८ 6 ८ CAP. LIII. An Act for enabling His Majesty to make further Provifion for His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, and to fettle an Annuity on the Princess of Leiningen, in cafe she shall survive his faid Royal Highness. • Most Gracious Sovereign, WE [30th May 1818.] the Duke of Kent. E, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament assembled, having taken into Confideration ' the Message of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, acting in ' the Name and on the behalf of His Majesty, communicating that a Treaty of Marriage was in Negociation between His Royal High' ness the Duke of Kent and Her Serene Highness Mary Louisa Victoria, Widow of the late Prince of Leiningen and Sifter of the Reigning Duke of Saxe Cobourg of Saalfeld and of his Royal • Highness Leopold George Frederick Prince of Cobourg of Saalfeld, ⚫ do most humbly befeech Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and Be it enacted by The King's Moft Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That it shall and may be lawful to and for The King's An Annuity of Moft Excellent Majesty, by any Letters Patent under the Great Seal 6000l. during of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to give and Pleasure to the grant unto His faid Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, for and during His Majesty's Royal Will and Pleasure, an Annuity or Yearly Sum of Six thousand Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain, in such Proportions and in such manner and Form as His Majesty in His Wisdom shall think fit to direct and appoint the fame; which Annuity shall commence and take effect from the Fifth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and shall be paid and payable Quarterly in equal Portions, at the Four most ufual Days of Payment in the Year, (that is to say,) the Fifth Day of July, the Tenth Payable Day of O&ober, the Fifth Day of January, and the Fifth Day of Quarterly. April in each and every Year; and also that it shall and may be Alike Annuity lawful to and for The King's Most Excellent Majesty, by Letters to the Duchefs Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Bri- for Life if the tain and Ireland, to give and grant unto Her said Serene Higliness survive the Mary Louisa Victoria Princess of Leiningen, when she shall become Duchess of Kent, or to such other Person or Persons as His Majesty shall think fit to be named in such Letters Patent, and his or their Heirs, to the Use of or in Trust for Her faid Serene Highness, an Annuity of Six thousand Pounds of like lawful Money, which shall have Commencement and take effect immediately from and after the Decease of His faid Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, in cafe Her faid Serene Highness shall survive him, and shall continue from thenceforth for and during the natural Life of Her faid Serene Highness, and shall be paid and payable in equal Portions at the Four Days of Payment hereinbefore mentioned; the First Payment thereof to be made at fuch of the faid Days of Payment as shall first and next happen after the Decease of His faid Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, in cafe Her faid Serene Highness shall survive him as aforesaid; and that the said feveral Annuities shall and may in and by fuch Letters Patent be directed to be respectively ifiving and payable out of and chargeable N2 Duke, payable The faid An nuities payabl out of Confulk. dated Fund, At the Receipt of the Exchequer, without Fee. Annuities clear of Taxes. 56 G. 3. c. 57. chargeable upon the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, (after paying or referving sufficient to pay all such Sums as have been directed to be paid out of the fame by any Act or Acts of Parliament made previous to the time of paffing this Act,) but with preference to all other Payments which shall or may at any time or times after the passing of this Act be charged upon and payable out of the faid Fund. II. And be it further enacted, That the said several Annuities, as the same shall take effect, shall be paid and payable during the Continuance of the same respectively at the Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer at Westminster; and the Auditor of the said Receipt shall and he is hereby required by virtue of such Letters Patent respectively to make forth and pass Debentures from time to time for paying the faid several Annuities during the Continuance of the fame respectively, and as the same shall become due and payable, without any Fees or Charges to be demanded or taken for paying the fame, or any Part thereof; and the faid Debentures to be made forth and passed as aforesaid shall be a sufficient Authority to the several and respective Officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer now and for the time being for the Payment of the said several Annuities, as the same shall take effect, according to the Directions of this Act, without any further or other Warrant to be sued for, had or obtained in that behalf. III. And be it further enacted, That the said several Annuities, and every Part thereof respectively, shall be free and clear from all Taxes, Rates and Affefsments, and all other Charges whatever, imposed or to be imposed by Authority of Parliament or otherwife. CAP. LIV. An Act to grant certain Rates, Duties and Taxes in Ireland, ، ، W HEREAS it is expedient to repeal the several Rates, Duties and Taxes payable in Ireland in respect of Fire Hearths, • Windows, Male Servants and other Male Persons, Carriages, Horses ، and Dogs, granted by an Act of Parliament made in the Fifty fixth • Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled An At to grant ' certain Rates, Duties and Taxes in Ireland in respect of Fire Hearths, • Windows, Male Servants, Horses, Carriages and Dogs, in lieu of ' former Rates, Duties and Taxes, and to provide for the more effectual • Collection of the said Rates, Duties and Taxes, and to grant other Rates, Duties and Taxes in lieu thereof, and to provide for the › regulating and fecuring the Collection of all such Rates, Duties • and Taxes; Be it therefore enacted by The King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament afssembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the Fifth Day of January One thousand eight hundred and eighteen, the several Rates, Duties and Taxes on Fire Hearths, Windows, repealed, except Male Servants and other Male Perfons, Carriages, Horses and Dogs, granted The Rates on Arrears, & c. 13 granted in and by the hereinbefore recited Act, and all Regulations and Directions contained in or made by the faid Act, shall cease and determine, and shall be and the fame are hereby repealed, except fo far as the faid Act repeals any former Act or Acts, and except also so far as the said recited Act relates to the charging, recovering, levying, paying, allowing, repaying or accounting for any Rates, Duties and Taxes or Arrears thereof, due or incurred on or previous to the said Fifth Day of January One thousand eight hundred and eighteen, save as hereinafter otherwise is provided for the Payment and Collection of the fame, and also except so far as may concern or relate to the profecuting, fuing for and recovering of any Fine, Penalty or Forfeiture for any Offence against the said Act, or for any Offence against any Act or Acts relating to the faid Rates, Duties and Taxes, or any of them, which shall have been or shall be committed on or before the faid Fifth Day of January One thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and except so far as relates to any Suit or Proceeding which may have been commenced or instituted, or shall be commenced or instituted at any time after the faid Fifth Day of January One thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and before the paffing of this Act, for or in respect of, or relating to any fuch Rates, Duties and Taxes; and which faid Suits or Proceedings shall and may be proceeded on to Judgment and Execution to all Intents and Purposes as if the said Act had not been repealed and determined. II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the Fifth Day of January One thoufand eight hundred and eighteen, there shall be levied, raised, collected, paid and satisfied unto His Majesty, His Heirs and Succeffors, upon and in respect of the several Fire Hearths or other Places for Firing or Stoves, Windows or Lights, Male Servants or other Male Persons, Horses, Mares, Geldings, Carriages and Dogs specified, defcribed and contained in the several Schedules marked A., B., C., D., E., F., G., H. and I. respectively to this Act annexed, the several Amounts, Sums of Money, Rates, Duties and Taxes as they are respectively described and fet forth in the said respective Schedules; and that the faid several Schedules, and all and every the Rules, Regulations, Exceptions, Exemptions and Abatements therein respectively specified and contained, shall be deemed and taken to be a Part of this Act to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever; and the faid Rates, Duties and Taxes shall be in lieu and instead and in full Satisfaction of all Rates, Duties and Taxes granted by any former Act or Acts of Parliament upon and in respect of the like Articles, matters and things, except such Rates, Duties and Taxes as have been impofed for certain local Purposes in Ireland by any Act or Acts of Parliament. or III. Provided always, and be it enacted, That every Affessment and Charge of the Rates, Duties and Taxes, in respect of Fire Hearths and other Firing Places or Stoves, and of Windows Lights, Male Servants and other Male Perfons, Horses, Mares, Geldings, Carriages and Dogs, or of any of them, which shall have been made, and also every Act or Acts which shall have been done or performed by any Officer or other Person appointed by or acting under the Orders or Directions of the Commiffioners of Inland Excife and Taxes in Ireland, in relation to the fame, at any time fince the Fifth Day of January One thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and before the paffing of this Act, pursuant to the Regulations and Provisions N3 The Duties specified in Schedules an nexed to be paid. Affeffiments and : Duties paici in rency, and carried to Con folidated Fund. Officers may enter Houses to ascertain the Number of Hearths and Windows. If Admittance Provisions of the faid Act hereinbefore recited and repealed, shall be and the fame is and are hereby declared to be good, valid and effectual to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever. IV. And be it further enacted, That all Rates, Duties and Taxes by this Act and the several Schedules hereunto annexed, granted and made payable, shall be paid and payable and received and receivable in British Currency; and that all and every the said Rates, Duties and Taxes, the necessary Charges of raising and accounting for the fame being deducted, shall be carried to and made Part of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. V. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for any Officer or Officers, or other Perfon who now is or are or hereafter shall be appointed by or acting under the Orders and Directions of the Commiffioners of Inland Excife and Taxes in Ireland, for the charging, affeffing, collecting or fuperintending the charging, affeffing or Collection of the faid Rates, Duties and Taxes, or any of them, at any time in the Day time between the Hours of Eight of the Clock in the Forenoon and Sunfet, to enter into any House, and into every Outhouse, Office and Edifice appertaining or belonging thereto, and into the several Apartments and Places therein, and to take Information, from his own View and Survey, of the Number of Fire Hearths and other Places for Firing and Stoves therein, and alfo of the Number of Windows or Lights therein; and such House, Office or Edifice shall be charged accordingly with the Rates, Duties and Taxes in respect of the Number of Fire Hearths and other Places for Firing or Stoves, and of Windows or Lights therein, and if any fuch be not obtained, Officer or Officers, or other Person authorized as aforesaid, shall not, on Demand of Entrance by knocking or otherwise, obtain Admittance into any fuch House, Outhouse, Office or Edifice, or after Admittance certain Day and shall not be fuffered to enter into all and every the Apartments and Officers to leave Notice of attending at a Hour. Refuling Admittance, after fuch Notice, Penalty 201. Proviso if no other Places therein respectively, it shall and may be lawful for fuch Officer, or other Person authorized as aforesaid, and he is required to leave a Notice at such House with any Person refident therein above the Age of Sixteen Years, setting forth, that fuch Officer or other Perfon authorized as aforesaid, will attend at fuch House at a certain Day and Hour to be specified in such Notice, such Hour to be within the Hours of Eight of the Clock in the Forenoon and Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, and requiring to be admitted into fuch House, Outhouse, Office or Edifice, and into every Apartment and Place therein respectively; and if such Officer or other Person authorized as aforesaid shall not at the time mentioned in fuch Notice obtain Admittance into fuch House, Outhouse, Office or Edifice, and into every Apartment and Place therein into which he shall require to be admitted, the Occupier of such House, or the Person deemed the Occupier within the Provisions of this Act, as the cafe may be, shall for each Offence forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds; and if no Person shall appear at such House, Outhouse, Office or Edifice, from whom fuch Officer or other Person as aforesaid can make Demand of Entrance, or on whom such Notice can be served, then such Officer or other Person as aforesaid shall and he is required to post such Notice as aforesaid on the Door of fuch House, Outhouse, Office or Edifice; and if fuch Officer or other Person as aforesaid shall not at the time mentioned in such Notice be admitted into such House, Outhouse, Office or Edifice, and into every Apartment and Place therein, therein, then the Occupier or Person deemed the Occupier thereof shall forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds. Penalty 201. (except the Kitchen or Outhouse) may be refused, if a VI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That the Occupier Admittance to of every fuch House, or any Person who shall attend fuch Officer or any Apartment other Person authorized as aforefaid upon fuch Survey, may refuse to permit such Officer or other Person to be admitted into any Room or Apartment, except the same be a Kitchen or a Room in an Outhouse, provided that such Occupier or Person who shall so attend shall Charge for One consent that the Tax in respect of One Fire Hearth and of Three Hearth, and Windows shall be charged for such Room or Apartment, and in Three Windows such case every such Officer or other Person authorized as aforesaid be allowed by shall accordingly charge fuch House with the Tax for One Fire Occupier. Hearth and Three Windows for every fuch Room or Apartment, and no more, unless it shall be ascertained by such Officer or other Person authorized as aforesaid, without entering into fuch Room or Apartment, that the fame contains a greater Number of Fire Hearths, Firing Places or Stoves than One, or a greater Number of Windows or Lights than Three; and such Tax shall be paid accordingly: Provided always, that if it shall be afcertained by fuch Officer or other But when it can Person authorized as aforesaid, without entering into such Room or be afcertained Apartment, that the fame does not contain any Fire Hearth or Firing without Entry, Place or Stove, or contains any less Number of Windows or Lights Charge only than Three, every such Officer or other Person authorized as aforefaid shall not charge such House with the Tax for any Fire Hearth or Firing Place or Stove for any fuch Room or Apartment, nor with any Tax for any greater Number of Windows than shall be actually contained in any fuch Room or Apartment, as the cafe may require. made for actual Number. Owner of House let in different Apartments, deemed: VII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That where any House or any Part thereof is or shall be let in different Apartments to any Person or Perfons, the Owner of fuch House so letting the fame, or for whose Benefit such Letting is made, shall be deemed the Occupier Occupier. thereof, and shall be charged with and be liable to pay the Rates, Duties and Taxes in respect of the Fire Hearths and Stoves or other Fire Places, and of the Windows or Lights in such House, with every Outhouse, Office or Edifice appertaining thereto. VIII. And be it further enacted, That the Rates, Duties and Rates may be Taxes on Fire Hearths, Firing Places and Stoves, and on Windows. levied on Goods or Lights, shall be charged on and payable by the Occupiers of of Occupier. fuch Houses respectively, or the Persons having the Right to occupy the fame respectively, and shall and may be levied at any time by Distress and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of fuch Occupier or Person having the Right aforesaid, during whose Occupancy or Right thereto, fuch Rates, Duties or Taxes shall have been or shall be incurred; and that any Arrear of fuch Rates, Duties and Taxes, not exceeding One Year's Amount, exclusive of the Rates, Duties and Taxes of the current Year in which a Distress shall be made, and no more, shall and may be levied by Distress and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of any subsequent Occupier of fuch House. IX. And be it further enacted, That the Rates, Duties and Taxes in respect of Fire Hearths or other Fire Places and Stoves, and Windows or Lights, shall be charged Yearly and every Year for the whole Year, commencing on the Sixth Day of January, for such Number of Fire Hearths, or other Fire Places and Stoves, and Windows or Lights, as shall on the Sixth Day of January in any such Year be in N4 Rates to be charged for the whole Year, for such Number of Hearths and Windows as shall be in the any House on the |