THE POLITICAL STATE OF Great Britain. VOLUME XI. CONTAINING The Months of JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, Loudon: Printed for J. BAKER, and T. WARNER, N New-Year's Day, the King Vol. XI. according to Custom, re- ~ ceiv'd in the Morning the New Year's Day folemni Compliments of the Great red at Courta Ministers of State, Nobili ty, foreign Ministers, and other Persons of Distinction: But it being a Sunday, the singing of the Ode compos'd by Mr. N. Rowe, Poet-Laureat, was put off to the next Evening, when the fame was perform'd in an excellent Confort of Vocal and Instrumental Musick. I leave that Piece of POETRY to be preserv'd either with the Author's own Works, or in some other Collection; But I cannot refift the Temptation of adorning A 14 |