The Privileges of the House of Lords and Commons Argued and Stated: In Two Conferences Between Both Houses, April 19, and 22, 1671 ...J. Nutt, 1702 - 179 halaman |
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The Privileges of the House of Lords and Commons Argued and Stated, in Two ... Arthur Annesley Pratonton tidak tersedia - 2018 |
The Privileges of the House of Lords and Commons Argued and Stated: In Two ... Arthur Annesley Anglesey Pratonton tidak tersedia - 2023 |
The Privileges of the House of Lords and Commons Argued and Stated: In Two ... Arthur Annesley Anglesey Pratonton tidak tersedia - 2018 |
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Affent againſt alſo Anſwer Aſſertion becauſe Bill Book of Rates Buſineſs Cafe Caſe cedents Cited Clergy Commons grant Commons of England Conference Confideration conſent Courſe defire dents Diſcourſe Diſpute doth Eliz elſe Enacting encreaſe endeavour eſteemed faid fame fince firſt fome fter fuch Gift hath held at Westmin Hiſtory Honourable Houſe House of Commons House of Lords House of Peers Impoſitions inſiſt Inſtances Judicature juſt Right King King Arthur King's Kingdom laſt leſs liament Lords and Commons Lords ſhould Lords Spiritual Lordſhips Majesty ment Merchandice mons moſt muſt obſerved occafion Parlia Parliament held Perſons pleaſed Precedents preſent Privileges prove a Power Proviſo's Publick Queſtion raiſe Reaſons Reſolution Reſpect Roll ſaid ſame ſay ſeem ſelves ſent ſeveral ſhall ſhare ſhews ſhips ſhould ſince ſome Statute Stile ſtill Subſidy ſuch themſelves theſe thing thoſe tion Tonnage and Poundage Uſage uſe words Written by Sir
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Halaman 36 - Commons muft accept the whole general Pardon, or deny it, yet this takes not away their Negative. The Clergy have a Right to tax themfelves, and it is a part of the Privilege of their Eftate; doth the upper...
Halaman 29 - Mifes, that therefore they might be excufed of the Subfidy, and abated their part of it. The Lords who then knew they had no power to diminifh any part of the Aid granted by the Commons, did therefore Addrefs themfelves to the Queen in their behalf. The Queen commanded an Entry to be made in the Journal of the Houfe of Lords, That...
Halaman 4 - If this right should be denied, the Lords have not a negative voice allowed them, in bills of this nature ; for if the Lords, who have the power of treating, advising, giving counsel, and applying remedies, cannot amend, abate, or refuse a bill in part, by what consequence of reason, can they enjoy a liberty to reject the whole? When the Commons shall think fit to question it, they may pretend the same grounds for it.
Halaman 30 - Becaufe there appears not to the Commons any Colour from the Precedents Cited by your Lordfhips, why your Opinion fhould be fo fixed in this Point, we fuppofe the main Defence is in the Reafons that have been given for it. That Paper begins with an...
Halaman 95 - Majefty that it may be enacled ; and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That...
Halaman 29 - That it was a Grievance to the Commons, and a breach of their Liberty, for the Lords to demand a Committee to Confer with them about Aids.
Halaman 4 - We find no footsteps in record or history for this new claim of the House of Commons : we would see that charter or contract produced, by which the Lords divested themselves of this right, and appropriated it to the Commons, with an exclusion of themselves : till then we cannot consent to shake or remove foundations, in the laying whereof it will not be denied, that the Lords, and Grandees of the Kingdom had the greatest hand.
Halaman 11 - JR. xN i0, n, i1, i3, i4, i5". upon a great Sum demanded for the King, the Commons come to the Lords, and defire a moderation of the Sum, and their confideration how it fhould be Levied ; and hereupon was granted by Lords and "Commons, ix/.
Halaman 17 - We have seriously consulted our judgments and reasons to find objections, if it were possible, against this Power of the Lords ; and are so far from. finding any, that we are fixed in opinion, that the want of it would be destructive to the Government, and peace of the Kingdom, and the right of the Crown, in...
Halaman 37 - If contracts were now to be made for privileges, the offer might seem fair: but yet the commons should profit little by it ; for your lordships du now industriously avoid all bills of that nature, and choose to do many things by your own power, which ought to be done by the legislative...