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in judgment with this race, and will
condemn it; for they repented at
the preaching of Jonah, and be-
hold! something greater than Jo-
nah is here.



CHAP. The men of Nineveh will rise upf are like decayed tombs, and men CHAP. are not aware, when they walk upon them." Then one of the 45 teachers of the law answered, Master! by saying these things thou reproachest us also." But he 46 "Now no one lighteth a lamp said, "Alas! for you also, ye Value of a to put in a secret place, or un-teachers of the law, for ye load ound der a measure, but upon a stand, men with burdens heavy to be that they who come in may see the borne; but ye yourselves touch 34 light, The eye is the lamp of the not the burdens with one of your body; when therefore thine eye is fingers. Alas! for you, because 47 sound, thy whole body is enlight-ye build the tombs of the prophets, ened, but if it be disordered, then 35 thy body is in darkness. Take heed therefore, that the 'light which 36 is in thee be not darkness: then if thy whole body be enlightened, without any dark part at all, it will be altogether so enlightened, as when the lamp set on a stand enlighteneth thee with its bright



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Now after he had spoken this, a Hypocrisy Pharisee asked him to dine with of the Pha him; so he went in and sat down pices 38 to table. But when the Pharisee saw that he did not wash his hands in water before dinner, he was 39 astonished. And the Lord said unto him, "Now ye Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and dish, but leave the inside full 40 of rapine and wickedness. Ye foolish men! Doth not he who cleaneth the outside usually clean 41 the inside also? Rather than attend to external washings give alms according to your ability, and behold! all things are clean to you.' 42 "Alas! for you Pharisees, for severely ye pay tithe of mint and rue and every herb, but pass over justice and the love of God: these things ye ought to do, and not leave the 43 other undone. Alas! for you Pharisees, for ye love the first seats in the synagogues, and greetings in 44 the streets. Alas! for you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye


* The understanding.

• Mental or corporeal.


and your fathers slew them. For 48
thus ye declare that ye consent not
to the deeds of your fathers, know-
ing them to be wrong, since they
indeed killed them, and ye build
their tombs. Yet so ill-disposed
are ye, that ye will act directly
opposite to your own convictions.
Wherefore besides what I think 49
of you, the wisdom of God hath Grievous
also said, I will send unto them guilt of the
prophets and apostles, and some of
thein they will kill, and persecute
others,' so that the blood of all the 50
prophets which has been shed from
the foundation of the world, will
be required of this generation;
from the blood of Abel to the blood 51
of Zachariah, who perished be-
tween the altar and the temple;
yea I say unto you so great will be
your wickedness and so exemplary
your punishment, that it will seem
us if it was required of this very
generation. Alas! for you ye 52
teachers of the law, for ye have
taken away the key of know-
ledge, so that ye go not in your
selves, and hinder those that are
going in."



Now while he was saying these 53 things unto them, the Scribes and Enraged the Pharisees began to be greatly Jus enraged, and to provoke hun to speak rashly of other matters, lying in wait for him, and seeking to catch something out of his


The wisdom of God means the wise God.

CHAP. mouth by which they might ac-ye must defend yourselves, or CHAP. cuse him.


Caution a

gainst hy pocrisy

what ye must say, for the holy
spirit will teach you at that mo-
ment what ye ought to say."


Then one of the multitude said 13 unto him, "Master, bid immode. my brother give me my share of our in eritance." But Jesus said,

rate de.


When many thousands of the XII. multitude were gathered together, so that they trod upon each other, Jesus began to say to his disciples, "Above all things beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is 2 hypocrisy; for there is nothing" Man, who set me over you as 14 covered, which shall not be laid a judge or a divider?" And he 15 open, and hidden that will not be said unto those about him, "Take 3 known. Whatsoever thing, there- heed and beware of iminoderate fore, ye have said in darkness, desires, for the real enjoyment of shall be heard in the light, and that a man's life dependeth not on the which ye have said in the ear in abundance of his possessions." closets, shall be as generally known as if it was published aloud upon the house tops.






"Now I say unto you, my friends, Fear not those who kill the body, and afterwards can do 5 no more; but I will show you whom to fear. Fear him, who after having killed hath power to cast into hell yea I say unto you fear 6 him. Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings? yet even one of these is not forgotten before God: 7 but the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.'


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Then he spoke a parable unto 16 them: "The ground of a rich worldly, man brought forth plentifully, and minded, he reasoned within himself, What shall I do, for I have no place 17 where I can store my crops?' And he said, This will I do, 18 I will take down my barns, and build greater, and there I will store all my produce and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul 19 thou hast many goods laid up for several years, take thine ease, eat, drink, regale thyself.' But God 20 said unto him, Thoughtless man! this night shall thy soul be required of thee, where then will these things be which thou hast provided! So it is with that 21 person who layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich towards God."

"I say also unto you, Whosoever shall acknowledge me before men, him the son of man also will acknowledge in the presence of the 9 angels of God, But he who denieth me before men, shall be denied in the presence of the angels" 10 of God. And every one who speaketh a word against the son of man may be forgiven, but he who speaketh wickedly against the holy spirit will not be forgiven. "And when ye are brought to anxiety in synagogues, and before rulers and magistrates, be not anxious how



for the


Then he said to his disciples, 22 Therefore I say unto you, be not Anxiety anxious for your life what ye must eat, nor for your body what you must life, put on. Life is better than food; 23 and the body than raiment. Con- 24 sider the ravens, they sow not, neither do they reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn; yet God feedeth them. How much better are ye than the birds. Now which 25

1 He who resists all the evidence arising fore cannot be forgiven.
from the miracles of jesus and his apostles, 2 You will be miraculously directed what
cannot be brought to repentance, and there-to say.

the second watch, or come in the CHAP.
third watch, and find them so pre- XII.
pared, happy are those servants.
Now ye know this, that if the 39
master of the house had known at
what hour the thief would come,
he would have watched, and not
have suffered his house to be brok-
en into. Therefore be ye also 40
ready, for the son of man cometh
at an hour when ye think not."



CHAP. of you, with all his anxiety can
XII add a single cubit to his life. If
26 then ye cannot do the least
thing, why are you anxious about
27 the rest? Consider how the lilies
grow, they neither labour nor
spin; but I say unto you, Even
Solomon in all his glory was not
28 arrayed like one of these. If God
then so clothe the herb which to-
day flourisheth in the field, and
to-morrow is cast into the furnace;
how much more will he clothe you,
29 Oye of little faith? Wherefore
seek not with anxiety and suspense
what ye must eat, or what ye must
30 drink, for all these things the na-
tions of the world are seeking af-nities of doing good, "Who then
ter, and your Father knoweth that is that prudent and faithful steward,
31 ye need these things. But seek whom his master will place over
rather the kingdom of God, and his household, to give them their
all these things with a moderate portion of food in due season. Hap- 43
degree of care and diligence shall py is that servant whom his master
be added unto you.
at his coming shall find so doing.
Verily I say unto you, he will 44
make him ruler over all his sub-
stance. But if that servant shall 45
say in his heart, My master is
long in coming,' and begin to beat
the men-servants, and the maid-
servants, and to eat and drink, and
be drunken; the master of that 46
servant will come in a day when he
looketh not for him, and in an
hour of which he is not aware, and
will cut him asunder, and appoint
him his portion with the unfaithful.

Then Peter said unto him, "Mas- 41
ter, speakest thou this parable unto extends to
us, or to all likewise?" And the
Lord said, intimating that he 42
meant it for all according to their
respective abilities, and opportu-

nd dis

rust of God's


"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the happiness of his heavenly odness. kingdom. Rather than lose this 33 happiness sell your substance, and give alms: provide yourselves purses that decay not, a treasure in the heavens which never will be spent, where no thief approacheth, 34 nor moth consumeth. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.



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will be pa

"Let your loins be girded about, ecessity and your lamps burning, and be "And that servant who knew 47 being yourselves like servants expecting his master's will, and prepared not The untheir master's return from the wed-himself, nor did according to his Prepared 36 ding feast, that as soon as he co-will, shall be beaten with many nished in meth, and knocketh, the door stripes. But he who knew it in a different 37 may be opened for him. Happy much less degree, and committed degrees. are those servants whom their master when he cometh shall find watching. Verily I say unto you, he will gird himself, and set them down to table, and come and wait 38 upon them. And if he come in

Jesus probably meant his coming at the destruction of Jerusalem. To Christians in

things worthy of stripes, shall be 48
beaten with few stripes; for of
every one, to whom much was
given, will much be required, and
the more will be demanded where
much was entrusted.

general each man's death may be considered
as the coming of Christ.


Duty of judging rightly.




the barren


He spake also this parable. "A 6 man had a fig-tree planted in his Parable of vineyard, and he came seeking fruit upon it, but found none. Then he said to the dresser of his vineyard, Lo! these three years I come

"You will have great need of Now some came to tell Jesus at CHAF XIL vigilance, and preparation, since that time concerning those Galile- XIII. The abuse divisions and persecutions will pre- ans, whose blood Pilate had ming- The pu of Christ's vail; for I came to send fire on led with their sacrifices. Jesus of some a religion. the earth; and what do I wish more, answered, "Think ye that these warning to since it is already kindled? Now Galileans were sinners above all the others. 50 this I wish. I have a baptism to Galileans, because they suffered 2 be baptized with, and how am such things? I tell you, No: but 3 I distressed until it be accom-unless ye repent, ye will all perish 51 plished! Think ye that I came to in such a manner. Or those 4 give peace on earth. I say unto eighteen, on whom the tower in Si52 you, No, but only division. For loam fell and slew them; think ye henceforth, if there be five in one that they were sinners above all the house, three will be divided against inhabitants of Jerusalem. I tell 5 53 two, and two against three. A fa- you, No: but unless ye repent, ye ther will be divided against his son, will all perish in like manner." and a son against his father, a mother against her daughter, and a daughter against her mother, a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in law." Then he said also to the multi-seeking fruit on this fig-tree and tude," When ye see a cloud rising find none; cut it down, why doth 7 from the west, ye say, 'It will be it even encumber the ground?' But 8 rain very shortly,' and so it is. he answered, Master, let it alone 55 And when the south wind blows, this year also, until I dig about it 'ye say it will be hot,' and so it is. and dung it; then perhaps it may 9 56 Ye hypocrites! ye can discern the bear fruit: if not, afterwards cut it appearance of the sky and the earth, down." how is it that ve do not discern this season by comparing the language of the ancient prophets with the events and circumstances of the 57 present times? Why do ye not make use of the advantages you possess, and of your own accord judge rightly? Be assured that calamity is impending, and as in other cases, so in this I advise you 58 to strive to escape it. When thou goest with thine adversary to the magistrates, do all thou canst on the way to free thyself from him, lest he take thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer," There are six days in which and the officer cast thee into pri- work should be done, come there59 son. I say unto thee, thou mayest fore in them, and he healed, and not come out thence, until thou not on the Sabbath-day." Upon 15 hast paid the very last farthing." this the Lord answered, "Thou


an infirm

woman o

Now, while he was teaching in 10 one of the synagogues, on the Sab- Jesus care bath, behold! there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eigh- the Sab teen years, and was bowed together, bath. and could not look up at all. And 12 when Jesus saw her, he called to her, and said, "Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity:" And 13 he laid his hands upon her, and immediately she became straight, and glorified God. But the ruler of 14 the synagogue being displeased because Jesus had healed her on the Sabbath, said to the multitude,

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CHAP. hypocrite! doth not any of you part from this place, for Herod CHAP. loose his ox or his ass from the meaneth to kill thee." And he saith XIV, stall on the Sabbath, and lead him unto them, "Go, tell that crafty, Jesus disregards 16 away to water him? And ought cruel prince, behold! I cast out Herod Annot this woman, a daughter of demons, and perform cures to-day tipas; Abraham, whom Satan hath and to-morrow, and on the third 32 bound, lo! these eighteen years, be day I end my course. But I must 33 loosed from this bond on the Sab-needs go on to-day, and to-morrow, and on the third day I must die; for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.


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17 bath-day." And when he had said these things, all his opposers were ashamed, and all the multitude rejoiced at all the glorious things "O Jerusalem! Jerusalem! that 34 done by him. killest the prophets, and stonest laments And he taught in cities and villa-them that are sent unto thee, how over Jeru Impenitent ges as he pursued his way to Jeru- often would I have gathered thy Jews to be salem. Then one said unto him, children together as a hen gatherrejected. "Master, will but few be saved?" eth her brood under her wings! but 24 And Jesus said unto them, "Strive ye would not. Behold! your ha- 35 to enter in by the strait door; for bitation shall be left by you desomany, I say unto you, will seek to late; and verily I say unto you, ye enter in, but for want of being will not see me, until the time will sufficiently active and zealous, will come when ye shall say, "Blessed 25 not be able. When once the mas-is he who cometh in the name of ter of the house hath risen to shut the Lord." the door, though ye begin as ye stand without to knock at the door, and say Master, master, open to us;' he will answer, I know not 26 whence ye are.' Then ye will begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou 27 hast taught in our streets.' And he will say, I tell you, I know not whence ye are; depart from me, all 98 ye workers of iniquity.' There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, 29 and yourselves turned out. And there will come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, those who will sit at table in the kingdom of God. 30 But behold! some that are last will be first, and there are first who will be last."


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man on the

And as Jesus was eating on a CHAP. Sabbath, in the house of one of the rulers, a Pharisee, they malicious- cures a ly watched him. And behold! dropsical there was before him a certain man Sabbath. that had a dropsy. Wherefore Je- 3 sus spake to the teachers of the law and Pharisees, saying, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?" And they were silent. And he took, and 4 healed him, and sent him away, and said unto them, "Which of you, 5 if an ox or an ass fall into a pit will not immediately draw him out on the Sabbath-day?" And they were 6 not able to answer these things.


Then on occasion of his observ- 7 ing how the guests chose out the Modesty first seats, he spake this parable. and humility recomWhen thou art invited by any mended; one to a marriage teast, do not 8 place thyself on the first seat, lest a more honourable man than thou have The same day some Pharisees been invited; and he that invited 9 came to him, and said, "Go, de-thee and him come and say to thee,

In the popular language of the Jews, diseases and infirmities were attributed to the

agency of supposed evil spirits.


In a short time.

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