A Guide to Diplomatic Practice, Jilid 2Longmans, Green, 1917 |
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3ème série accepted agreed agreement allies Ambassador Extraordinary April Article August Austria Austria-Hungary Baron Berlin Brit Britain British Brussels Brussels edit Bulgaria Caulaincourt Chargé d'Affaires concluded Conference Congrès Congress Convention copy Count declaration delegates deux diplomatic discussion draft Droit Duke Dutch Elector Elector Palatine Emperor England English Envoy Extraordinary été être exchange Extraordinary and Minister Fait February Foreign Affairs French plenipotentiaries full-powers German Government Hague Hague Peace Conferences Holland King of France Koch and Schoell London Lord Louis XIV Majesty March mediation meeting ment Metternich minister for Foreign Minister Plenipotentiary Mons Münster negotiations Nouveau Recueil Général Osnabrück paix Papers Paris pleni Plénipotentiaires Portugal potentiaries Powers Preamble present president Prince procès-verbal proposed protocol Puissances qu'ils Rastadt ratification representatives respecting Rijswijk Russia S. M. l'Empereur S. M. le Roi Seals and signatures Secretary sera signé signed sitting Spain Spanish States-General Sweden territory tion Traité treaty of peace Turkey Vienna vols
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Halaman 228 - But if, when the date fixed for its expiration arrives, either ally is actually engaged in war, the alliance shall, ipso facto, continue until peace is concluded.
Halaman 226 - Having in view, however, their special interests, of which those of Great Britain relate principally to China, while Japan, in addition to the interests which she possesses in China, is interested in a peculiar degree politically, as well as commercially and industrially, in Korea...
Halaman 228 - In case neither of the high contracting parties should have notified twelve months before the expiration of the said ten years the intention of terminating it, it shall remain binding until the expiration of one year from the day on which either of the high contracting parties shall have denounced it. But if, when the date fixed for its expiration arrives, either ally is actually engaged in war, the alliance shall, ipso facto, continue until peace is concluded.
Halaman 246 - William R. Day, Secretary of State of the United States, and His Excellency Jules Cambon, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of France at Washington, respectively possessing for this purpose full...
Halaman 226 - If in the above event any other Power or Powers should join in hostilities against that ally, the other High Contracting Party will come to its assistance, and will conduct the war in common, and make peace in mutual agreement with it.
Halaman 239 - Le présent Protocole, qui sera considéré comme approuvé et sanctionné par les Gouvernements respectifs, sans autre ratification spéciale, par le seul fait de l'échange des ratifications sur l'Arrangement monétaire auquel il se rapporte, a été dressé en double expédition, à Paris, le 5 novembre 1878.
Halaman 243 - Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification...
Halaman 160 - ... (a) Contraband, including the circumstances under which particular articles can be considered as contraband; the penalties for their carriage; the immunity of a ship from search when under convoy; and the rules with regard to compensation where vessels have been seized, but have been found in fact only to be carrying innocent cargo...
Halaman 291 - In case of a serious difference endangering peace, the states at variance choose respectively a Power, to which they intrust the mission of entering into direct communication with the Power chosen on the other side, with the object of preventing the rupture of pacific relations. For the period of this mandate, the...