the county, riding, or division, in which they shall respectively reside :— All persons between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, residing in any county in England, who has in that county, either in his own name or in trust for him, ten pounds a year above reprises, (that is, of ten pounds a year clear yearly income,) in lands or tenements, whether of freehold, copyhold, customary tenure, or of ancient demesne; or in rents issuing out of any such lands or tenements, or in such lands, tenements. and rents taken together, in fee simple, fee tail, or for the life of himself or some other person; or who has within the same county, twenty pounds per annum, above reprises, in lands or tenements held by lease or leases, for the absolute term of twenty-one years, or longer, or for any term of years determinable on any life or lives; or who, being a householder, shall be rated or assessed to the poor rate, or to the inhabited house duty in the county of Middlesex, on a value of not less than thirty pounds, or in any other county on a value of not less than twenty pounds; or who shall occupy a house containing not less than fifteen windows. Every man between the aforesaid ages, residing in any county in Wales, and being there qualified to the extent of three-fifths of the foregoing qualifications, shall be qualified and liable to serve on grand juries for the trial of all issues joined in the courts of sessions of the peace, and on petty juries, for the trial of all issues joined in such courts of sessions of the peace, in every county of Wales in which every man so qualified shall respectively dwell. The following persons are "absolutely freed and exempted from being returned, and from serving, upon any juries or inquests whatsoever :"_ Peers of parliament. Judges of the Queen's courts of record at Westminster. Clergymen in holy orders. Priests of the Roman Catholic faith, who shall have duly taken and subscribed the oaths and declarations required by law. Persons who shall teach or preach in any congregation of protestant dissenters, whose place of meeting is duly registered, and who shall follow no secular occupation, except that of a schoolmaster, producing a certificate of some justice of the peace of their having taken the oaths, and subscribed the declaration as by law required. Sergeants and barristers at law actually practising. Members of the society of Doctors of Law, and advocates of the civil law, actually practising. Attornies, solicitors, and proctors, duly admitted in any court of law or equity, or of ecclesiastical or admiralty jurisdiction, in which attornies, solicitors, and proctors, have usually been admitted, actually practising, and having taken out their annual certificates. Officers of any such courts actually exercising the duties of their respective offices. Coroners of counties and boroughs. Gaolers and keepers of houses of correction. Members and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians in London, actually practising. Surgeons being members of one of the Royal Col leges of Surgeons in London, Edinburgh, or Dublin, and actually practising. Apothecaries certificated by the Court of Examiners of the Apothecaries' Company, and actually practising. Officers in her Majesty's navy or army on full pay. Channel and river pilots licensed by the Trinity House of Deptford, Stroud, Kingston-upon-Hull, or Newcastle-upon-Tyne; and all masters of vessels in the buoy and light service, employed by either of those corporations; and all pilots licensed by the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, or under any Act of parliament or charter for the regulation of pilots in any other port. The household servants of her most gracious Majesty, her heirs and successors. Officers of customs and excise.* High constables, parish clerks, sheriffs' officers. The above special exceptions are constituted by the second section of the new Jury Act, which further provides, that "all persons exempt from serving upon juries in any of the courts aforesaid, by virtue of any prescription,' charter, grant, or writ, shall continue to have and enjoy such exemption in as ample a manner as before the passing of this Act." .. By the 42d section it is enacted, that no person shall be returned as a juror to serve at any session of " nisi prius," or of gaol delivery in the county of Middlesex, who has served as a juror at either of such sessions in * Clerks in all other public offices are not exempted by this Act, which must have been an oversight, there does not appear to be any good reason for exempting officers of customs and excise only. the said county, in either of the two terms or vacations next immediately preceding, and has the sheriff's certificate of having so served; and no person shall be returned as a juror to serve on trials before any court of assize, nisi prius, oyer and terminer, or gaol delivery, or any of the courts of the counties palatine, who shall have served as a juror at any of such courts, within one year before in Wales, in the counties of Hereford, Cambridge, Huntingdon, or Rutland, or four years before in the county of York, or two years before in any other county, and has the sheriff's certificate of having so served; and no man shall be returned to serve on any grand or petty jury, at any session of the peace to be holden for any county, riding, or division, in England or Wales, who has served as a juror at any such session within one year before in Wales, or in the counties of Hereford, Cambridge, Huntingdon, or Rutland, or two years before in any other county, and has the certificate of the clerk of the peace of having so served; but the provisions contained in this section are not to extend to grand jurors at the assizes, nor to special jurors. By section 48, no justice of the peace shall be summoned or impanelled as a juror, to serve at any session of the peace for the jurisdiction of which he is a jus tice. By section 49, the inhabitants of the city and liberties of Westminster are exempted from serving on any jury at the sessions of the peace for the county of Middlesex. And by section 50, no man shall be impanelled or returned to serve on any jury for the trial of any capi tal offence in any county, city, or place, who shall not be qualified to serve as a juror in civil causes within the said county, city, town, or place. By the same section it is enacted, that the qualifications herein before required for jurors shall not extend to the jurors or juries in any liberties, franchises, cities, boroughs, or "towns corporate," not being counties; or in any cities, boroughs, or towns, being counties of themselves, which shall respectively possess any jurisdiction, civil or criminal; but that in all such places, the sheriffs, bailiffs, or other ministers, having the return of juries, shall prepare their panels in the usual manner. 66 As concerning the city of London, it is provided by the same section, that no man shall be impanelled or returned by the sheriffs of the city of London as a juror to try any issue joined" in her Majesty's courts at Westminster, or to serve on any jury at the sessions of Oyer or Terminer, Gaol Delivery, or Sessions of the Peace, to be held for the said city, who shall not be a householder, or the occupier of a shop, warehouse, countinghouse, chambers, or office, for the purpose of trade or commerce, within the said city, and have lands, tenements, or personal estate, of the value of one hundred pounds, at the least. And, by the 52d section it is enacted, that no man shall be liable to be summoned or impanelled to serve as a juror in any county of England or Wales, or in London, upon any inquest or inquiry to be taken or made by or before any sheriff or coroner, by virtue of any writ of inquiry, or by, or before any commissioners appointed under the great seal, or the seal of the court |