord Nairn Lord Widdrington Lordſhips Majesty Majesty's March ment Mercy moſt neceſſary Number obſerve Occafion Officers Order order'd Parish Parliament paſs'd Peace Perſons pleaſed preſent Preston Pretender Prince Prisoner Protestant publick Queſtion raiſe Rebellion Rebels receiv'd Reign Reſolution Royal Highness ſaid ſame ſay Scotland ſelves ſent Serjeant at Arms ſet ſeveral ſhall ſhew ſhould ſome Subjects ſuch theſe thing thoſe tion Treason Triennial Act Troops Tryal Univerſity Vestry whole Houſe whoſe William
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Halaman 466 - ... that it may be declared and enacted, That all and singular the rights and liberties asserted and claimed in the said declaration, are the true, ancient, and indubitable rights and liberties of the people of this kingdom...
Halaman 239 - Third for my rightful and lawful sovereign : him I had an inclination to serve from my infancy, and was moved thereto by a natural love I had to his person, knowing him to be capable of making his people happy. And though he had been of a different religion from mine, I should have done for him all that lay in my power, as my ancestors have done for his predecessors, being thereunto bound by the laws of God and man.
Halaman 23 - Heaven very often enhances our blessings by disappointments, and your majesty's safe arrival after such a train of difficulties, and so many attempts, makes us not doubt but that God is propitious to your just cause. " As your majesty's arrival was seasonable, so it was surprising. We were happy and we knew it not. We had the...
Halaman 124 - King went to the Houfe of Peers, with the ufual State and Solemnity, and the Commons being fent for up, and attending...
Halaman 238 - ... my life ; and I doubt not of a merciful forgiveness, through the merits of the passion and death of my Saviour Jesus Christ, for which end I earnestly desire the prayers of all good Christians. " After this, I am to ask pardon of those whom I might have scandalized by pleading guilty at my trial.
Halaman 381 - Majefty that it may be enacled ; and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That...
Halaman 675 - Whereas by the ancient laws and statutes of this kingdom frequent Parliaments ought to be held, and whereas frequent and new Parliaments tend very much to the happy union and good agreement of the king and people...
Halaman 238 - Being in a few minutes to appear before the tribunal of God, where, though most unworthy, I hope to find mercy, which I have not found from men now in power, I have endeavoured to make my peace with his Divine Majesty, by most humbly begging pardon for all the sins of my life; and I doubt not of a merciful forgiveness through the merits of the passion and death of my Saviour, Jesus Christ, for which end I earnestly desire the prayers of all good Christians.
Halaman 651 - Right, as to him feems belt, and moft for the Good and Benefit of his People, without Application to Parliament, either to approve or confirm. But admitting that of late Years Parliaments have thought themfelves...
Halaman 115 - Oftober laft ^ and being foon after informed, that almoft all his Neighbours and Acquaintance had there met in Arms, he took a hafty and inconfiderate Refolution of joining them ; nor was he in any fort prepared for fuch an Undertaking, having only fome of his own Family with him, no Arms but his common Fowling Pieces and .wearing Swords, and fewer Horfes than he had conftantly kept for feveral Years before , and nothing but the Report of fo many of his Friends b&ing engaged, could have hurried him...