| 1705 - 522 halaman
...thou plantedft not, when thou (bait have eaten and be full; ii Then beware left Aou forget the LORD which brought thee forth out of •the' land of Egypt, from the houfeof bondage. 13 Thou (halt fear the LORD Ay God, and ferve hjm, and (halt fwear by his name. 14... | |
 | Francis Atterbury - 1708 - 582 halaman
...Flocks multiply, Attd thy Silver And thy Gold is multiplied, and all thou haft is multiplied : 1\>w thine Heart be lifted up, and thou forget the Lord thy God, that brought thee forth out cj the Land of ./Egypt, from the Hotijt of Bondage ; and thou fay in thine... | |
 | Simon Browne - 1716 - 108 halaman
...and art full, and when thy Herds, ana thy Flocks, and thy Silver and Gold are multiply d, then will thine Heart be lifted up, and thou forget the LORD thy GOD. It is alfo given as the lad Charafter of this People, that || Jeihurun waxed fat and kicked ; when... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 halaman
...thy Silver and thy Gold is multiplied, and all that thou haft is multiplied : 14 Then thine Heart he lifted up, and thou forget the LORD thy GOD (which...brought thee forth out of the Land of Egypt, from the Houfc of Bondage ; 1 5 Who led thee through that great and terrible Wildernefs, wherein were fiery... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 halaman
...multiply, and thy Silver and thy Gold is multiplied, and a!-l that thou haft is multiplied : 14 Then thine Heart be lifted up, and thou forget the LORD thy GOD (which brought thee forth out of the I/ind of Egypt, from the Houfe of Bondage; » 15 Who led thee through that great and terrible Wildernefs,... | |
 | William Warburton - 1765 - 448 halaman
...thou plantedft not, " when thou malt have eaten and be full; then *c beware left thou forget the Lord which brought *' thee forth out of the Land of Egypt from " the houfe of bondage. Thou malt fear the " Lord thy GOD and ferve him, and malt fwear " by his name. Ye mall not go after... | |
 | Jacob Bryant - 1767 - 368 halaman
...Lord thy God," faid Mofes to the Israelites, " which brought thee forth out of the land of " Egypt y from the houfe of bondage} Who led thee through "...great and terrible wildernefs, wherein were fiery fer" pents, and fcorpions, and drought, where there was no " water." It was a part of this fame wildernefs,... | |
 | Francis Atterbury - 1774 - 340 halaman
...flocks multiply, and thy " filver and thy gold is multiplied, and all thou " haft is multiplied : Then thine heart be lifted " up, and thou forget the Lord thy God, that " brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, t( from the houfe of bondage ; and thou iay in,... | |
 | Robert MacCulloch - 1791 - 750 halaman
...flocks multiply, and thy filver and gold is multiplied, and all that thou haft is multiplied : then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the Lord thy God f.' fhips and dangers. -Would you, my friends, avoid * Deut. xxviii. 47, 48. t Deut. viii. i0. etfeq.... | |
 | Joshua Toulmin - 1791 - 232 halaman
...a hundred years of liberty and profperity ; " and, if we do not forget the " Lord which brought us forth out " of the land of Egypt from the houfe of bondage," it may prolong " the bleffmg to an hundred more*." It was an event, which diffufed joy and gladnefs... | |
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