it was amongst other things enacted, that it should be lawful for the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs to make and appoint such Regulations for the carrying Coastwise of any Goods, or for the removing of any Goods for Shipment, as to them should appear expedient; and that all Goods laden, waterborne or unladen, contrary to any Regulations so made and appointed, shall be forfeited. And whereas by an Act passed in the first and second years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled "An Act to amend the Laws relating to the Customs," it is amongst other things enacted, that whenever it shall appear to the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs expedient to establish a Coasting Trade for the removal of Goods generally, or for the removal of any particular Goods, being neighbouring Ports of different Colonies, similarly circumstanced in respect of Duties in any of the British Possessions abroad, it should be lawful for the said Commissioners to issue directions for that purpose; and from and after the publication thereof in the Gazette, or other public paper printed in the said Colonies to which such Coasting Trade had been extended, the same should come into and be in full force and effect; and such Coasting Trade should be subject to the like rules, regulations, penalties and forfeitures, as the said Commissioners are authorized to make for the carrying Coastwise of any Goods under the provisions of the said Act for regulating the Trade of the British Possessions abroad. We, the undersigned, Commissioners of Her Majesty's Customs, pursuant to and in execution of the powers vested in us by the said Act, do hereby order that the Trade between the Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick shall, from and after the promulgation of these Regulations, be taken and deemed to be a Coasting Trade for the removal of Goods, similarly circumstanced in respect of Duties in the said two Provinces, under the following Regulations : First. All British Vessels or Boats, owned and navigated according to Law, may carry from any part of Nova Scotia to any part of New Brunswick all Goods, the produce of either Nova Scotia or New Brunswick, or of the British Fisheries, similarly circumstanced in respect of Duties in the two Provinces, without Entry or Clearance. Secondly. All such Vessels or Boats may carry as aforesaid all other Goods without Entry or Clearance, provided the Master shall keep a Cargo Book, in which shall be entered an account of all Goods taken on board his Vessel or Boat, noting the respective days on which the same had been laden, also the marks aud numbers of the several packages, the qualities and description of the Goods therein, and the quantities and description of any Goods stowed loose; also the names of the respective Shippers and Consignees, so far as such particulars shall be known to the said Master, who shall also note in such Cargo Book the respective days upon which any such Goods shall be delivered out of such Vessel or Boat during each respective voyage; and the Master of such Vessel shall produce his Cargo Book to any Officer of Customs whenever the same shall be demanded, who shall be at liberty to make any remark therein which he may deem proper; and if at any time any Goods, not the produce of the Provinces, nor of the British Fisheries, shall be found on board any Vessel or Boat employed as aforesaid, which shall not be inserted in the Cargo Book, the same shall be forfeited. Thirdly. And if the Cargo Book hereinbefore required to be kept by the Master of every Vessel carrying Goods as aforesaid shall not be duly kept on board the same, or if the same shall not be produced to any Officer of the Customs as hereinbefore required, in either of such cases, the whole of the Goods found on board such Vessel or Boat shall be forfeited. Mr. Street moved for leave to present a Petition from John T. Williston, Esquire, William Joplin, and 340 others, inhabitants of the Town of Chatham, in the County of Northumberland, praying that an Act may pass, authorizing the erection of a Lockup House at that place, and that the said County be assessed for the erection and support thereof; and that Witnesses may be heard at the Bar of the House upon the subject. And the Rule of the House, limiting the time for introducing Petitions, having expired, it was moved "That the said Rule in this instance be dispensed with, and leave granted to present the said Petition." Upon the question, the House divided YEAS, 2. Whereupon it was decided in the negative. On motion of Mr. M'Leod, NAYS, 21. The House went into Committee of the whole, on a Bill to authorize the Justices of the Peace in and for King's County, to erect a Building in the said County for a Common Gaol, and to raise a sum of money for erecting and completing the same. Mr. Hayward in the Chair of the Committee. Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman reported, that the Committee having the Bill referred to them under consideration, made amendments thereto, and then agreed to the Bill, under the Title of A Bill to authorize Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace of King's County, to erect a Building A* Building in the said County for a Common Gaol, and to assess the inhabitants towards defraying the expenses thereof. Ordered, That the Report be accepted, and the Bill engrossed, as amended, under the amended Title. On motion of Mr. Beardsley, The House went into Committee of the whole, in further consideration of a Bill to repeal "An Act in addition to an Act, intituled 'An Act for regulating Juries and declaring the qualification of Jurors,'" passed in the thirty first year of the Reign of King George the Third; and to repeal the third Section of "An Act for the regulating Juries and declaring the qualification of Jurors," passed in the twenty sixth year of the said Reign, and to make further provision for the regulation of Juries. Mr. Taylor in the Chair of the Committee. Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman reported, that the Committee having the Bill again before them, a motion was made "That the further consideration of the said Bill be postponed for three months." And upon the question, the Committee divided as follows: YEAS. The Hon. Mr. Speaker, The Hon. Mr. Johnston, NAYS. The Hon. Mr. Crane, Mr. M'Almon, Palmer, Brown, Wilson, End, H. T. Partelow, Woodward, Beardsley, Freeze, M'Leod, Gilbert, Hill, Boyd. And so it was decided in the negative. That the Committee then went through the Bill, and having made amendments thereto, agreed to the same, under the Title of A Bill in amendment of the Law regulating Juries. Ordered, That the Report be accepted, and the Bill engrossed, as amended, under the amended Title. On motion of the Honorable Mr. Johnston, The House went into Committee of the whole, on a Bill to alter and amend an Act, intituled "An Act to incorporate sundry persons by the name of the President, Directors and Company of the Bank of New Brunswick." Mr. Gilbert in the Chair of the Committee. Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman reported, that the Committee had the Bill referred to them under their consideration, and agreed to the same. Ordered, That the Report be accepted, and the Bill engrossed. On motion of the Honorable Mr. Crane, The House went into Committee of the whole, in further consideration of a Bill to amend an Act relating to the exportation of Butter. Mr. Hayward in the Chair of the Committee. Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman reported, that the Committee having the Bill again before them, had made an amendment thereto, and then agreed to the said Bill. Ordered, That the Report be accepted, and the Bill engrossed as amended. On On motion of Mr. Brown, The House went into Committee of the whole, on a Bill to revive and amend an Act, intituled "An Act to incorporate the Chamcook Mill and Factory Company." Mr. H. T. Partelow in the Chair of the Committee. Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman reported, that the Committee having the Bill referred to them under their consideration, it was moved "That the further consideration of the said Bill be postponed for three months." And upon the question, the Committee divided, and it was carried in the affirmative. Ordered, That the Report be accepted. On motion of the Honorable Mr. Weldon, Resolved, That a Select Committee be appointed to prepare and bring in a Bill relating to Wrecked Property. Ordered, That the Honorable Mr. Weldon, Mr. Street and Mr. Partelow, do compose the said Committee. On motion of Mr. Street, Whereas the Select Committee, to whom were referred the Petitions of the Tobique Mill Company, and others, praying to be relieved from the purchase of part of the Land, sold to that Company by Government, and that a Grant might issue for so much of the said Lands only, as is covered by the money already paid in, at the rate of the original purchase, have recommended in their Report that the prayer of the said Petitions be, to a certain extent, complied with; therefore Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, recommending, under the peculiar circumstances of this Company, that a Grant be made to the said Company of 15,000 acres of the Land originally agreed to be sold to them, (that is to say, of the Tract contiguous or near to their Mills at present erected on the Tobique, 5,000 acres, and of the Tract situate on the Gulquak Stream, a Branch of the Tobique, 10,000 acres,) on the said Company paying the sum of £1000, over and above the amount already paid in; and that the Company (on these terms being complied with within twelve months from this date) be allowed to relinquish the residue of their original purchase, provided they do so forthwith. Ordered, That Mr. Street, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Barberie, be a Committee to wait upon His Excellency with the Address. On motion of Mr. Hill, The House went into Committee of the whole, on a Bill to authorize an assessment on the inhabitants of a part of the Parish of Saint Stephen, in the County of Charlotte, for the purpose therein mentioned. Mr. Woodward in the Chair of the Committee. Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman reported, that the Committee had gone into consideration of the Bill referred to them, and agreed to the same. Ordered, That the Report be accepted, and the Bill engrossed. On motion of Mr. Woodward, The House went into Committee of the whole, on a Bill to amend an Act, intituled "An Act to incorporate the Saint John Hotel Company." Mr. Hanington in the Chair of the Committee. Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman reported, that the Committee had gone into consideration of the Bill referred to them, and agreed to the same. Ordered, That the Report be accepted, and the Bill engrossed. On motion of Mr. Woodward, The House went into Committee of the whole, on a Bill to incorporate Saint Luke's Church, in the Parish of Portland. Mr. Palmer in the Chair of the Committee. Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman reported, that the Committee having had the Bill referred to them under their consideration, made an amendment thereto, and then agreed to the said Bill. Ordered, That the Report be accepted, and the Bill engrossed as amended. On On motion of the Honorable Mr. Weldon, The House went into Committee of the whole, on a Bill for ascertaining the Population of this Province. Mr. Hill in the Chair of the Committee. Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman reported, that the Committee having the Bill referred to them under their consideration, made progress therein, and he was directed to ask leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be accepted, and leave granted. Mr. Freeze, by leave, presented a Petition from Thomas Pearson and 31 others, inhabitants of the Parishes of Sussex and Norton, in King's County, preferring charges against the Supervisor of the Great Road from Saint John to Hayward's Mills, and praying that the said Road may be placed in charge of a Supervisor who may be resident in the County; which he read. And the Rule of the House, limiting the time for introducing Petitions, being in this instance dispensed with, Ordered, That the said Petition be received, and lie on the Table; and On motion of Mr. Partelow, Ordered, That the Clerk of this House be directed to furnish the said Supervisor with a copy of the said Petition; and On like motion of Mr. Partelow, Resolved, That a Select Committee be appointed to investigate the allegations in the same, as also those contained in the Petitions on the same subject, which were presented to the House yesterday. Ordered, That Mr. Brown, Mr. Wilson, Mr. End and Mr. Fisher, do compose the said Committee. On motion of Mr. L. A. Wilmot, The House went into Committee of the whole, on a Bill to enable the Fredericton Steam Boat Company to sue and be sued in the name of the President, for the time being, of the said Company. The Honorable Mr. Weldon in the Chair of the Committee. Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman reported, that the Committee having had the Bill referred to them under their consideration, made progress therein, and he was directed to ask leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be accepted, and leave granted. On motion of Mr. Street, The House went into Committee of the whole, on a Bill further in amendment of the Law, and the better advancement of Justice. Mr. Partelow in the Chair of the Committee. Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The Chairman reported, that the Committee having had the Bill referred to them under their consideration, made further progress therein, and he was directed to ask leave to sit again. Ordered, That the Report be accepted, and leave granted. Prayers. The House adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Saturday, 22d February, 1840. Mr. Woodward, by leave, presented a Petition from the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of Saint John, praying that an Act may pass, authorizing the Corporation to make purchase of the property of the Saint John Water Company, and for power to assess the inhabitants of the City for the payment of the Interest on the amount required to make the same; which he read. And the Rule of the House limiting the time for introducing Petitions and Bills being dispensed with in this instance, under the special circumstances stated when the Petition was introduced, Ordered, That the said Petition be received, and lie on the Table. Mr. Mr. Woodward then moved for leave to bring in a Bill, to facilitate the means of supplying the City of Saint John with Water. Leave granted. The said Bill being brought in, was read a first time. The Honorable Mr. Weldon, from the Committee appointed yesterday to prepare a Bill relative to Wrecked Property, reported, that they had attended thereto, and he was directed to submit the same, under the Title of— A Bill relating to Wrecked Property. Ordered, That the Report be accepted. The Bill being then handed in, was read a first time. Read a third time as engrossed, A Bill for the Naturalization of Aliens in this Province. When Mr. End moved the following amendment to be added thereto, by way of Ryder, and to stand as a Fifth Section, viz: "V. And whereas it is not expedient or proper that any Alien or person of Foreign birth should, by virtue of this Act, become entitled to the privileges of Her Majesty's natural born subjects, unless such Alien or person of Foreign birth be a believer in the fundamental principles of Christianity; "Be it therefore enacted, That every person applying to be Naturalized under the provisions of this Act, in addition to the oath or affirmation herein before required, at the time of taking such oath or making such affirmation, shall further swear (or affirm, in cases where affirmation is allowed by law,) and subscribe to the affidavit and declaration following, that is to say, "I, A. B. do solemnly swear, that I do believe in the Divine authenticity of the Holy Scriptures, and in the fundamental principles of the Christian Religion. "SO HELP ME God." Which oath or affirmation shall be administered by the Judge before whom the firstmentioned oath or affirmation is by this Act directed to be taken; and no testimonial or certificate of Naturalization shall be in any wise granted under the authority of this Act, to any Alien or person of Foreign birth, who shall neglect or refuse to take the oath or make the affirmation in this Section mentioned." And the same being thrice read, and the question put thereon, it was agreed to by the House. Resolved, That the Bill, with the Ryder, do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Boyd do take the same to the Council, and desire their concurrence thereto. A Message from the Legislative Council. Mr. Miller, Master in Chancery, informed the House that the Council had agreed to A Bill to continue the Act relating to Church Wardens and Vestrymen, and to persons having voices in their election, so far as relates to the Parish Church of Saint Andrews: A Bill to continue an Act relating to the navigation of the Inner Bay of Passamaquoddy and A Bill to continue the Act for the more speedy and effectual punishment of persons keeping disorderly Houses: Without any amendment. And that they had also agreed to A Bill to regulate the Assize of Bread in the Towns of Saint Andrews and Saint Stephen, in the County of Charlotte, and to repeal the Acts now in force relating to the Town of Saint Andrews, With amendments, to which they desire the concurrence of the House. On motion of Mr. Boyd, The House proceeded to take into consideration the said amendments. The amendments being severally read, are as follow: At A in Section III. insert the words "And into any shop or other place where Bread is sold, or offered for sale, and carefully to inspect and weigh all Bread so manufactured or offered for sale." |