Journals of the House of Assembly of the Province of New BrunswickPrinter to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, 1840 |
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31st December Alexander amend amount Bay of Fundy Bill do pass Bill engrossed Bill referred Bill to continue Bridge Brunswick Carleton Chairman reported Charles City of Saint Clerk's Table Commander in Chief Connell consideration continue an Act County of Charlotte Crown Lands Cunard Deputy Treasurer Ditto Ditto Ditto Esquire Excellency the Lieutenant Expenditure expunge the words Fredericton George Gloucester Governor or Commander Hammond River Honorable improve the Road intituled An Act James Johnston Joseph King's County L. A. Wilmot Leave granted leave to bring Licence Lieutenant Governor Light House Lumber M'Leod Majesty's Mill Miramichi motion moved for leave Northumberland Nova Scotia Ordered paid Parish Peter Petition be received praying presented a Petition Rankin Red Pine Report be accepted report thereon Resolved resumed the Chair Richibucto River Road leading Robert Saint Andrews Saint John Saint Stephen Satisfactory Settlement Shediac Speaker resumed Taylor Thomas Timber tons Weldon Westmorland William Woodstock Woodward
Petikan popular
Halaman 39 - I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, to acquaint you for the information of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, that my Lords have concluded an agreement with Mr.
Halaman 100 - Most Excellent Majesty in Council. WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Session of Parliament held in the third and fourth years of the reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to regulate the Trade of the British Possessions Abroad...
Halaman 167 - All fines, forfeitures, and penalties imposed or incurred in any court of record or before any justice of the peace...
Halaman 154 - General has received Her Majesty's commands to administer the Government of these Provinces in accordance with the well understood wishes and interests of the people...
Halaman 42 - They are intended to apply rather to the heads of departments than to persons serving as clerks or in similar capacities under them ; neither do they extend to officers in the service of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury.
Halaman 57 - ... countries whenever they may imagine that acts of hostile aggression over the disputed territory are meditated or threatened on the part of the State of Maine. The President can not but hope that when Her Majesty's Government at home shall be apprised of the position assumed in this regard by its colonial agents proper steps will be taken to place the performance of express and solemn agreements upon a more secure basis than colonial discretion, to be exercised on apprehended disregard of such...
Halaman 56 - ... and protection (whether along the confines of the disputed territory or within that portion of it where, it has been before explained, the authority of Great Britain, according to the existing agreements, was not to be interfered with ) as may seem to them necessary for guarding against or for promptly repelling the further acts of hostile aggression over the whole of the disputed territory which it appears to be the avowed design of the State of Maine sooner or later to attempt. For the undersigned...
Halaman 57 - Governments to divest a question abounding in causes of deep and growing excitement of as much as possible of the asperity and hostile feeling it is calculated to engender; but unless attended with the most scrupulous observance of the spirit and letter of their provisions, it would prove but one more cause added to the many already prevailing of enmity and discord. Mr. Fox has already been made the channel of conveyance to his Government of the desire and determination of the President that the...
Halaman 42 - ... terms, they were unwilling to incur the risk and expense of transferring their residence to remote and often to unhealthy climates. But the habit which has obtained of late years of...
Halaman 101 - Act passed in the first and second years of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled "An Act to i & 2 Viet. abolish Compositions for Tithes in Ireland, and to substitute Rent- c- 109charges in lieu thereof...