An Enquiry Into the Causes of the Late Increase of Robbers, &c. with Some Proposals for Remedying this Growing Evil: In which the Present Reigning Vices are Impartially Exposed; and the Laws that Relate to the Provision for the Poor, and to the Punishment of Felons are Largely and Freely Examined

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A. Millar, 1751 - 203 halaman

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Halaman 11 - And thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow that are among you, in the place which the LORD thy God hath chosen to place his name there.
Halaman 6 - Thus while the Nobleman will emulate the Grandeur of a Prince ; and the Gentleman will aspire to the proper State of the Nobleman ; the Tradesman steps from behind his Counter into the vacant Place of the Gentleman. Nor doth the Confusion end here: It reaches the very Dregs of the People, who aspiring still to a Degree beyond that which belongs to them...
Halaman xxiii - This hath indeed given a new face to the whole nation, hath in a great measure subverted the former state of affairs, and hath almost totally changed the manners, customs, and habits of the people, more especially of the lower sort. The narrowness of their fortune is changed into wealth ; the simplicity of their manners into craft ; their frugality into luxury ; their humility into pride, and their subjection into equality.
Halaman 66 - ... to take and seize so much of the goods and chattels, and receive so much of the annual rents and profits of the lands and tenements of such husband, father or mother, as such two...
Halaman xii - Constitution of England partook rather of the nature of the soil than of the climate, and was as fixed and constant as the former, not as changing and variable as the latter.
Halaman xxxii - Romans , is become the happy feat of liberty, plenty, and letters; flourifhing in all the arts and refinements of civil life } yet running perhaps the fame courfe, which Rome itfelf had run before it ; from virtuous induftry to wealth ; from wealth to luxury ; from luxury to an impatience of difcipline, and corruption of morals ; till by a total degeneracy and lofs of virtue, being grown ripe for...
Halaman 193 - Foreigners have found fault with the cruelty of the English drama, in representing frequent murders upon the stage. In fact, this is not only cruel but highly injudicious: a murder behind the scenes, if the poet knows how to manage it, will affect the audience with greater terror than if it was acted before their eyes.
Halaman xxviii - Counties, perhaps, you may find an overgrown Tyrant, who lords it over his Neighbours and Tenants with despotic Sway, and who is as regardless of the Law as he is ignorant of it; but as to the Magistrate of a less Fortune, and more Knowledge, every riotous independent Butcher or Baker, with two or three thousand Pounds in his Pocket, laughs at his Power, and every Pettyfogger makes him tremble.
Halaman 101 - Peace to be marked on the Forehead or the Ball of the Cheek, with a Hot Iron, with the Sign of an S, and shall be adjudged to be Slave to his said Master for ever; and if the said Slave shall run away a second Time he shall be adjudged a Felon.
Halaman 52 - ... and not received, and also of such stock as shall be in their hands...

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