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Illegal imprisonment by United States. | April 22, 1863
Two horses, taken and used by United
States Army.

Cattle, mules, horses, hogs, corn, mo-
lasses, sugar, bacon, sheep, and cot-
ton taken and used by United States

Furniture, &c., burned by United
States Army.

Dwelling and workshop, stock and
material, burned by United States

Horses, cattle, flour, furniture, mer-
chandise, &c., taken, used, and de-
stroyed, and store-honse and ware-
house burned by United States

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1862 and 1863 Warren County, Miss

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Feb. 17, 1865

Feb. 15, 1864

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1861, 1862, and Creek Agency, Creek 1863. Nation.

57,022 45

Award for 1, 660 Aug. 12, 1873.

administratrix Robert Armstrong.


James Leslie..

Stock of goods (queensware and gen- May, 1863 Jackson, Miss. eral grocery) taken and used by

10, 000 00

United States Army.

Stock of goods (dry goods, groceries, Feb. 7, 1864 Brandon, Miss &c.) and dwelling-house, burned by United States Army.

10, 000 00

20,000 00

And interest. Disallowed Aug. 25, 1873.


Colin J. Nicolson

Illegal imprisonment by United States. Sept. 15, 1864 New Orleans, La..
Loss on vouchers

500, 000 00 3, 128 81

503, 128 81

And interest at 8 per ct.

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Dwelling-house, corn, fodder, one
horse, furniture, flour, groceries, &c..
taken, used, and destroyed by United
States Army.

Illegal imprisonment and banishment
of her husband and self, &c., by
United States.

256 Archibald Montgom- Cotton taken and sold by United
States. Claim was on docket of
Court of Claims.

William B. Poynton Match factory and fixtures and stock

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Geo. M. Bretherick.

9, 150 00

Disallowed Jan. 20, 1873.


Samuel Miller

Saw and grist mill, and machinery, Nov. 9, 1863 Lauderdale County,

cotton, horses, mules, corn, bacon,
sheep, cattle, &c., taken, used, and
destroyed by United States Army.
Cotton burned by United States Army.
One mule, pork, beef, corn, and wheat,
taken and used by United States

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14, 810 CO

Award for $1,170 Apr. 16, 1873.

C.-Schedule of claims presented to the commission by claimants against the respective governments, &c.-Continued.

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270 Shand, Higson & Steamship Pearl, seized by United Jan. -, 1863 At sea

$150, 000 00 And interest. Dismissed for want of jurisdiction Oct. 4, 1872.

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282 Benjamin Thornton 233 George Cooper


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Timber and wood taken and used by
United States Army.
Dwellings and out-buildings, fence,
garden, &c., taken and used by Uni-
ted States Army.

Peter A. Spearwater For damage and detention of schooner May 31, 1863

John, alias John F. Illegal imprisonment by United States Oct. 20, 1861 Buffalo, N. Y.

152, 643 51 Gold, at 6 per Disallowed Jan. 17, 1873.

Award for $38,957 Mar. 22, 1873.

Award for $4,183 Jan. 20, 1873.

13, 900 00 And interest

Award for $4,800 Aug. 5, 1873.


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-Schedule of claims presented to the commission by claimants against the respective governments, &c.-Continued.


292 Cowlam Graveley..

294 Frederick Ward 295 George Wostenholm 296 John Deighen..

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John Haskins.

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For use and damage to Factor's Cotton
Press, Anchor Cotton Press, Louis-
iana Cotton Press, and Yards No. 1,
2, and 3, and stables, yards, quarters,
&c., by United States.

Thomas Arkwright. Cotton seized and sold by United Jan.
States. Now pending in the Court

From Sept.,

Louisiana and Ar-
New Orleans, La..

254, 800 00

And interest.

Disallowed Sept. 25, 1873.

211, 687 40

'62, to Apr., '65.

And int. at 6 per cent.

Award for $103,600 Jan. 31, 1873.

- 1865 Savannah, Ga.

9, 654 20

of Claims.

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Cotton seized and sold by United Jan. -, 1865 Savannah, Ga. States. Now pending in the Court

25, 915 16

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Withdrawn by Her Britannic
Majesty's agent, Feb. 4, 1873.
Withdrawn by Her Britannic
Majesty's agent, Feb. 4, 1873.
Disallowed April 9, 1873.


Saddle, bridle, stirrups, needles and Jan. 6, 1865 Savannah, Ga
thread, taken by United States

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306 Henry A. McLeod... For schooner Prince Leopold, seized

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and sold by United States, and $2,500 per annum, value of said vessel to claimant, from September 1, 1861. No appeal to Supreme Court. Cypress lumber, machinery of sawmill, saws, axes, chains, blacksmith's tools, carpenter's tools, material, damage to buildings, &c., by United States Army

1862 and 1863 Bayou Millam, La..

18, 113 47

8 per cent.

Award for $2,790 July 21, 1873.

Flour, pork, beef, sugar, coffee, furni- Dec. 10, 1862 Fredericksburgh, Va

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ture, account-books, library, tools, damage to house, suspension of business, &c., by United States Army. Two mules, two horses, ten cattle, building, fencing, material and implements in foundry, rope, &c., taken, used, and destroyed by United States gunboat Clifton. Bacon, lard, sugar, wine, wool, &c., destroyed by United States Army. Molasses taken by United States


Parish of St. Mary, La.

17,990 00

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9, 728 90

6, 200 Co


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