The Historical Register: Containing an Impartial Relation of All Transactions, Foreign and Domestick. For the Year 1716-1738, Jilid 22

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Sun Fire Office, 1737

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Halaman 224 - The commons, having granted the supplies, ordered a bill to be brought in for securing the freedom of parliaments, by limiting the number of officers in the house of commons, and it passed through both houses with little difficulty.
Halaman 235 - ... of any tithes or rates, or any customary or other rights, dues or payments belonging to any church or chapel, which of right by law and custom ought to be paid for the stipend or maintenance of any minister, or curate officiating in any church or chapel...
Halaman 491 - November 30, it was refolved, that the houfe would the next morning refolve itfelf into a committee of the whole houfe, to confider of ways and means for raifing the fupply granted to his majefty...
Halaman 379 - Motion being made, that an humble Addrefs be prefented to his Majefty, that he will be gracioufly pleafed to give Directions, that there be laid...
Halaman 346 - England, he would be obliged within four months to give up his regiment, or receive the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, according to the...
Halaman 7 - Moft gracious Sovereign, > WE your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament aflembled, return your Majefty our unfeigned Thanks for your moft gracious Speech from the Throne.
Halaman 38 - That there be granted to his Majefty, for maintaining his Majefty's forces and garrifons in the plantations and...
Halaman 429 - Time be fettled on the Prince, in the fame Manner as it was enjoyed by his royal Father when he was Prince of Wales : And his Royal...
Halaman 284 - February, the Houfe, according to Order, refolv'd itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of Ways and Means for raifing the Supply granted to his Majefty.
Halaman 144 - Addrefs fhould be prefented to his Majefty, that he would be gracioufly pleafed to give Directions to the proper...

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