Encyclopædias and Dictionaries. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PLANTS; Including all the Plants which are now found in, or have been introduced into Great Britain ; giving their Natural History, accompanied by such Descriptions, Engraved Figures, and Elementary Details, as may enable a beginner, who is a mere English reader, to discover the name of every Plant which he may find in flower, and acquire all the information respecting it which is useful and interesting. The Specific Characters by an Eminent Botanist; the Drawings by J. D. C. Sowerby, F.L.S. A new Edition (1841), with a new Supplement, comprising every desirable particular respecting all the Plants originated in, or introduced into, Britain between the first publication of the work, in 1829, and January 1840: with a new General Index to the whole work. Edited by J. B. Loudon, prepared by W. H. Baxter, Jun., and revised by George Don, F.L.S.; and 800 new Figures of Plants, on Wood, from Drawings by J. D. C. Sowerby, F.L.S. 1 very large vol. 8vo. with nearly 10,000 Engravings on Wood, pp. 1354, 37. 138. 6d. The new Supplement (1841), separately, 8vo. pp. 190, 158. cloth. THE FARMER'S ENCYCLOPÆDIA, And DICTIONARY of RURAL AFFAIRS: embracing all the recent Discoveries in Agri. cultural Chemistry; adapted to the comprehension of unscientific Readers. By Cuthbert W. Johnson, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Corresponding Member of the Agricultural Society of Königsberg, and of the Maryland Horticultural Society, Author of several of the Prize Essays of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, and other Agricultural Works; Editor of the "Farmer's Almanack," etc. 1 thick vol. 8vo pp. 1324 (1842), illustrated by Wood Engravings of the best and most improved Agricultural Implements. 27. 10s. cloth. AN ENCYCLOPÆDIA OF COTTAGE, FARM, & VILLA ARCHITECTURE and FURNITURE. Containing Designs of Cottages, Villas, Farm Houses, Farmeries, Country Inns, Public Houses, Parochial Schools, etc.; with the requisite Fittings-up, Fixtures, and Furniture, and appropriate Offices, Gardens, and Garden Scenery: each Design accompanied by Analytical and Critical Remarks illustrative of the Principles of Architectural Science and Taste, on which it is composed, and General Estimates of the Expense. By J. C. Loudon, F.L.S. etc. New Edition (1842), corrected, with a Supplement containing 160 additional pages of letter-press, and nearly 300 new engravings, bringing down the work to 1842. In 1 very thick vol. 8vo. pp. 1326, with more than 2000 Engravings on Wood, 31. 38. cloth. ** The New Supplement, separately, 8vo. pp. 174, 78. 6d. sewed. AN ENCYCLOPÆDIA OF AGRICULTURE. Comprising its History in all Countries; the principles on which Agricultural Operations depend, and their Appilcatlon to Great Britain and similar Climates. By J. C. Loudon, F.L.S. etc. The Third Edition (1839), 1 large vol. 8vo. pp. 1418, with nearly 1300 Engravings on Wood, 21. 10s. cloth. A DICTIONARY OF PRINTING. By William Savage, author of "Practical Hints on Decorative Printing," and a Treatise "On the Preparation of Printing Ink, both Black and Coloured." In 1 vol. 8vo. with numerous Diagrams, 11. 68. cloth. A DICTIONARY OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND MINES: Containing a clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice. By Andrew Ure, M.D. F.R.S. M.G.S. etc. New Edition, in 1 thick vol. 8vo. illustrated with 1241 Engravings on Wood, 21. 10s. cloth. A DICTIONARY OF PRACTICAL MEDICINE; Comprising General Pathology, the Nature and Treatment of Diseases, Morbid Structures, and the Disorders especially incidental to Climates, to Sex, and to the different Epochs of Life, with numerous approved Formulæ of the Medicines recommended. By James Copland, M.D., Consulting Physician to Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital; Senior Physician to the Royal Infirmary for Children; Member of the Royal College of Physicians, London; of the Medical and Chirurgical Societies of London and Berlin, etc. Publishing in Parts, of which Seven have appeared. AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL ENGINEERING; Historical, Theoretical, and Practical. By E. Cresy, Esq. F.A.S. C.E. In 1 thick vol. 8vo. with numerous Illustrations on Wood. (Preparing for Publication). V. Juvenile Works. THE BOY'S COUNTRY BOOK: Being the real Life of a Country Boy, written by Himself; exhibiting all the Amusements, Pleasures, and Pursuits of Children in the Country. Edited by William Howitt, author of "The Rural Life of England," etc. 2d Edition, fcap 8vo. with about 40 Woodcuts, 8s. cloth. MASTERMAN READY; Or, the Wreck of the Pacific. Written for Young People By Captain Marryat. 3 Vols. fools. cap 8vo. with Numerous Engravings on Wood, 75. 6d. each, cloth. Juvenile Works. THE BOY'S OWN BOOK: A Complete Encyclopædia of all the Diversions, Athletic, Scientific, and Recreative, of Boyhood and Youth. 19th Edition, square 12mo., with many Engravings on Wood, 88. 6d. boards. THE YOUNG LADIES' BOOK: A Manual of Elegant Recreations, Exercises, and Pursuits. 4th Edition, with numerous beautifully executed Engravings on Wood. 11. 1s. elegantly bound in crimson silk, lined with imitation of Mechlin lace. VI. Agriculture, Farming, Land-Surveying, etc. THE BREEDS OF THE DOMESTICATED ANIMALS Of Great Britain described. By David Low, Esq. F.R.S.E., Professor of Agriculture in the University of Edinburgh; Member of the Royal Academy of Agriculture of Sweden; Corresponding Member of the Conseil Royal d'Agriculture de France, of the Société Royale et Centrale, etc. etc. The Plates are drawings by W. Nicholson, R.S.A., reduced from a a Series of Oil Paintings, executed for the Agricultural Museum of the University of Edinburgh by W. Shiels, R.S.A. In 2 vols. atlas quarto, with 52 plates of animals, beautifully coloured after Nature, 167. 168. half-bound in morocco. The Work may also be had in four separate portions, as follows: The OX, in 1 vol. atlas quarto, with 22 Plates, The HORSE, in 1 vol, atlas quarto, with 8 The HOG, in 1 vol. atlas quarto, with 5 Plates, This work, designed to illustrate the distinctive characters of all the most important Races, or Breeds of the Domestic Animals proper to, or naturalised in, Great Britain, consists of a series of Portraits of Animals characteristic of the different races. In the year 1832, a grant by authority of Government, was made from the funds of the Board of Trustees of Scotland, for forming an Agricultural Museum in the College of Edinburgh. Amongst the objects which this Institution embraced, was a Collection of Paintings illustrative of the British Breeds of the Domestic Animals. This extensive branch of the Museum now embraces all the more essential Native Breeds. as well as some of Foreign Countries. The Paintings are all Portraits of Animals selected from the stocks of eminent Breeders, wherever the best examples presented themselves in any part of the kingdom. They have been executed by a distinguished artist, Mr. Shiels, of the Royal Scotch Academy, whose time has been devoted for upwards of seven years to the subject. The paintings have been made with the utmost regard to fidelity of representation, so that all the essential characters of external form may be shown. From this fine collection the materials for the present work are derived; and such a selection has been made from the Originals as to fulfil the purpose of illustration, without extending the work beyond the limits proper to assign to it. ELEMENTS OF PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE: Comprehending the Cultivation of Plants, the Husbandry of the Domestic Animals, and the Economy of the Farm. By David Low, Esq. F.R.S.E., Professor of Agriculture in the University of Edinburgh. 8vo. 3d Edition, with Alterations and Additions, with above 200 Woodcuts, 188. cloth. LOUDON'S ENCYCLOPÆDIA OF AGRICULTURE. (For particulars, see page 10 of Catalogue.) CUTHBERT JOHNSON'S FARMER'S ENCYCLOPÆDIA, And Dictionary of Rural Affairs. (For particulars, see page 11 of Catalogue.) BAYLDON'S ART OF VALUING RENTS AND TILLAGES, And the Tenant's Right of Entering and Quitting Farms, explained by several Specimens of Valuations; and Remarks on the Cultivation pursued on Soils in different Situations. Adapted to the Use of Landlords, Land-Agents, Appraisers, Farmers, and Tenants. 5th Edition, re-written and Enlarged, by John Donaldson. With a Chapter on the Tithe-Commutation Rent-charge, by a Gentleman of much experience on the Tithe Commission. 8vo. 10s. 6d. cloth. TREATISE ON THE VALUATION OF PROPERTY FOR THE POOR'S RATE; showing the Method of Rating Lands, Buildings, Tithes, Mines, Woods, Navigable Rivers and Canals, and Personal Property; with an Abstract of the Poor Laws relating to Rates and Appeals. By J. S. Bayldon, author of "Rents and Tillages." 1 vol. 8vo. 78. 6d. boards. SIR HUMPHRY DAVY'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY: Introduction; The General Powers of Matter Animal Origin, Manures of Mineral Origin, or Fossil Manures; Improvement of Lands by Burning; Experiments on the Nutritive Qualities of different Grasses, etc. Agricultural Works. CROCKER'S ELEMENTS OF LAND SURVEYING. Fifth Edition, corrected throughout, and considerably improved and modernized, by T. G. Bunt, Land Surveyor, Bristol. To which are added, TABLES OF SIX-FIGURE LOGARITHMS, etc., superintended by Richard Farley, of the Nautical Almanac Establishment. 1 vol. post 8vo. 128. cloth. ** The work throughout is entirely revised, and much new matter has been added; there are new chapters, containing very full and minute Directions relating to the modern Practice of Surveying, both with and without the aid of angular instruments. The method of Plotting Estates, and casting or computing their Areas, are described, etc. etc. chapter on Levelling also is new. VII. Gardening. LOUDON'S ENCYCLOPÆDIA OF GARDENING. (For particulars, see page 10 of Catalogue). THE ROSE AMATEUR'S GUIDE: The Containing ample Descriptions of all the fine leading Varieties of Roses, regularly classed in their respective Families; their History and Mode of Culture. By T. Rivers, Jun. 2d Edit. with Alterations and Additions. 1 vol. foolscap 8vo. 68. cloth. Among the additions to the present Edition will be found full Directions for Raising New Roses from Seed, by modes never before published, appended to each Family; with Descriptions of the most remarkable New Roses lately introduced; and an Alphabetical List of all the New Roses and Show Flowers. THE VEGETABLE CULTIVATOR; Containing a plain and accurate Description of all the different Species of Culinary Vegetables, with the most approved Method of Cultivating them by Natural and Artificial Means, and the best Modes of Cooking them; alphabetically arranged. Together with a Description of the Physical Herbs in General Use. Also, some Recollections of the Life of Philip Miller, F.A.S., Gardener to the Worshipful Company of Apothecaries at Chelsea. By John Rogers, author of "The Fruit Cultivator." Foolscap 8vo. 78. cloth. PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE CULTIVATION OF THE GRAPE VINE ON OPEN WALLS. By Clement Hoare. 3d Edition, 8vo. 78. 6d. cloth. CONTENTS. Introduction; Observations on the present Method of Cultivating Grape Vines on open Walls; on the capability and extent of the Fruit-bearing Powers of the Vine; on Aspect; on Soil; on Manure; on the Construction of Walls; on the Propagation of Vines; on the Pruning of Vines; on the Training of Vines; on the Management of a Vine during the first five years of its growth; Weekly Calendarial Register; General Autumnal Prunings; on the Winter Management of the Vine; on the Planting and Management of Vines in the Public thoroughfares of Towns; Descriptive Catalogue of twelve sorts of Grapes most suitably adapted for Culture on Open Walls. PRACTICAL HINTS ON THE CULTURE OF THE PINE APPLE. By R. Glendenning, Gardener to the Right Hon. Lord Rolle, Bicton. 12mo. with Plan of Pínery, 58. cloth. THE THEORY OF HORTICULTURE; Or, an Attempt to Explain the Principal Operations of Gardening upon Physiological Principles. By John Lindley, Ph.D. F.R.S. 1 vol. 8vo. with Illustrations on Wood. 128. cloth. This book is written in the hope of providing the intelligent gardener, and the scientific amateur, correctly, with the rationalia of the more important operations of Horticulture; and the author has endeavoured to present to his readers an intelligible explanation, founded upon well ascertained facts, which they can judge of by their own means of observation, of the general nature of vegetable actions, and of the causes which, while they control the powers of life in plants, are capable of being regulated by themselves. The possession of such knowledge will necessarily teach them how to improve their methods of cultivation, and lead them to the discovery of new and better modes. AN OUTLINE OF THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OF HORTICULTURE. A GUIDE TO THE ORCHARD AND KITCHEN GARDEN; Or, an Account of the most valuable Fruits and Vegetables cultivated in Great Britain: with Kalendars of the Work required in the Orchard and Kitchen Garden during every month in the year. By George Lindley, C.M.H.S. Edited by Professor Lindley. 1 large vol. 8vo. 168. boards. New THE LANDSCAPE GARDENING AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE of the late Humphrey Repton, Esq.; being his entire Works on these subjects. Edition, with an Historical and Scientific Introduction, a systematic Analysis, a Biographical Notice, Notes, and a copious Alphabetical Index. By J. C. Loudon, F.L.S., etc. Originally published in one folio and three quarto volumes, and now comprised in 1 vol. 8vo. illustrated by upwards of 250 Engravings, and Portrait, 30s. cloth; with coloured Plates, 31. 68. cloth. THE SUBURBAN GARDENER AND VILLA COMPANION: Comprising the Choice of a Villa or Suburban Residence, or of a situation on which to form one; the Arrangement and Furnishing of the House; and the Laying-out, Planting, and general Management of the Garden and Grounds; the whole adapted for grounds from one perch to fifty acres and upwards in extent; intended for the instruction of those who know little of Gardening or Rural Affairs, and more particularly for the use of Ladies. By J. C. Loudon, F.L.S., etc. 1 vol 8vo. with above 300 Wood Engravings, 20s. cloth. VIII. Mrs. Marcet's Works. CONVERSATIONS ON THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. For the Use of Children. Vol. I. containing the History to the Reign of Henry VII. 18mo. pp. 354, 48. 6d. cloth. London, 1842. CONVERSATIONS ON CHEMISTRY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments. 14th Edition (1841), enlarged and corrected, 2 vols. foolscap 8vo. pp. 732, 148. cloth. CONVERSATIONS ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained, and adapted to the comprehension of Young Persons. 9th Edition (1839), enlarged and corrected by the Author. I'vol. foolscap 8vo. pp. 484, with 23 Plates, 10s. 6d. cloth. of Springs, Fountains, etc.; Pneumatics; the CONTENTS. Of the General Properties of Bodies; the Attraction of Gravity; the Laws of Motion; Compound Motion; the Mechanical Powers; Astronomy; Causes of the Earth's Motion; the Planets; the Earth; the Moon; Hydrostatics; the Mechanical Properties of Fluids; CONVERSATIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY; In which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. 7th Edition (1839), revised and enlarged, 1 vol. foolscap 8vo. pp. 424, 78. 6d. cloth. CONTENTS. Introduction; on Property; the Division of Labour; on Capital; on Wages and Population; on the Condition of the Poor; on Value and Price; on Income; Income from Landed Property; Income from the Cultivation of Land; Income from Capital lent; on Money; on Commerce; on Foreign Trade; on Expenditure and Consumption. CONVERSATIONS ON VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY; Comprehending the Elements of Botany, with their application to Agriculture. 3d Edition (1839), 1 vol. toolscap 8vo. pp. 474, with Four Plates, 9s. cloth. CONTENTS. Introduction; on Roots; on Stems; on Leaves; on Sap; on Cambium and the peculiar Juices of Plants; on the Action of Light and Heat on Plants; on the Naturalization of Plants; on the Action of the Atmosphere on Plants; on the Action of Water on Plants; on the Artificial Mode of Watering Plants; on the Action of the Soil on Plants; on the Propagation of Plants by Subdivision; on Grafting; on the Multiplication of Plants by Seed; the Flower; on Compound Flowers; on Fruit; CONVERSATIONS FOR CHILDREN; on the Seed; on the Classification of Plants; on Artificial Systems; on the Natural System; Botanical Geography; the Influence of Culture on Vegetation; on the Degeneration and Diseases of Plants; on the Cultivation of Trees; on the Cultivation of Plants which Produce Fermented Liquors; on the Cultivation of Grasses, Tuberous Roots, and Grain; on Oleaginous Plants and Culinary Vegetables. On Land and Water. 2d Edition (1839), revised and corrected, 1 vol. foolscap 8vo. pp. 256, with coloured Maps, shewing the comparative Altitude of Mountains, 58. 6d. cloth lettered. THE GAME OF GRAMMAR, With a Book of Conversations (fcp. 8vo. pp. 54), shewing the Rules of the Game, and affording Examples of the manner of playing at it. In a varnished box, or done up as a post 8vo. volume in cloth, 8s. 1842. MARY'S GRAMMAR; Interspersed with Stories, and intended for the Use of Children. 5th Edition (1841), revised and enlarged, 18mo. pp. 336, 38. 6d. half-bound. JOHN HOPKINS' NOTIONS ON POLITICAL ECONOMY. 3d Edition (1834), foolscap 8vo. pp. 194, 4s. 6d. cloth. ** A smaller Edition (the Second, 1833) 18mo. pp. 176, 18. 6d. sewed. WILLY'S HOLIDAYS; Or, Conversations on Different Kinds of Governments, intended for Young Children. 18mo. pp. 158 (1836), 28. half-bound. WILLY'S STORIES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. Third Edition (1839), 18mo. pp. 138, 28. half-bound. The House-building: the Three Pits (the Coal Pit, the Chalk Pit, and the Gravel Pit): THE SEASONS; and the Land without Laws. Stories for very Young Children. 4 vols. 18mo. new Editions: Vol. 1, Winter, 3d Edition, (1839), pp. 180; Vol. 2, Spring, 3d Edition (1839), pp. 196; Vol. 3, Summer, 3d Edition (1840), pp. 178; Vol. 4, Autumn, 3d Edition (1840), pp. 184. 2s. each volume, half-bound. IX. Miscellaneous Works. THE CABINET CYCLOPÆDIA; Comprising a Series of Original Works on History, Biography, Literature, the Sciences, Arts, and Manufactures. Conducted and edited by Dr. Lardner. The Series complete in One Hundred and Thirty-three Volumes, 391. 188. (Three Volumes remain to be published.) The Works separate, at 68. per volume. Each work is complete in itself; and each Cabinet forms a complete body of information on its own subject. As a whole the Cyclopædia includes all the usual divisions of human knowledge that are not of a technical and professional kind. The sciences and arts have been treated in a plain and familiar style, adapted to the general reader; and the high rank in science held by most of the authors in this department affords a guarantee for soundness and accuracy. Besides these claims on attention offered by its separate divisions, the entire series will be found very advantageous for families resident in the country, who are not possessed of a library; for emigrants, and as a cabin library for vessels bearing passengers to distant parts; and for the libraries of Mechanics' Institutions, Literary and Philosophical Societies, the Army and the Navy, and of Colonial Institutions. THE PRISM OF THOUGHT FOR 1843. By the Baroness De Calabrella. Foolscap 4to. 128. bound in ornamental cloth, gilt edges. *** This work is printed in the most unique and tasteful manner; each page is surrounded with an ornamental border, engraved on wood, from original designs, and printed in colours and gold. THE PICTURESQUE ANNUAL FOR 1843. The American in Paris; being a Picture of Parisian Life, in the Court, the Saloon, and the Family Circle: with a graphic Description of the Public Amusements and Festivities. By M. Jules Janin. Royal 8vo. illustrated with about 18 splendidly-engraved Plates, from the Designs of the celebrated French Painter M. Eugène Lami. THE KEEPSAKE FOR 1843: A Series of beautifully-engraved Plates of Historical Subjects, Portraits, and Landscapes. Edited by the Countess of Blessington. Royal 8vo. THE BOOK OF BEAUTY FOR 1843: A Series of Portraits of the Women of England the most distinguished for their Beauty and Rank. Edited by the Countess of Blessington. Royal 8vo. THE WORKS OF THE REV. SYDNEY SMITH. 2d Edition, 3 vols. 8vo. with Portrait, pp. 1412, 36s. cloth. London, 1840. **This collection consists of the Author's contributions to the "Edinburgh Review," Peter Plymley's" Letters on the Catholics," and other miscellaneous works. LETTERS ON THE SUBJECT OF THE CATHOLICS To my BROTHER ABRAHAM who lives in the COUNTRY. By Peter Plymley. 21st Edition, post 8vo. pp. 200, 78. cloth. London, 1838. THE RURAL AND DOMESTIC LIFE OF GERMANY: With Characteristic Sketches of its chief Cities and Scenery. Collected in a General Tour, and during a Residence in that Country in the Years 1840-41-42. By William Howitt. Illustrated with above Fifty Engravings on Wood. Medium 8vo. 218. cloth. THE RURAL LIFE OF ENGLAND. By William Howitt. New Edition, medium 8vo. with Engravings on Wood by Bewick and Williams, uniform with "Visits to Remarkable Places," 21s. cloth. Life of the Aristocracy. Life of the Agricultural Population. CONTENTS. Picturesque and Moral Features of the Country. VISITS TO REMARKABLE PLACES; Old Halls, Battle-Fields, and Scenes illustrative of Striking Passages in English History and Poetry. By William Howitt. New Edition, medium 8vo. with 40 Illustrations by S. Williams, 21s. cloth. SECOND SERIES, chiefly in the Counties of DURHAM and NORTHUMBERLAND, with a Stroll along the BORDER. 1 vol. medium 8vo. with upwards of 40 highly-finished Woodcuts, from Drawings made on the spot for this Work, by Messrs. Carmichael, Richardsons, and Weld Taylor, 21s. cloth. THE STUDENT-LIFE OF GERMANY. From the Unpublished MSS. of Dr. Cornelius. By William Howitt. 8vo. with 24 WoodEngravings, and 7 Steel Plates, 218. cloth. This Volume contains Forty of the most famous Student Songs, with the Original Music adapted to the pianoforte by Winkelmeyer. COLONISATION AND CHRISTIANITY: A Popular History of the Treatment of the Natives, in all their Colonies, by the Europeans. By William Howitt. 1 vol. post. 8vo. 10s. 6d. cloth. |