IN PALESTINE, THROUGH THE COUNTRIES OF BASHAN AND GILEAD, EAST OF THE RIVER JORI 4N: INCLUDING A VISIT TO THE CITIES OF GERAZA AND GAMALA, IN THE DECAPOLIS. By J. S. BUCKINGHAM, MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY, CALCUTTA; AND OF THE LITERARY Second Edition. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, FATERNOSTER-ROW. TRAVELS IN PALESTINE, &c. CHAP. XVI. RETROSPECTIVE VIEW OF JERUSALEM. OUR excursions around the city being now closed, as well as our visits to the principal places within its walls, I sat down to take a retrospective view of the chief particulars which we had noted in detail, and to unite them into a more general picture. Jerusalem is seated on unequal ground, on a range of high hills, some few eminences of which are even higher than those on which the city itself stands, and in the midst of a rocky and barren space, which almost defies the efforts of human labour to fertilize by any common process. VOL. II. |