The Yale Review, Jilid 3

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George Park Fisher, George Burton Adams, Henry Walcott Farnam, Arthur Twining Hadley, John Christopher Schwab, William Fremont Blackman, Edward Gaylord Bourne, Irving Fisher, Henry Crosby Emery, Wilbur Lucius Cross
Blackwell, 1895


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Halaman 413 - That there shall be no further confiscation made , nor any prosecutions commenced against any person or persons for or by reason of the part which he or they may have taken in the present war, and that no person shall, on that account, suffer any future loss or damage, either in his
Halaman 93 - Provided : That this shall only be done upon such evidence of criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the fugitive or person so charged shall be found, would justify his or her apprehension and commitment for trial, if the crime or
Halaman 101 - a form of belief, providing an ultra-rational sanction for that large class of conduct in the individual where his interests and the interests of the social organism are antagonistic, and by which the former are rendered subordinate to the latter in the general interests of the evolution which the race is undergoing.
Halaman 145 - met in Baltimore. Southern men controlled the convention. They nominated John Bell, of Tennessee, for president, and Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, for vice-president. Public opinion in the northern states regarded Everett as the greater statesman. One editor
Halaman 91 - The fabrication or circulation of counterfeit money, either coin or paper, or of counterfeit public bonds, coupons of the public debt, bank notes, obligations, or. in general, of any counterfeit title or instrument of credit; the counterfeiting of seals and dies, impressions, stamps, and marks of state and public administrations and the utterance thereof.
Halaman 427 - All the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's.
Halaman 71 - Xo person surrendered by either of the high contracting parties to the other shall be triable or tried or be punished for any political crime or offense, or for any act connected therewith, committed previously to his extradition.
Halaman 286 - of this, the common law of England was the common law of the colonies, and that all statutes in affirmance of the common law passed in England antecedent to the settlement of any colony were binding upon that colony. He also held, as did
Halaman 340 - •':.-•'...:'• For Brain-Workers, • '- •: : • . -. the Weak and Debilitated. HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE is without exception, the Best Remedy for relieving Mental and Nervous Exhaustion; and where the system has become debilitated by disease, it acts as a general tonic and

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