AS the General Assembly of this Province stands prorogued to the Tuesday in December instant; I have thought fit further to prorogue l Assembly, and the same is hereby prorogued to Tuesday the twenty anuary next, then to meet at Fredericton for the dispatch of business. Given under my Hand and Seal, at Fredericton, the fifth day of W BRUNSWICK. [ajor General Sir John Harvey, K. C. B. and K. C. H., Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief, &c. &c. &c. ericton, Tuesday, 28th January, 1840. aving been by several Proclamations prorogued until this day, then the despatch of business; and being met s received from His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, by the of the Black Rod, requiring the immediate attendance of the House amber. ended, and being returned noved for leave to bring in a Bill, to provide for the Inspection of n this Province. e Mr. Speaker then reported, that His Excellency had been pleased to both Houses, of which Mr. Speaker said he had, to prevent miscopy; which he read to the House, and is as followeth : dent, and Honorable Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, Speaker, and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly, I reflect upon the many unequivocal manifestations on the part of the abitants of this loyal Province,-of their anxious desire and firm deemain in indissoluble connexion with that Glorious Country, "our nder the shadow of whose protecting Power they feel themselves in f a degree of Rational Liberty which has probably never been attained than British Institutions,-it is with, if possible, an increased degree tisfaction, that I again meet you in Provincial Parliament for the purting with you, as the Representative of a Gracious and beloved Sovethe Happiness and Prosperity of all Classes of Her Subjects are dear, tion and adoption of such Measures, as may, in our concurrent judgcrease that Happiness-to promote that Prosperity-and to call forth urces of this highly favoured Portion of Her Majesty's Dominions. actual condition of the Province, I rejoice in being enabled to offer congratulations ;-Its Trade and consequently its Revenues and Finanflourishing beyond any former Period. The unavoidable increase in of the past year, owing to the Proceedings of a Neighbouring State, ily met by a corresponding increase of the Revenue; accordingly I |