A Synopsis of the British Flora; Arranged According to the Natural OrderLongman Brown Green, 1859 - 382 halaman |
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Edisi lain - Lihat semua
Istilah dan frasa biasa
1-celled 5-cleft 5-lobed 5-parted 5-toothed acute æstivation albumen Annual anthers apex August awned axillary base bifid bractea branched bristles Calyx Capsule Carpella Catkins cells chalky compressed Corolla corymbose cotyledons cylindrical deciduous dehiscing disk ditches downy E. B. Supp Edition elliptical embryo entire filiform flat fleshy Florets Flower-stalks Flowers Fruit glands Glumes gravelly hairy heart-shaped hedges Herbaceous plants hermaphrodite hilum Hudson hypogynous imbricated Involucrum July June Juss keeled Leaflets leafy Leaves lanceolate Leaves ovate linear Linn lobes many-flowered many-seeded margin meadows membranous moist mountains naked nearly numerous oblong obovate obtuse Ovarium Ovary Palea paleæ Panicle Pappus pastures Peduncles Perennial Perianthium Petals pinnate pinnatifid racemes radical radicle roundish sandy scales Seeds segments Sepals serrated sessile Sheaths shorter Shrub Silicula simple Smith smooth solitary Spikelets Spikes spreading stalked Stamens Stem erect Stigmas Stipulas Stipules Style taper ternate thickets toothed tube Umbels upper valves vittæ waste ground whorl Willd woods
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