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Reigned 17 years, 4 months, and 23 days; from May 27, 1199,

to October 19, 1216.


THERE is a peculiarity in the calculation of the regnal years of this reign, to which it will be necessary to attend in determining the real date of any document during its continuance. Under every other king, the second and succeeding regnal years commenced on the same day of the month on which he began to reign; but under John, the first day of each successive regnal year was absurdly fixed to be on Ascension-day, because his coronation, from which his reign commences, took place on that festival. Such an arrangement could not but lead to many inconveniences; for as that day is a moveable feast, not only was each regnal year of a different length, and began on a different day of the month, but in some instances several days in May in two succeeding years of Christ would occur in the same regnal year. Great confusion consequently arises, and it is often scarcely possible to fix with certainty the year of a document dated on any of the days which are thus duplicated. Sir Harris Nicolas 1

1 While these pages are passing through the press, the public papers announce the close of this gentleman's earthly career. The work from which I have

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