It will be noticed that the amounts in the above Abstract do not bear a relative proportion to the appropriations, viz:-There is nothing for College, and but a small part of the expense of Printing, those Warrants being yet unpaid-whereas there is the greater part of two years grants for Parish Schools, Great and Bye Roads, and Collection and Protection of the Revenue. The following articles have produced some of the Ordinary Duties, and the Ports are designated at which they have been collected or secured. In the above Abstract no notice has been taken of the articles destroyed at the great Conflagration in Saint John, on the 17th August last. Respectfully submitted. Committee Room, 14th February, 1840. J. R. PARTELOW, CHAIRMAN, HENRY T. PARTELOW, Committee. INDEX. 1840. Aboriginal Inhabitants. Recommended to consideration of House in Speech, 7; referred to Supply, 17. Grant to Missionaries, 142, 238. Do. Commissioners for Indians, 215. Do. Purchase Lands in Westmorland, 203. Lands in Northumberland recommended to be sold-Address and reply, Accounts. Public and Private. Acheson, George Committee on appointed, 9; Members added, 34. Arestook Boom-expense of, 117. Crown Land Returns, 55. Geological Survey, 54. Government House, 172. Receiver General's, 63. See Appendix, clvi. Treasurer's Accounts, 34; Report thereon, 70. See Appendix, ccxcv. Report from Committee on Supervisors Accounts, and Commissioners for on Report, 247. See Resolutions. Report from Committee on Accounts of Bye Road Commissioners, 232. Report from Commissioners appointed under Act of Assembly to examine To be reimbursed loss, in consequence of having to abandon Land, 35. Adam, James and others. For Return Duties on articles destroyed by fire, 120, 132. To Her Majesty the Queen. Congratulating Her Majesty on Her Marriage with His Royal Highness Vessels with Deck Loads-That Imperial Act may not be continued, so far To His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor. In answer to Speech: Committee to prepare, 7; reported, 12; presented and re- Civil List. For detailed account of Expenditure of £14,500, and Salaries charged That surplus be applied towards payment of Salary to Master of Rolls, 154; Crown Land Office. For Returns of Lands granted exceeding 200 acres; also, of Grants to |