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Printed by WILLIAM CLOWES and SONS, Stamford Street.
I.-Belgium. By J. Emerson Tennent, Esq., M.P., Author
of Letters from the Ægean,' and 'History of Modern
II.-Notes on the United States. By the Right Hon. Sir
Augustus J. Foster, Bart.
III.-1. Barzas Breiz: Chants Populaires de la Bretagne. Par
Th. de la Villemarqué.
2. Les Derniers Bretons.
3. A Summer among the
Louisa Stuart Costello.
Par Emile Souvestre.
- 1
Bocages and the Vines. By
4. A Summer in Brittany. By T. Adolphus Trollope
IV.-1. Report from Select Committee on the Disposal of Land
in the British Colonies. Ordered by the House of
Commons to be printed.
2. History of New South Wales. By Dr. Lang.
3. Thoughts on Convict Management. By Captain Maco-
4. Convict Discipline, Van Diemen's Land. Ordered by
the House of Commons to be printed.
5. South Australia, First and Second Annual Reports.
Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed.
6. The History, &c., of South Australia. By John Stephens.
7. Western Australia and Australind. By Thos. John
Buckton, Esq.
8. Information relative to New Zealand. By John Ward,
9. Supplementary Information relative to New Zealand.
10. Copy of a Despatch from Sir G. Gipps to Lord John
Russell. Ordered by the House of Commons to be
printed 9th March, 1841
V.-The Courts of Europe at the Close of the Last Century.
By the late Henry Swinburne, Esq., Author of Travels
in Spain, Italy,' &c. Edited by Charles White, Esq.,
Author of 'The Belgic Revolution'
VI.-1. History of the Inductive Sciences from the Earliest to
the Present Times. By the Rev. William Whewell,
M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge,
President of the Geological Society of London.
2. The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences founded upon
their History. By the Rev. William Whewell, B.D.,
Fellow of Trinity College, and Professor of Moral Phi-
losophy in the University of Cambridge
VII.-1. An Essay on Free Trade; its absolute Value in Theory;
its relative Value in Practice; Error and Consequences
of its Application to the Corn Laws. By F. C.
2. The Common Sense View of the Sugar Question; ad-
dressed to all Classes and Parties.
3. Statements illustrative of the Policy and probable Con-
sequences of the proposed Repeal of the existing Corn
Laws, and the Imposition in their stead of a Moderate
Fixed Duty on Foreign Corn. By J. R. M'Culloch, Esq.
4. The Factor, the Miller, and the Baker get more than
the Farmer and ten times more than the Landlord out
of the Loaf.-A few Facts on the Corn Laws defending
the Agricultural Interests.
5. The Speeches of Lord John Russell, 7th May,—of the
Right Honourable Henry Labouchere, 10th May,-of
the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 17th May, and of
Viscount Palmerston, 19th May.
6. The Speech of Sir Robert Peel on the Ministerial
Budget, 18th May.
7. Letter from Lord Western to Lord John Russell on his
proposed Alteration of the Corn Laws, and on- the
Causes of Commercial Distress
- 177
- 239
1.-1. AMERICA-Historical, Statistic, and Descriptive. By
J. S. Buckingham, Esq.
2. NOTES on the United States of America, during a Phre-
nological Visit, in 1838-39-40. By George Combe
II. Patchwork. By Captain Basil Hall, R.N., F.R.S.-
III.-1. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. By William
2. Tales of Ireland. By the Same.
3. Father Butler, the Lough Dearg Pilgrim: being
Sketches of Irish Manners. By the Same.
4. Rambles in the South of Ireland. By Lady Chatterton.
5. Home Sketches and Foreign Recollections.
By the
6. A Tour in Connaught; comprising Sketches of Clon-
macnoise, Joyce Country, and Achill. By the Rev.
Cæsar Otway.
7. Sketches in Ireland; descriptive of Interesting Portions
of Donegal, Cork, and Kerry. By the Same.
8. Sketches in Erris and Tyrawly. By the Same.
9. Historical Sketches of the Native Irish. By Christo-
pher Anderson.
10. Ireland: its Scenery and Character, &c. By Mr. and
Mrs. S. C. Hall.
11. A Tour round Ireland, through the Sea-coast Counties.
By John Barrow, Esq.
12. Pastoral Annals. By the Rev. J. Spenser Knox, Vicar-
General of Derry.
13. Researches in the South of Ireland. By Thomas
Crofton Croker, Esq.
14. The Popular Songs of Ireland. Collected by T. C.
Croker, Esq.
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