| 1732 - 392 halaman
...Perufal of the Members. Then the Houfe went upon the great Bufmefs of the Day, and refolved itfclf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the Supply granted to his Majefty. As foon as the Houfe was refolved into this Committee, S\rW m St nd,... | |
 | 1733 - 400 halaman
...John Tkomfon to appear and make a Difcovery, (jc. With another Private Aft. On the 23d of February, the Houfe, according to Order, refolv'd itfelf into...Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of Ways and Means for raiflng the Supply granted to his Majefty. And the Account of the Moneys then remaining... | |
 | 1738 - 396 halaman
...Proceedings and Dehates in the Third SeJjion ef the preftnt Parliament, N Monday, Marth 21, the Houfe having (according to Order ) refolv'd itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider of the National Debt ; and the State of the National Debt having been referred to the faid Committee,... | |
 | Algernon Sidney - 1744 - 420 halaman
...to the Motion was given up, and the Addrefs agreed to. As the Houfe prefently after refolved itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the Supply granted to his Majefty i and as this Resolution was then propofed, it was oppofed on Account... | |
 | Nicolas Tindal - 1759 - 674 halaman
...had been granted, the account of which is as follows. On March 1 7th, the houfe refolved itfelf again into a committee of the whole houfe, to confider further of the fupply granted to his majefty, when they refolved to grant the following fums, viz. Money The Aim of... | |
 | 1732 - 550 halaman
...pafs'd the feveral Ails mention'd in Page 36. af our MagazineThe fame Day the Houfe refolyed itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the p Supply granted to his Majefty ; and the Eftimate of the feveral Sums that had become due and payable... | |
 | Charles Davenant - 1771 - 444 halaman
...had made fome progrefs, &c. and defired leave to fit again. Jovis 15 Mar. The Houfe refolved itfelf into a committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the faid bill. Mr. Boyle reported from the committee, that they had made a farther progrefs, &c. and defired leave... | |
 | 1775 - 484 halaman
...magaiScent, in which the -prince of Orange danced fev ral minuets. March 17. The Houfe refolrerl itfelf into a committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the fupply granted to 1m Majeflv, when they refolved to grant toe following fums, -vix. ' fhe fum of io,393/.... | |
 | 1788 - 642 halaman
...bill was ordeicd to be ingrolfcd. The order of the day was then read, for the Houfe refolving itfelf into a committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the charges againft Sir E. Impey , and the Houfe being accordingly refolded into a commitite, Mr Andrew... | |
 | 598 halaman
...meafure into eircct. He would therefore move, that the Houfe do, on the yth of Decemher, refolve itfelf into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the Report of the Committee on the FU nances. BANK OF ENGLAND. On the queftion that the Report of the Bank... | |
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