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May, effected its retreat. The torrent which passes at Ruivaens, and that which passes under the Ponte Nova, is the same torrentalthough Colonel Napier supposes them to be different, and calls the one the little river' of Ruivaens, and the other the Cavado river. It is obvious, therefore, from what has been said, that, to cut the French off from Montalegre, it was necessary to stop them effectually both at the bridge called Ponte Nova, and at the bridge of Ruivaens, which is about a mile and a half higher up the same stream. But neither of these bridges was completely destroyed, and an assemblage of peasants with a few fowling-pieces for that was the real composition of the Portuguese force, and the quality of their arms-was very unequal to the defence of these bridgeseven had they been both cut through.

Colonel Napier proceeds

'The night was setting in, the soldiers were harassed, barefooted, and starving; the ammunition was injured by the rain, which had never ceased since the 13th, and which was now increasing in violence, accompanied with storms of wind; the British army would certainly fall upon the rear in the morning; and if the Ponte Nova, where the guard was reported to be weak, could not be secured, the hour of surrender was surely arrived. In this extremity, Soult sent for Major Dulong, an officer justly reputed for one of the most daring in the French ranks. Addressing himself to this brave man, he said, "I have chosen you from the whole army to seize the Ponte Nova, which has been cut by the enemy. Select a hundred grenadiers and twenty-five horsemen, endeavour to surprise the guards, and secure the passage of the bridge. If you succeed, say so, but send no other report; your silence will suffice." Thus exhorted and favoured by the storm, Dulong reached the bridge unperceived of the Portuguese, killed the sentinel before any alarm was given, and then, followed by twelve grenadiers, began crawling along a narrow slip of masonry, which was the only part undestroyed. The Cavado river was flooded and roaring in its deep channel; one of the grenadiers fell into the gulf, but the noise of the waters was louder than his cry, and Dulong with the eleven reaching the other side surprised the nearest post; the remainder of his men advanced at the same moment close to the bridge, and some crossing and others mounting the heights, shouting and firing, scared the poor peasantry, who imagined the whole army was upon them; thus the passage was gallantly won.' - pp. 292, 293.

We have not the least doubt of Major Dulong's bravery, nor of his having executed with intelligence and with courage the part allotted to him. Neither shall we object to Soult's theatrical speech, although we are a little at a loss to know what use the twenty-five horsemen could be of in the proposed enterprise. We know that the torrent which passes under the Ponte Nova-whether Colonel Napier may call it the little river' of Ruivaens, or the deep and roaring Cavado' is quite noisy enough, when flooded, to drown

drown the voice of a man who has fallen into it; but we know, likewise, that at day-break on the morning after the affair at Salamonde two officers of the British staff, with a party of dragoons, passed the bridge of Ponte Nova-and that, although the bridge is very narrow, and the parapets had been thrown down, and the stones of the arch itself had been laid bare of their covering of earth and gravel, and no subsequent repairs had been made, the officers and dragoons rode over the bridge, notwithstanding that, by Colonel Napier's account, a narrow slip of masonry was the only part undestroyed.'

'Beyond the Ponte Nova there was a second obstacle still more formidable. For the pass in which the troops were moving being cut in the side of a mountain, open on the left for several miles- [four miles] -at last came upon a torrent called the Miserella, which, breaking down a deep ravine, or rather gulph, was only to be crossed by a bridge constructed with a single lofty arch, called Saltador, or the leaper, and so narrow that only three persons could pass abreast. Fortunately for the French, the Saltador was not cut, but entrenched and defended by a few hundred Portuguese peasants, who occupied the rocks on the farther side, and here the good soldier Dulong again saved the army.'-pp. 293, 294.

The pass at the bridge of Miserella is very strong, for there is a steep and rugged rock of considerable elevation on the right bank of the river, and immediately fronting the bridge. There were not, however, any entrenchments there, nor was there indeed much occasion for them, had there been well-armed troops to defend the pass. The bridge itself was, however, sufficiently broad to admit of the passage of the British artillery; and it was very little injured. So much for the romance which Le Noble and Colonel Napier together have composed upon Marshal Soult's retreat from Oporto.

We do not recollect to have met with any other author who departs so much in the body of his work from the promises, professions, and expectations held out in his preface, as is done by Colonel Napier. He professes, in his preface, to make truth the object of his search; avoiding equally the 'mists of prejudice,' and the 'false lights of interest.' He holds out to his readers, that to remedy the injustice done,' and 'justice left undone, has been one of the chief motives of his undertaking. He professes to have 'corrected his own recollections and opinions by those of others of superior knowledge:' and he claims confidence partly as an eye-witness,' and partly as possessing the advantage of access to 'original documents, placed without reserve at his disposal. But in the body of his work, the mists of prejudice appear to be his natural element; and his own glaring partialities are the lights held out by him for the guidance of his readers.

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readers. To distribute an undue share of praise to some, and to
load others with bitter reproaches unsupported, nay, contradicted,
by facts, is Colonel Napier's mode of doing justice, and of re-
dressing injustice. In place of amending his own recollections
and opinions by those of others, and adding further information,
by means of original documents, to the stock already possessed,
he has departed, without giving any explanation of his motives.
or any notice even of the fact, from records of unquestionable
authenticity already before the public; and has represented, on
the authority of interested parties, many transactions in a very
different point of view from that in which they appear when the
light of unbiassed contemporaneous testimony is made to fall
unexpectedly upon them.

We shall, at our leisure, continue our examination of this
equally pompous, flagitious, and shallow History.





ADAM, Right Hon. William, his 'Prac-
tical Treatise and Observations on
Trial by Jury, as now incorporated
with the Jurisdiction of the Court of
Session,' 324. See Trial by Jury.

Amazon, Expeditions on the, 1-Nar-
rative of Lieut. Smyth and Mr. Lowe,
of a Journey from Lima to Para,
across the Andes and down the Ama-

zon, to ascertain the practicability of
a Navigable Communication with the
Atlantic, ib.-Lieut. Maw's Journal
of a Passage from the Pacific to the
Atlantic, crossing the Andes, and de-
scending the river Amazon, 16.-
Mr. Maw the first British officer that
embarked on the main trunk of the
Amazon, ib. and Mr. Smith the se-
cond, ib.-expeditions of Orellana in
1539, ib. of Pedro de Ursoa in 1568,
ib. of Pedro Texeiro in 1638, 6.-and
of M. de la Condamine in 1743, ib.-
Orellana the discoverer of a passage
from the shores of the Pacific to those
of the Atlantic, 2-his idle story of
the discovery of a new nation of Ama-
zons, ib. the first great branch of the
Amazon discovered in 1513 by Mara-
non, ib. adventures and miraculous
preservation of Madame Godin, ib.--
Lieut. Maw undertakes a voyage down
the Amazon, 5-his route, ib.-Lieut.
Smyth's expedition to obtain a direct
communication from Lima to the
Amazon, ib.-character and manners
of the inhabitants of the Cordilleras,
14-incredible stories about canni-
balism, 17-reflections on the present
deplorable condition of South America,

America, United States of, 132-Tocque-
ville's De la Démocratie en Ameri-
que,' ib.-defects of former writers on
the United States, 133-equality of
conditions amongst the people, 136

great democratic revolution going
on in Europe, 137-nature and ten-
dency of this social revolution, 140-
existing state of France, 141-direc-
tion which the democracy of America
has given to the laws and general
administration of public affairs, 142-
its evils and advantages, ib.-character
of the first emigrants to America, 143
-distinctions which mark the origin
of the northern and southern settlers,
145-internal structure of particu-
lar States, 147-and of the federal
Union, ib. principle of the sovereignty
of the people, 148-picture of a mo-
nied man in America, 150-influence
of a cheap press, ib. true nature of
universal suffrage, ib. influence of
mob power on the finances of the
Union, ib. nomination of the mem-
bers of the two Chambers, 16.-election
of the Judges, 151-the system of
pledges, 16. rapid succession of laws,
152-tyranny of the majority, ib.-
causes which mitigate it, 157-ab-
sence of centralization in the govern-
ment, ib.-weight of influence exercised
by lawyers, ib.-state of public instruc-
tion, 159-prevalence of religious feel-
ings, 160-danger from the spread of a
Roman Catholic population, 161--
influence of the Irish Catholic mob
on the elections of New York, 162.
Auscultation, diseases of the chest in-
vestigated by, 199- Lectures
Subjects connected with Clinical
Medicine,' by Dr. Latham, ib. the


method of investigating diseases of
the chest by auscultation discovered
by Laennec, 200-the comforts arising
from such knowledge, 202-ausculta-
tion described, 203-its application to
the investigation of pulmonary dis-
eases, 203.


Beugnot, A., his 'Histoire de la De-
struction du Paganisme en Occident.'
See Downfall of Heathenism.
Births, Registration of, Bill, 251.
Brewster, Rev. James, his Letter to

the Editor of the Quarterly Review,
in Reply to certain Strictures on the
Rev. Dr. Keith's Evidence of Pro-
phecy,' 182.

Buonaparte, Lucien, Prince of Canino,
Memoirs of, written by himself, 374-
his strong and unrequited passion for
literary fame, ib.-his 'Charlemagne,'
and Cirnéide,' ib. conjectures as to
his object in publishing these memoirs,
ib. - Lucien heads a deputation of
Corsican patriots, 377-and is sent to
the popular society at Marseilles, and
to the Jacobins of Paris, 379-Ge-
neral Paoli, 16.- Lucien's proceedings
at Marseilles, 380-his relations with
the Robespierres, 385-queries as to
portions of Napoleon's personal history
at present in great obscurity, 387-
Lucien's two marriages, 388-his tes-
timony as to the style in which the
French carried on the war, 389 - is
elected into the Council of Five Hun-
dred, ib. conjectures as to the objects
proposed by this publication, 390-
the Strasbourg treason, 393-affair at
Vendôme, 395.


in Wraxall's Posthumous Memoirs,

Celtic Languages, 80-Pritchard's 'East-
ern Origin of the Celtic Nations proved
by a comparison of their Dialects with
the Sanscrit, Greek, Latin, and Ten-
tonic Languages,' ib. the Celtic, ex-
cepting the Basque, the most ancient
of all European languages, 81-the
author the first to investigate the origin
of the Celtic tongues in a scientific
manner, 82-discrepancies between the
Cymbric branch of the Celtic and the
Indo-European family, 85 - light
thrown by the author on the formation
of languages in general, 87-radical
or primitive words, ib. -the noun, 88-
nature of adjectives, 90-the verb, 92-
the pronoun, 97-identity of pronouns
and simple particles, 101-the prepo
sition, 102-invention of words by sa-

vages, ib. composition of words, 106.
Charitable Trustees' Bill, 253.
Chateaubriand, Viscount, utter worthless-
ness of his Essay on English Litera-
ture, 58.

Chest, Diseases of the, investigated by
Auscultation. See Auscultation.
Church and Dissent considered in their
Practical Influence, by Edward Osler.
See Church Rates.

Church Rates, 363-Church and Dis-
sent considered in their Practical In-
fluence,' by Edward Osler, ib.-popular
hallucinations regarding church-rates
abated by time, 364-the two plans
open to ministers, ib. the question
one of severance or non-severance of
church and state, 372-the twenty-
third Article incompatible with the
lax notions of modern times, 373
Combe, George, Esq., his Outlines of
Phrenology,' 169. See Phrenology.
Common Fields Inclosure Bill, 255.
Commutation of Tithes Bill in England,



Democracy in America. See America.
Downes, Joseph, his Mountain Deca-


Downfall of Heathenism, See Hea-


Campbell, Thos., his Poetical Works,'
349-question as to the respect they
are likely to obtain at the hands of
posterity, ib. causes which assist in
giving celebrity to a living poet, 350-
present feeling of the public with re-
gard to poetry, 351-literary immor-
tality a task of increasing difficulty,
352-query as to the fate of Mr.
Campbell as a poet, ib.-his writings

characterized, 353.

Carrington, Lord, his Letter to the Right Expeditions on the Amazon, See Ama-
Hon. Thomas Grenville on a calumny


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