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C.-Schedule of claims presented to the commission by claimants against the respective governments, &c.-Continued.

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312 Eliza and Jane Mur- Whisky, tobacco, rubber-bands, drugs, Dec. 11, 1863 Saint Joseph, La... dock.

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(Dismissed for want of juris-
diction, without prejudice
to the prosecution of the
claim elsewhere, Jan. 20,
Disallowed Dec. 17, 1872.

Award for $40,843 July 7, 1873.


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Part of claim withdrawn Nov. 27, 1872, and rest dismissed without prejudice to the prosecution of the claim elsewhere, April 30, 1873. Award for $2,984 Aug. 30, 1873.

Claim withdrawn by Her Britannic Majesty's agent, Nov. 27, 1872.

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322 Samuel Irvin & Co.. Tobacco burned at Richmond, Va., by Apr. 3, 1865 Richmond, Va


Eliza H. Molyneux,
executrix of Ed-
mund Molyneux.

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34, 320 00


Jas. W. B. Money.
William Ashton

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John Murphy.

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William G. Ford, administrator of J. G. Robinson.

Rosin burned by United States Army.. Apr. 6, 1865 Claim for cotton and turpentine; was on docket of Court of Claims. David J. Browne.... Cotton burned by United States Army. Cotton burned by United States Army. 1864 Cotton burned by United States Army. 1863 or 1864 Cotton seized and sold by United 1863

8, 100 00

And interest. Disallowed Sept. 17, 1873.

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C.-Schedule of claims presented to the commission by claimants against the respective governments, &c.-Continued.

neglect of the United States Army.
Cotton burned by United States Army.
Saw and grist mill and machinery, &c.,
burned by United States Army; and
grain, flour, books, clothes, &c.,
taken by United States Army.
Two cases books seized by United
States Army.

Illegal imprisonment of her husband
by United States, and goods, books,
and papers taken, used, and de-
stroyed by United States Army.

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For furnishing food and lodgings to
United States officers and soldiers,
and provender for United States

Dry-goods, glass-ware, stationery, gro-
ceries, drugs, medicines, liquors, &c.,
taken, used, and destroyed by
United States Army.
Cotton seized by United States
Cotton burned by United States Army.
Loss on forced sale of horses, car-
riages, and removal of wine, glass,
plate, and destruction by bombard-
ment of furniture, china, &c.
Illegal imprisonment by United States
Illegal imprisonment by United States.
Personal property and valuables taken
by United States Army.
Loss on sale of dwelling-house and fur-
niture, rope, twine, needles, leather,
&c., taken by United States Army.
Cotton seized and sold by United
States. Claim in Court of Claims.

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Dismissed for want of juris-
diction, without prejudice
to the prosecution of the
claim elsewhere, Jan. 20,

Disallowed Oct. 3, 1872.


Thomas N. Crosse.

Books, manuscripts, wearing apparel, During the Fredericksburgh, Va mineralogical specimens, gold, and copper, &c., destroyed by United States Army.

£95 0 0


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Elizabeth G. Warne- Trunk of books, music, and clothing,

Joseph W. Binney
John Butterworth

and John Ho-
worth, executors
of Henry Kay.
William R. Hodges..

left with Her Britannic Majesty's
vice-consul, and destroyed.
Illegal imprisonment by United States.
Cotton burned by United States Army.

Loss on cotton seized by United States.
For restitution of tax on sugar, mo-
lasses, and cotton, paid to the United

Cotton part seized and part destroyed
by United States Army.

by United States Army.

Sugar and molasses destroyed by act

of United States Army.

Sugar destroyed by act of United

Cotton destroyed by act of United States Army.

-, 1862 Fredericksburgh, Va


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Cotton part seized and part destroyed

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States Army.

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C.-Schedule of claims presented to the commission by claimants against the respective governments, &c.-Continued.

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