Imej halaman
[blocks in formation]


David & Thomas Harrison.

Cotton seized and sold by United States. Dec. 24, 1864 Savannah, Ga.. Net proceeds received through the

230, 998 63

[blocks in formation]


William Tipper &

Cotton seized and sold by United States. Dec. 24, 1864 Savannah, Ga.

33, 941 86

George Taylor.

Net proceeds received through the

Court of Claims.


John McLennan.

Steamer M. S. Perry, captured by Oct. 14, 1861

At sea

80, 000 00

United States steamer Keystone

State. No appeal to Supreme Court.

[blocks in formation]

Cotton burned by United States Army. April 9, 1865 Cotton seized and sold by United States. Dec. 23, 1864 Net proceeds received through Court

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Cotton seized and sold by United States. Dec. 24, 1864 Savannah, Ga.. Now pending in Court of Claims.

195, 501 16


Charles Meyers...

Cotton seized and sold by United States. Dec. 24, 1864 Savannah, Ga..

Net proceeds received through Court of Claims.


Alexan'r Collie et al. Cotton seized and sold by United States. Dec. 24, 1864 Savannah, Ga.

Alexan'r Collie et al. Edward Pembroke..

Now pending in Court of Claims.

[blocks in formation]

Dismissed for want of juris-
diction, without prejudice,
Nov. 29, 1872.

Dismissed for want of juris-
diction, without prejudice,
Nov. 29, 1872.

Dismissed for want of juris-
diction, without prejudice,
Nov. 29, 1872.

Dismissed for want of juris-
diction, without prejudice,
Nov. 29, 1872.

Dismissed for want of juris-
diction, without prejudice,
Nov. 29, 1872.

Disallowed March 19, 1873.

Disallowed Sept. 16, 1873.
Dismissed for want of juris-
diction, without prejudice,
Jan. 7, 1873.

Dismissed for want of juris-
diction, without prejudice,
Jan. 7, 1873.

Dismissed for want of juris-
diction, without prejudice,
Jan. 7, 1873.

Dismissed for want of juris-
diction, without prejudice,
Jan. 7, 1873.

Disallowed Sept. 17, 1873.
Disallowed April 10, 1873.


55, 845 00 And interest Disallowed Nov. 14, 1872.

376 377

[blocks in formation]

440, 580 00 462, 000 00


Owners of the cargo of Will-o-the-Wisp.

For cargo of the Will-o-the-Wisp, cap- June 3, 1861 tured by the United States steamer Montgomery. No appeal to Supreme

Off Matamoras, Mexico.

[blocks in formation]

For vessel Minnie, &c., captured by April 20, 1863 At sea

£3,876 3 0

the United States steamer Lodona.

No appeal to Supreme Court.

Wines, tobacco, soap, allspice, water- May, 1864 Fredericksburgh, Va.

$2,194 50

[blocks in formation]

C.-Schedule of claims presented to the commission by claimants against the respective governments, &c.-Continued.

8,825 5 0 And interest Award for $45,684 April 24, from Nov. 5, 1873. 1870.

[blocks in formation]


William B. Forwood.
395 Charles Le Quesne et
al., owners of brig
Dashing Wave.

396 Simpson & Pittman.

2,500 0 0

And interest. Claim withdrawn Dec. 17, 1872.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Wm. T. Marshall..


Thomas Potts.


For part of cargo Hiawatha, captured May 20, 1861 Hampton Roads, Va.

by United States steamer Minneso-
ta, and sold by United States.
Illegal imprisonment by United States.
Illegal imprisonment by United States.
Valentine O'B. O'- Tobacco burned and otherwise lost and
destroyed, by reason of the United
States restraining claimant from
removing the same.

405 Jos. Spence and Geo.. Fleming, owners

[blocks in formation]

36, 439 0 0

Interest and Disallowed April 24, 1873.


Award for $24,300 June 30, 1873.

Award for $1,069 June 30, 1873.

1,600 0 0 And interest. Disallowed Oct. 4, 1872.

2,600 0 0 And interest. Disallowed Oct. 4, 1872.

1,572 0 0


Disallowed June 30, 1873.

[blocks in formation]

C.-Schedule of claims presented to the commission by claimants against the respective governments, &c.-Continued.

[blocks in formation]


ing Wave, captured by the United States steamers Owasco and Vir

[blocks in formation]

Cotton taken and sold by United Dec., 1864 Savannah, Ga.
States. Claim in the Court of

430 Henry Lafone and
John T. Lawrence

For insurance on cargo of the Dash- Nov. 5, 1863 Off mouth of Rio

$13, 125 44 And int. and Disallowed April 24, 1873.

[blocks in formation]

£25, 854 0 0..


Disallowed Dec. 4, 1872.


For steamer Banshee, captured by Nov. 21, 1863 Cape Lookout..
United States steamers Grand Gulf

$530, 090 46 And int.

111, 149 18 6 Int.and costs. Dismissed for want of juris

diction, without prejudice
to prosecution of the claim
elsewhere, April 19, 1873.

Disallowed May 10, 1873.

[blocks in formation]

For steamer Tristram Shandy and May 15, 1864

steamer Kansas, and sold by United

No appeal to Supreme

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