The Constitutions of the Several Independent States of America; the Declaration of Independence; and the Articles of Confederation Between the Said States: To which are Now Added, the Declaration of Rights; the Non-importation Agreement; and the Petition of Congress to the King Delivered by Mr. Penn. With an Appendix, Containing the Treaties Between His Most Chriistan [sic] Majesty and the United States of America; the Provisional Treaty with America; and (never Before Published) an Authentic Copy of the Treaty Concluded Between Their High Mightinesses the States-General, and the United States of AmericaJ. Stockdale, 1783 - 472 halaman |
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abſence Affembly aforesaid agreed Alexander Gerard alſo America appointed ARTICLE ballot belonging beſt buſineſs cafe caſe cauſe Colonies commiffioned commiſſion Commonwealth Congreſs Conſtitution contraband Convention Coun courſe Court ſhall declared Delegates diſtrict election eſtabliſhed eſtate executive exerciſe faid United fame firſt fiſh freemen fuch Great-Britain hereafter Houſe of Aſſembly Houſe of Repreſentatives iſlands Juſtices laſt laws legiſlative legislature leſs letters of marque liberty manner maſter Members merchandizes Moſt Chriſtian King neceſſary oath pariſh of St party paſſed peace perſon ſhall port Preſident Privy-council purpoſe reaſonable refiding Reſolved reſpective ſaid ſame ſea ſecond ſecurity Senate and Houſe ſent ſerve ſervice ſeven ſeveral ſhall alſo ſhall be choſen ſhall be obliged ſhall enjoy ſhall have power ſhall take ſhip ſhould Silas Deane ſtate ſubjects ſubjects and inhabitants ſucceſſors ſuch ſupport thereof theſe preſents thoſe tion town treaty United Netherlands unleſs uſe veſſels vote whoſe