| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords - 1742 - 516 halaman
...made by the Lord Carteret in the Koufe of Lords, for an Addrefs to his Majefty, ' That he would be pleafed to give « Directions to the proper Officer or Officers, to lay before ' that Houfe, the feveral Allotments of Quarters which had ' been made for his Majefty's Land Forces... | |
 | Algernon Sidney - 1744 - 420 halaman
...Days after, a Motion was made by thofe in the Minority, That an humble Addrefs fliould be prefented to his Majefty, that he would be gracioufly pleafed...Directions to the proper Officer or Officers, to lay before that Houfe an Account of the Expences- incurred, in Confequence and by Virtue of the Vote of Credit... | |
 | Benjamin Martin - 1755 - 532 halaman
...Troops are returned, and the fécond are preparing to gt> abroad. An Addrefs wai agreed to be prefented to his Majefty, that he would be gracioufly pleafed to give Directions to the proper Officers, to lay before the Houfe an Account, mewing how the Monies given for the Service of the Year... | |
 | 1759 - 1064 halaman
...Troops are returned, and the fécond are preparing to go abroad. An Addrefs was agreed to be prefented to his Majefty, that he would be gracioufly pleafed to give Directions to the proper Officers, to lay before the Houfe an Account, fhewing how the Monies given for the Service of the Year... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1779 - 536 halaman
...opi- Admlril nion of this committee, that an humble addrefs be prefented ^'p*to his Majefty, praying his Majefty, that he would be gracioufly pleafed to give directions to his attorney general, to profecute George Stratton, Henry Brooke, Charles Floyer, and George Mackey,... | |
 | 1793 - 732 halaman
...tion was made by Mr. Minchin, feconded by Sir George SaтНе, " that an humble addrefs be prefentid to his majefty, that he would be gracioufly pleafed to give directions that there (hould be laid before that houle an account of the number of forces under the command of... | |
 | 572 halaman
...Marines and Soldiers. Agreed to Nem. Con. Mr. Dundas alfo moved, That an humble Addrefs be prefenred to his Majefty, that he would be gracioufly pleafed to give Directions that a Monument be raifed to the Memory of Captain Montague, in the collegiate Church of St. Peter,... | |
 | Georgia (Colony) General assembly. Commons house of assembly - 1907 - 810 halaman
...other Slaves RESOLVED That an Humble Address be presented to His Excellency that he will be pleased to give Directions to the proper Officer or Officers to lay before this House An Account of Monies arising from An Act intitled An Act for better regulating Taverns punch... | |
 | 1775 - 650 halaman
...the meafure. In the cafe before their Lordfhips, the Huufe might be moved to addrefs his Ma' jetty, " That he would be gracioufly pleafed to give directions to the proper officer to grant a Nali proftqui." His Lordfhip did not intend to move for fuch an addrefs; he threw the meafure... | |
 | 1786 - 772 halaman
...immaterial to him which was adopted. He then read his motion, " That an humble addrefs be prefented to his Majefty, that he would be gracioufly pleafed to give directions, that there be laid before this Houfe a copy of a letter from Lord Sydney, dated April i j. 1785, with... | |
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