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" If contracts were now to be made for privileges, the offer might seem fair: but yet the commons should profit little by it ; for your lordships du now industriously avoid all bills of that nature, and choose to do many things by your own power, which... "
The Privileges of the House of Lords and Commons Argued and Stated: In Two ... - Halaman 37
oleh Arthur Annesley Earl of Anglesey - 1702 - 179 halaman
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The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons from the Restoration to ...

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1742 - 496 halaman little by it; for your Lordfh ips do now induftrioufly avoid all Bills of that nature, and chufe to do many things by your own Power, which ought to be done by the Legiflative; of which we forbear the Inftances, becaufe your Lbrdfhips, we hope, will reform them,-...
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The Jurisdiction of the Lords House, Or Parliament: Considered According to ...

Matthew Hale - 1796 - 462 halaman
...fiould profit little by it: for "your lord/hips do now indujlrloujly avoui all bills of a judi" cial nature, and choofe to do many things by your own power, " which ought to be done by the legijlativc; of •which we Jor'*" bear inflances ; becauje your lordfiips, we hope, will reform "...
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The Parliamentary History of England, from the Earliest Period to the Year ...

William Cobbett - 1808 - 842 halaman
...profit little by it ; for your lordships du now industriously avoid all bills of that nature, and choose to do many things by your own power, which ought to...done by the legislative ; of which we forbear the instances, because your lordships, we hope, will reform them ; and we desire not to create new differences,...
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Parliamentary Papers, Jilid 22

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1860 - 700 halaman
...profit little by it; for your Lordships do now industriously avoid all Bills of that nature; and chuse to do many things by your own power, which ought done by the Legislative: Of which we forbear the instances, because your Lordships, we hope, will reform them ; and we desire not to create new differences,...
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